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LORELEI WAS THANKFUL FOR HER FRIENDS AND HAGRID. After that terrible night, she was warned by Dumbledore to stay in the shallow area. He apologized often for not telling her before. Hagrid felt terrible, of course, but there was nothing he could have done. Lorelei visited him often now for a cup of tea. She wanted to make sure he knew she didn't blame him for anything.

Christmas didn't seem as cheerful as normal, but it was relaxing. It was only the Weasleys, Hermione, Harry, and Lorelei in the Gryffindor Tower. Lorelei enjoyed that a lot.

Lorelei held Brizo tightly. She glared at him while sitting on her bed. "You've been avoiding me, Brizo. Hanging out with Percy, Ginny, and Ron more than me. I don't like it."

Brizo huffed.

"What? It's not like I've been avoiding you! You haven't slept in here in weeks!"

Brizo lowered his head in shame.

"Aha! You regretful little crab. You're spending today with me!"

Lorelei stood up to go tell the twins Happy Christmas, but she was surprised to see them up and waiting at the bottom of the girl's dorms.

"There you are, Miss Lorelei. We come bearing gifts!" Fred announced. "For Mr. Crab as well!"

Brizo beamed at the twin.

After exchanging gifts, Lorelei put on her new sweater for the cold day. She spent most of the day playing Exploding Snaps with the twins and Brizo until dinner. It was a quiet and peaceful holiday. Fred had nudged her as they made it in the Great Hall. He pointed his wand at Percy's Prefect badge and performed a charm to make it say Pinhead.

After the holidays, the second term started slowly. Lorelei felt herself getting bored. There wasn't much homework, yet, and Quidditch had been going fairly well since they won with that nasty rogue Bludger. When Valentines Day had come out of nowhere, Lorelei watched as many fourth-years were becoming well-aware of the opposite sex.

She had seen Angelina and Fred snog so much, she was getting worried about their lips. She had seen Lee even getting action in the lone corridor. Much of her classmates like Roger Davies and Cedric Diggory were becoming what they would be called in the Muggle world: heartthrobs.

Lorelei was feeling rather weird on this holiday.

She had received the odd Valentine from boys she didn't even know, but she saw the worst when Harry had a singing dwarf find him. Fred and George didn't let him live that one down the rest of the week.

Lorelei was just glad she didn't see George snogging anyone. She didn't understand the flutter in her stomach very well, but she knew she felt something for the twin. She wouldn't have acted so possessively and stupid in the first term.

It was rather late one evening at the end of February when George found her in the library. His nose was scrunched in disgust at the rows of books she had hidden herself in.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were hiding," George said with a grin.

"No, no. Just studying. McGonagall is setting this quiz tomorrow, and I'm afraid I wasn't paying attention in class," Lorelei responded with a shrug.

George huffed when he heard a faint shh from the librarian. "Let's get out of here. Go for a swim, maybe?"

Lorelei smirked and pointed at the sun that was still high in the air. "Anyway, we can't be out of the castle unattended. Remember?"

"Ah, when have I listened to rules, love?"

So, she packed her things and followed George to the lake. She didn't go all the wat in the water. She only wanted to put her toes in, but she ultimately had put her legs in up to her calf. George grinned at the satisfied smile on her face.

The smile was shortlived as sniggering was heard from behind them.

"Wonder what happens when we push her in, Pucey?" Montague sneered coming closer to her. Before she could react, Montague did push her in the water completely clothed. "Shame it isn't a full moon. Would've loved to cut that wretched tail off."

George stood with his wand raised as Lorelei quickly got out of the water, even though it felt nice, and muttered a drying spell. "Get lost, Montague," George growled out.

Lorelei pointed her wand at the group of Slytherins as well. She could see Bletchley, Malfoy and his goons, and Flint smirking from behind Montague, Pucey, and Warrington. It was eight against two.

"Or what, blood-traitor? You'll do nothing," Warrington sneered making the Slytherins laugh.

Lorelei allowed her teeth to elongate and her eyes to become dark. Malfoy took a wary step back. "Rictusempra!" she snarled as George yelled, "Expelliarmus!"

Montague went down at Lorelei's spell as Pucey's wand flew near the lake from George's. Lorelei shot another spell at Warrington as she watched Malfoy and his bodyguards leave quickly. Flint only smirked with Bletchley standing not far with the same expression.

The three fourth-year Slytherins could do nothing as Lorelei and George were clearly better duelers. The Slytherins were too cocky and arrogant. Lorelei just got things done.

"Now, go cry to Snape so he'll take more points from us. Maybe I'll get a note with my detention on it, later. That's all you lot are good for: crying and whining about things when they don't go your way. GET OUT OF HERE!" Lorelei yelled getting rather close to Pucey who looked like he had seen a ghost while watching her eyes. The fourth-year Slytherins left quickly once Pucey found his wand.

George sneered at Flint and Bletchley. "Well? What do you two want?"

"Just observing, Weaslebee. No need to get angry. Calypso has enough of a temper for all of us," Flint said sending her a wink.

She quickly put her shoes on and grabbing George's sleeve. "Let's go."

Flint and Bletchley watched her leave with those same damn smirks on their faces.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now