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Her hair was stuck to her forehead as sweat shined on her exposed skin. She was breathing heavily, her heart beating faster than ever. Falling back onto the soaked pillow behind her, she felt tears escaping her eyes.

A hand moved to rest gently on Lorelei's stomach, rubbing soothing circles. Soon, the body next to her sat up, pulling her with him. She sobbed into his chest, a habit that happened every night since the Battle of Hogwarts.

Ophelia's loud cries were heard next, no doubt hearing the distress of her mother.

Lorelei pulled away from George without another word, standing up as she padded her way into Fred's room where he insisted the crib be placed. Fred was awake, most likely since he heard Lorelei's screams. He was sitting up, knowing Lorelei would show up but waiting to see if she would rather him put Ophelia back to sleep. She ignored the twin, moving to Ophelia.

"I'm sorry," hiccupped Lorelei to her crying baby. "Mummy didn't mean to wake you again. I'm sorry." Ophelia quieted down as Lorelei bounced her. She heard the floorboards creak as George walked into Fred's room as well in only his underwear. Fred gave a nod of encouragement as George approached Lorelei.

George saw Lorelei was still crying, but Ophelia was falling asleep to her mother's soft hums. When Ophelia was snoring slightly, Lorelei placed her gently into the crib again. She was about to walk out without another word as she had done every night, but George grabbed her arm. She looked up to him frightened.

"Come on, love. We need to talk."

Fred stood as well, knowing he'd need to be there.

They walked to the living room, George beckoning Lorelei to sit next to him. Fred leaned on the wall next to the television, both staring at her with concern in their eyes.

"You have to talk to us, Lorelei," Georgr started. "You have to allow yourself to heal. You haven't left the flat since we returned—"

Fred nodded. "Mum misses you. Harry has been worried out of his mind... Lor?"

She closed her eyes in pain again. "You both don't get it," she whispered.

"Then help us to," George pleaded, hand reaching over to squeeze hers. She pulled away and stood.

She whimpered. "E-Every night I see his eyes, they were terrified. He was terrified. He told me he was scared before. He told me he wanted a family. He wanted to stay with us. I loved him like a brother, and he was ripped from me—"


"—This is all Umbridge's fault. He should've never been stripped from his family. The entire Hilton family would be alive if it was not for that bitch! I swore to protect him. I promised his parents. I promised him." She was breathing so heavily now. She was seeing black dots. "Remus. Tonks. Remus was finally happy! He was finally at peace... in love, had a child! And Teddy! What is Teddy going to do?" She stopped when her throat contricted.

"Lorelei," Fred said, rushing forward to help her sit next to George again.

She closed her eyes as nauseous feelings began again. "He loved Lia, Embry did. He took care of her like his own family when we were alone, outcasted while you two continued the shop. Us three stuck together on the worst days, so don't tell me you'll understand because Godric, you won't understand how many people I've lost. Mum, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Brizo, and now, Embry. That's not fair! Life's not fucking fair!"

She started sobbing again, George pulling her to his chest again. Fred nodded once at his brother before walking out of the room to put proper clothes on. Once he had his wand, he disapparated.

George held Lorelei and whispered after a moment, "I know I won't understand. I'm sorry, Lorelei. I'm sorry I won't ever be able to take the pain away."

Lorelei allowed guilt to consume her at his words. George Weasley had always been patient with Lorelei since they met. He always looked after her even before they were a couple. She always managed to make him feel like shit. How was that fair to him? She voiced her thoughts in a sob. "And I hate myself for making you and Fred feel like shit! Everywhere I go, I suck the life from around me!"

"I told you before, Lor, you don't suck anything," a voice said causing Lorelei to look up sharply. Fred stood behind the bespectacled, tired boy, pushing him forward slightly with his hand. His hair was a mess as if he was pulled from bed, but his eyes never left hers. "Except for maybe one thing," he finished with a half-smirk, mocking his words from what seemed like a lifetime ago.

Lorelei let out a choked laugh, tears still falling from her face. George pushed Lorelei off of him as he stood. "Talk to Harry. Fred and I will go make breakfast." Fred and George walked to the kitchen. George couldn't deny the hurt he felt knowing Lorelei would never be able to feel whole again after the loss she felt, but he knew Harry understood her well. He hated that he couldn't understand the loss, but he wanted to. He wanted to feel everything she was feeling to know what to do to make it better. He loved her far too much.

It was four in the morning, but no one was going back to sleep now except Lia.

Harry sat down next to Lorelei cautiously. He had been at the Burrow, sleeping secretly in Ginny's bed when Fred walked in as if he owned the place. Ginny had shrieked, but calmed down when she saw the serious look on his face. Harry left instantly knowing she needed him.

After all, Harry will forever blame himself for the death of Embry Hilton.

Lorelei hiccuped once before Harry spoke, knowing George and Fred were listening. "You're right to say George and Fred don't know loss as we do, but they feel it because of you. They care far too much about you," he whispered, putting his hand in hers. "They see you cry and have night tremors, and it affects them as well. When Ginny wakes up screaming, it feels like my world is ending... I know George feels the same."

Lorelei sniffled, allowing his words to sink in.

"Hiding here with only your thoughts won't help you move on. It's been too many weeks to stay here trapped. You'll never move on if you don't allow yourself to," he said knowingly.

"I don't deserve to move on. Embry should be here," she whispered, hating that Harry blamed himself. If anyone was to blame, it was Lorelei for allowing him to fight at all. "I just want it to go away."

George put his knuckles in his mouth to stop the sob from escaping as Fred pulled him into a hug. Hearing her in pain physically hurt him. He could never make it better.

"It will. You have to move on, Lor. You have to," he said with a gulp. "You have a child to think about, George and Fred, and a family who are willing to take the time out of their day to make sure you're okay. Not allowing anyone to visit hurts them as well, you know," he said.

Lorelei nodded, frowning when she heard a sob come from the kitchen.

"You know what I think?" Harry said, his eyes meeting hers. "I think a wedding would be the perfect way to start moving on—start a new chapter of our lives."

Lorelei allowed a smile to move onto her face as she thought of marrying George. Quickly moving to kiss Harry's cheek, she said, "D-Don't go anywhere."

"Where will I go?" he replied.

Nodding again, she moved to the kitchen to see George and Fred trying to hold themselves together. She moved forward, wrapping her arms around the pair.

"We'll be okay," Lorelei said, gulping down the sick that threatened to escape and trying to force out a convincing tone. "We have to be."

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