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IF THERE WAS ONE THING LORELEI LOVED MOST IN THE WORLD, IT WAS HER MOTHER. Amatheia had been the best mother she could have been while Lorelei was growing up, and she wasn't stopping now. Amatheia cared about her daughter and loved the fact that she was thriving in the wizarding world.

Everything was fine until a day before the Weasley's left for their Egypt trip.

Arthur came home with a grim expression holding the Daily Prophet. Arthur, Molly, and Bill knew exactly who Lorelei's father was, so the news of a breakout in Azkaban by mass murderer Sirius Black made them pale a bit. Molly wanted to cancel their trip to watch over Lorelei, but when Amatheia found out, she told them to go. As soon as Lorelei went into the water, her mother tried everything to keep her there.

Even though the Weasleys informed her of the day to meet them in the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley, Amatheia didn't want Lorelei to be out there alone with the murderer on the loose. After all, he was there for the first two years of Lorelei's life. Arthur believes Sirius will try and kill Harry to finish what he started thirteen years ago, and if he decides to, he may even try to harm Lorelei. He knew what she was, and Amatheia didn't like that one bit.

Lorelei knew only bits and pieces, but she didn't understand why she was being left in the dark about who her father was. If Sirius was a threat, was he her father? No one would answer her.

So, on the full moon she had to get out of the water in order to meet the Weasleys, Amatheia had no choice but to get out with her. Amatheia refused to even let the girl go to the Burrow alone. If Lorelei wouldn't stay in the water where it was safe, Amatheia couldn't force her no matter how much she wanted to.

Lorelei put on the clothes left out in the grass and quickly ran to the Burrow to grab clothes for her mother. Her mother frowned at her newfound legs again. Amatheia was not a fan of legs.

They had the Burrow to themselves until they left for the Leaky Cauldron. Lorelei was actually rather excited to show her mother where she went in the magical world. Even if Amatheia didn't like it, the older fish couldn't deny the warmth that she felt seeing her daughter talk so animatedly about the wizarding world.

Lorelei showed her mother how she flew on her broom, and almost gave Amatheia a heart attack when she flew really high. She had one of the fastest brooms on the market, so Amatheia was wearily watching from the ground. Lorelei thought about the year to come at Hogwarts while flying. She was upset that it was Oliver's last year at Hogwarts, so she planned to try their best to win the Quidditch Cup, which is what they did every year. This year, however, she had a good feeling.

Amatheia was also not very happy with Hogwarts because of the petrified situation the last term. Amatheia threatened Dumbledore in her own letter, but the jolly wizard replied how happy he was that Amatheia was doing well and he missed her greatly. Amatheia glared at the letter before throwing it in the fire. Lorelei snorted at the action.

The day they had to meet the Weasleys at the Leaky Cauldron, Lorelei dressed her best. Now, at fifteen, Lorelei had lost whatever baby face she had. She grew in many ways. Tugging on her clothes, she realized she would have to get new ones soon.

Amatheia thought she looked odd in the clothing Molly had purchased (with Lorelei's money, of course), but Lorelei thought she looked beautiful. After all, mermaids were already better looking than most.

Lorelei allowed her mother to do an intricate braid in her hair. She smiled brightly at her mother once it was done because it had been a while since she had done one. Amatheia even put a bit of makeup on Lorelei making the younger mermaid beam more.

Brizo glanced at her oddly as she made herself look as good as she could. "What, Briz? I just want to look my best."

He huffed with a smirk on his face.

"What's that look for? Mum, Brizo is acting strange."

Amatheia laughed and patted Lorelei's shoulders. "Oh, Brizo. Lorelei just wants to look good for her red-headed clones she adores so much."


Brizo only laughed in agreement.

Narrowing her eyes, she grabbed Brizo and stuff him in her pocket. "All right, come now, Mum. We're traveling by Floo."

"And how do you suspect it'll work with your trunk?"

"I don't know. I'll make it work. Come so I can show you how it works," Lorelei said while dragging her trunk to the Burrow's fireplace.

After yelling the Leaky Cauldron, Lorelei disappeared with her trunk. She hadn't specified where she wanted to come out, so when she came out of the fireplace in the dining area, she grinned sheepishly at the wizards she scared. Her trunk came as well, though Amatheia swore it wouldn't work. The mother mermaid came through the fireplace in a few short moments later covered in soot. The mother mermaid then glared at her daughter.

"I hate that. Never again, I tell you. This wizarding world," she started while muttering other profanities under her breath. She wiped off her daughter and Brizo who had his own soot even though he was in Lorelei's pocket. "Now, where are they? People are staring."

Lorelei grinned when she saw the raven-haired boy descending the stairs. She called his name making him look up with his own grin to match.


We are getting to the good stuff. I'm so excited...

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