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FRED AND GEORGE FOLLOWED LORELEI INTO DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS, THE CLASS LORELEI HAD BEEN DREADING. It seems just like last year. The Defense teacher had something against her and was staring at her any chance she got. Lorelei felt immediately uncomfortable again, and she had half a mind to leave to Dumbledore once more. Maybe she could have Snape again. She'd prefer it.

"No, you won't be sitting together, Mr. and Mr. Weasley. Not with Miss Black either!" Umbridge's voice rang throughout the almost full classroom of Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. "Miss Black with Mr. Davies over in the front. Mr. Weasley, Frederick, over by Mr. Towler. Other Mr. Weasley by Miss Spinnet."

Lorelei glared hatefully toward the pink puff. First, she uses the name she really didn't prefer, and second, she sits George by Alicia. Of course! Where else would Neptune sit the boy that she loved? She saw George give her an apologetic look. "My name isn't Black. I prefer it if I was called Calypso, Professor."

"Students will raise their hands when we are in class," Umbridge said walking to the front of the room.

"Well, class hasn't begun, has it? But don't worry, I'll raise my hand next time," Lorelei said spitefully with her eyes darkening. She felt rough hands grab her arms.

Roger looked at her with nervous eyes. "Just sit, Lei. Come on." Lorelei complied just as she saw the pink puff glare at her again.

"I will not tolerate attitudes in my classroom, Miss Black," Umbridge said with a smirk gracing her features.

"Calypso," Lorelei muttered in a bored manner. Roger gave her a look that said shut the hell up, but Lorelei looked up to see Umbitch standing near her desk. Lorelei let her eyes darken in hopes to scare the woman. The woman only grinned.

"Is that a threat, dear?" she said knowingly. "I've heard from many sources that you have a bit of a temper. I will not tolerate that in my classroom, either, Miss Black. I demand respect. Though I suppose with an uncle who is a murderer, a father who was a Death Eater, and a mother who is a beast, it's only a matter of time before you are sent to a similar fate."

Lorelei did not hold back her eyes nor her teeth this time. She felt Roger stand along with George and Fred who now stood near the angry woman. "Is that a threat?" Lorelei mocked the woman. Umbridge allowed a glimpse of fear to go through her eyes. "My uncle was a great man, not a murderer, but you wouldn't know that because he had no trial! As for my mother, don't you ever speak about her that way again. You want my respect? You have to earn it, dear."

Roger tugged on Lorelei's sleeve a bit, but the mermaid held her glare toward the woman. George placed a hand on Lorelei's shoulder. He felt the tension in the mermaid immediately lower. Umbridge glanced at the mermaid now with hatred, "Detention, Miss Black. My office, tomorrow."

"For defending my name? My family? I see what the Ministry is doing now," Lorelei said with mock laughter. Umbridge, who had turned to walk away, turned back with another astonishing look. "Hushing up the Voldemort situation, attacking half-breeds for no reason... oh yeah, the Ministry knows exactly what they're doing."

"Leave my classroom, at once! I will not have you spreading lies--!"

"They're not lies! You lot are just too afraid to admit it!" Lorelei growled out, her voice changing to a deeper tone that scared Roger a bit. He backed away, but George gripped her shoulder a bit tighter.

"Stand down, love," George whispered.

"Lies, Miss Black. That's all you and Mr. Potter spread at the end of that tournament. A Death Eater may have been imposing as Alastor Moody, but for you both to say He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned is going too far. Detention for the whole week," Umbridge said with anger pouring out of her ugly face. "And I want you to go to your Head of House immediately!"

"Oh, yes! When I had the killing curse shot at me because I refused to join Voldemort--because I wouldn't let Harry die--that's a lie too then? Harry and I aren't lying," Lorelei snarled out making a few students gasped out in surprise. No one really knew what had happened that night, after all.

"Get out of my classroom before I have you expelled," Umbridge shouted back before quickly scribbling a note and shoving it in the mermaid's hands.

"Gladly," Lorelei muttered while grabbing her bag. George and Fred glanced at her wearily as she passed. She was far from angry, she was livid. She stormed out of the classroom straight to McGonagall's office.

She saw McGonagall had a class, but when the woman took one look at Lorelei, she told them to keep working on whatever spell they were and ushered the angry mermaid into her office.

McGonagall took the note from Lorelei and read over it carefully. Lorelei was seething, but she had her eyes closed thinking of Sirius, of her mother, of Remus, of Harry, of Fred, and of George. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes to see McGonagall smirking.

"Is this true?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Lorelei sighed and gripped her head where a splitting headache was forming. "Is what true, Professor?"

"That you shouted at her? Half-transformed into your, as she says, beastly form to threaten her?"

"Yes," Lorelei replied.

"Defended Sirius and your mother? Told her the Ministry should have given Sirius a trial?"


"You told her about last year's events? That He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned? That you were almost killed?"


McGonagall frowned and then pushed a plate forward. "Have a biscuit, Calypso."

"Huh?" Lorelei looked up to see McGonagall pushing the cookies forward.

"Have a biscuit," she says again.

Lorelei thought McGonagall would yell at her or revoke her Captaincy from Quidditch. Lorelei took her cookie and nibbled on it. Her temperature already going down, and her teeth felt normal once more.

"You need to be careful, Lorelei," McGonagall said after a while of silence, releasing a heavy sigh afterward. "Dolores will use anything you say against you... don't forget who she's working for, really."

"The Ministry?" Lorelei asked. The tired professor nodded.

"What you said about Sirius could lead her to think you know where he is, Calypso," McGonagall said with a sorrowful expression. "You need to choose your words carefully, choose your fights wisely, and control your temper."

"I'm trying," Lorelei said after finishing her cookie. "I really am! She already had it out for me as soon as I walked in the door--"

"Because you're a half-breed," McGonagall says regretfully. "She wants all half-breeds out of here. She almost lost her mind when she heard Remus Lupin was allowed to teach here. She will have it out for you all year, but you must look past it and rise above her."

"I'm trying," Lorelei said again with a frown on her face.

McGonagall sighed further. "She also is taking away your after curfew privileges for the water. Thinks it isn't necessary. You need to be mindful of your swimming."

"Of course, she did," Lorelei muttered.

"She's also trying to take you off of the Quidditch team, so do not give her a reason for that! You have detention all week with her. I can't do anything about that. Have another biscuit and be on your way to lunch. It'll be starting soon," McGonagall said standing up. She looked at Lorelei's frozen expression. "Have another biscuit, really."

Lorelei longed for it to be a chocolate bar, but she took it nonetheless.

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