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LORELEI APPARATED TO THE ISLAND SIRIUS HID ON FOR MANY MONTHS. There was water surrounding the area, and for a second, Lorelei had a fleeting thought of just running away here forever. She had a fleeting thought of going into the water and never returning... but it was just that: a fleeting thought. George's hand was wrapped tightly around her right hand while Fred was holding her left. Brizo sat on Lorelei's shoulder closest to Fred as she stared at the full moon rising in front of them. As appealing as it sounded, she couldn't leave them. 

Remus would be transforming that night, so she wouldn't have been able to stay around. She knew she needed to go into the water before she ended up killing herself, so she took the twins and Brizo to the only place she could think of. They noticed her aversion to the Burrow, no matter how much they hated it, so they just followed Lorelei. They knew they'd follow her anywhere.

"Turn around," she whispered, letting their hands go. Both men turned, George gave her a swift kiss on her lips before doing so. She tugged off her shoes, pants, underwear, and shirt. She decided she would just keep her bra on, acting like a bikini top. Quickly putting her feet in the water, she felt the transformation she's been aching for begin. Sitting, she softly called the men over to her.

She saw Brizo run happily into the water, throwing water into the air in excitement. She felt two bodies sit next to her. She noticed both of the twins had taken off their shoes and clothes except their underwear. She was about to question it when Fred said cheekily, "We didn't come all this way to just sit here! Let's swim!"

He ran off excitedly into the water as Brizo had done making Lorelei smile genuinely for the first time in a while.

She glanced at George, but he was already staring at her. Blushing, she looked down. "What?" she mumbled.

"Let's swim, love. Godric knows you need it," he said, smiling as he stood to move deeper into the water. Lorelei pushed herself into the waves deep enough where she could be fully submerged. She had gone farther than the twins, allowing herself to be completely in bliss because she had been out of the water for so long. After having a moment to herself in the silence of the water, she swam back to her favorite red-heads.

She would always swim back to them.

If there was anyone in her life that she would not bear to lose, it would be the twins. She honestly did not think she could recover if she had lost one of them. Even if she loved George in a different way than she loved Fred, she knew they were both equally important pieces in her life. When she made it back to the two men joking about something, she allowed her head to pop out of the water a few meters away from them.

George caught her eye. He grinned and said, "Wicked." It was the same thing he said when he first saw her when they both had just turned eleven. Fred sniggered, throwing Brizo in the air before catching him. "Feeling better, love?"

Fred made a retching sound, but he still held concern in his gaze.

"No. My skin may not be burning or itching, but not having Mum here makes this more difficult. Even glancing at my tail hurts," she said, shrugging a bit. George swam closer to her, smiling sadly.

"Is that why you won't return to the Burrow?" he asked quietly.

"Going back there--Seeing where-- I'll have to stare at the spot she was murdered, George... I know, I need to go back eventually. You Weasleys raised me, Harry practically lives there, it's a safe house... I know I'll need to go back. Just like Grimmauld... I suppose I'm just prolonging it," Lorelei said, frowning at how weak she sounded.

Fred shared a look with his brother before smiling slightly. "Come live with us for now. I promise we'll take care of you. Not sure how Lupin cooks his meals, but we could learn," he said with a teasing tone.

George nodded. "We'll look after you, I'll look after you. Come live with us, Lor."

"I said I would before Sirius--before my uncle was murdered, and I still will. I just need to make sure I won't be a burden to your business--"

"LIKE HELL!" Fred bellowed, making Lorelei jump. "Sorry."

George shot his brother a look. "What he means," he stressed, giving her another tentative smile, "is that you could never be a burden to us or the business. Being just above the shop will give both of us peace of mind. If you don't want to come down, you don't have to. Please, love."

Lorelei thought it over. Apart of her wanted to stay with Remus because she was frightened she would lose him too. The other part of her was wanting so longingly to live with the twins. She knew they'd take care of her, and she knew she wanted to help them in any way she could. Lorelei also knew, however, that she was one of the Dark Lord's targets. Not only because her father was a Death Eater, but also because she refused to be one, she was a half-breed, and she was related and loved blood traitors. Could she put them in that kind of danger? She saw the twins out of the corner of her eye glancing wearily at each other. Sighing, she dived back into the water, swimming away and splashing them in the process.

When she was far away enough, she allowed herself to cry as she stared at the stars. She gave a watery smile to the brightest star out there. "Mum, Sirius, James, Lily... I don't know how much more I can take. I want to move on, but there is something holding me back. Mum, how can I go back to the Burrow where you left me? How can I not when that was my home when Molly and Arthur raised me as their own? Sirius, I came here because you said it was so beautiful and you could see the stars so well... you were right. I'm sorry I allowed you to die right in front of my eyes. I'll protect Remus, for as long as I can. James, Lily, I know Harry has a hard adventure ahead of him. I know he has to kill Voldemort. I promise to help him in any way I can," she trailed off.

"I'm so worried about who I'm going to lose next," she whispered, tears staining her face. "What if they target him? My George... or what about Fred? I can't lose them, I can't."

She saw the star twinkle a bit and let out a choked laugh. Sirius was there, she knew of it. If not anyone else, she knew Sirius was there. She could feel the coldness on her shoulder where she could envision his hand placed gently on it. Smiling, she said, "I love you... all of you."

Not realizing this was the closure she had been searching for, she swam back to the twins who looked at her with sad gazes. She knew the water had flushed away her tears, but her eyes were red and puffy. Giving them the best smile she could, she said happily, "All right, I'll move in with you."

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