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LORELEI STARED AT OPHELIA WITH A STERN EXPRESSION WHILE THE BABY GIGGLED. Embry snorted at the scene: Ophelia had just thrown her food on the ground making a huge mess, Charlie getting hit as he was too close to the action. Lorelei tried to make Ophelia realize that was not a nice thing, but with Embry and Charlie laughing, it was becoming impossible. Ophelia always was giggling.

"You're both awful," Lorelei growled out, waving her wand to rid the mess on Aunt Muriel's floor, leaving Charlie's shirt messy. He glared at her. "Lia, you have to eat, my love." She gurgled back at her mother. "Please, let's get through one meal without a mess," she pleaded to her daughter; the baby grinned back.

Embry made faces at Ophelia as he said, "She is a messy eater, like her father, no doubt."

Fred laughed as he walked in. George was scowling. Fred said, "That is correct. When we get back to the Burrow, Mum'll have to show you pictures of George throwing a tantrum during our meals."

Everyone laughed as George moved to pick up Ophelia. He kissed her cheek. "Lia, don't listen to them. They are just jealous," he teased, pinching Lorelei's side as he passed her.

Fred snorted. "Ginny should be here soon."

When Ginny arrived, Ophelia was in her arms more often than not. Ginny complained about missing Ophelia growing up, but Lorelei reassured her that there would be plenty of memories to be made. Lorelei was adamant to not think about the impending doom they all seemed to face. Voldemort would not make an orphan of her daughter.

Lorelei was watching how the family interacted with her child, and she found herself growing emotional. Molly would take pictures as Arthur was on the ground, arms extended for the girl to crawl to him. Aunt Muriel watched the scene with a smile on her face. Ginny and Embry were working on spells, Embry showing Ginny things Lorelei had been teaching him. Fred and George were working on a few things for their shop, paperwork that Lorelei couldn't do. They were trying to find normalcy.

Lorelei walked outside, sitting on the swing with her head in her hands. She felt someone sitting next to her. Glancing to the side, she saw the dragon lover smiling softly at her.

"Do you remember when we met, Lorelei?" he questioned softly, pushing the swing softly to move in slow motion. Lorelei sat back, hands wringing together nervously.

"A bit. You were quite fascinated with me--being a creature and all," Lorelei teased, nudging her shoulder with his. "I was observing how you Weasleys lived."

Charlie grinned. "Brizo was not happy with us, that was for sure. But... no, look what I found." Charlie pulled out a small notepad. The pages were a bit yellowed, showing the oldness.

July 1989
Half-Breed Mermaid
Name: Lorelei
Hair color is dark compared to the normal blonde... sign of not being a full-blooded mermaid
Can speak to crabs (Other animals as well?)
Brizo=crab name (he does not like other people!!)
Update September 1989
Half witch... will be attending Hogwarts with my twin brothers
Father was a wizard, Mum was a mermaid (Full-blood named Amatheia Calypso)
Crab is still not fond of people... I think he is warming up to me

Lorelei let out the loudest laugh as she glanced at Charlie, the boy blushing a bit. He shook his head, pulling the notepad back. "You were fascinating! It wasn't every day I got to meet a half-breed!"

"Are you glad you did?" she teased, wondering how different her life would have been if she had not met Charlie, George, or Fred that day.

"I am," Charlie said, a sigh released after that statement. "Listen, love, Bill said he is bringing Ollivander, Griphook, Dean Thomas, and Luna Lovegood here before Harry leaves--don't look so surprised that I know he was there, Bill tells me everything. I'll be leaving here--"

"What!? Where will you go?" Lorelei asked, sitting up to stare at Charlie better. "They'll kill you the second they see you."

Charlie grasped her hand with his calloused one. "I'm going back to Romania to rally up the rest of my support. If everything works well, we'll even have the dragons on our side," he said playfully with a wink. "Just promise me you'll look after my siblings, look after my niece. I need to know they'll be safe."

"And you trust me?" Lorelei said with a grimace.

"You're half a temperamental, irritable mermaid. I'd trust you with my life," he said with a grin, letting her hand go after kissing it once. "Bill is bringing them tomorrow morning, so I'll take my leave then."

Lorelei frowned, hoping he would be safe. He stood, kissing her cheek before heading back inside. Lorelei pulled her sweater over her shoulders as the wind blew faster. She was beginning to grow cold as she watched the moon rise in the dark night sky.

"Sweetheart? Why're you out here alone? Where'd Charlie go?" George asked, coming to take a seat next to Lorelei.

"Where's Ophelia?" Lorelei asked, not enjoying the fact that neither one of them was near her.

"Fred's got her," George said with a wave of his hand. "Now, what's wrong?"

"Charlie must've gone to sleep. I'm just thinking, is all. Worried for Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Worried for you lot, you know... the usual," she said, leaning her head on his shoulder.

George smiled and kissed her forehead while intertwining their hands. "Everything will work out in the end, my love. Have you heard from Remus?"

"How would I?"

"Right, stupid question," George said, shaking his head. He sat up, moving to kiss Lorelei once. "We'll all be together soon, just you wait."

Lorelei smiled at her soon-to-be husband. She twirled the ring on her finger once before Ophelia began to weep quietly. Lorelei stood up quickly just as Fred appeared outside with her in his arms. She brightened immediately when she saw her mother and father, arms reaching for Lorelei.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now