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TIME HAD PASSED SO QUICKLY IN THE WATER. Florence had made them take a detour to get back to the Burrow because too many people knew of Lorelei and her reasoning for being in the water. Meaning... a lot of fish wanted Lorelei dead for even trying to consider getting the merfolk involved in a wizard's war. Florence now could only see Amatheia, pregnant and afraid, as they swam in the waters. Lorelei held her stomach often as Uriah and Embry swam protectively around her to hide her if they were to pass anyone. Lorelei was a nervous-wreck to get back to George's arms.

Soon, they had passed the two week mark, and she knew George would be worried, frustrated, and angry that she had missed it. Going on week four of their trip, Lorelei frowned that she had missed the full moon. No matter if she made it home, they had to wait a whole month again to get out. It was nearing the end of February. Lorelei almost grimaced, she had been pregnant for over a month and had no idea. She didn't even know if the night she had drinking with Fred and George was in this time period, but Tyra had said it was healthy. Red hair and big blue eyes. Lorelei touched her stomach again out of habit now.

When the finally neared England, Lorelei felt as if she could breathe again. No colonies were around except for the odd few in fear of the Dark Lord from the First War. Uriah still stayed glued to her side, but Embry allowed her a bit of space once he knew they were safe enough. It was also better considering both had wands and weren't afraid to use them. Lorelei sighed in contentment the closer they got.

"Why didn't you want to know the gender?" Uriah had asked her, Ursula nodding along with the question. They had stopped again for a break, tails aching at the fast speeds.

Lorelei smiled to herself. "Hearing it would have red hair and big blue eyes made me imagine both scenarios. I'd be happy with either, but I suppose I wanted George to decide that," she said with another smile thinking of her George. He was probably worried out of his mind about her as it neared three weeks since he had seen her.

Ursula, Lorelei noticed, was quiet because she was held captive in her own home for so long. Bethany was good about making her comfortable enough to talk, but Lorelei wanted the mermaid to feel comfortable around her as well.

"So, Ursula," she started, "do you plan on staying in the wizarding world after this is over?"

Ursula looked to Uriah for answers, but he had started a conversation with Florence. Lorelei learned Ursula and Uriah were twenty-three. When Ursula looked back at Lorelei, she frowned, "I'm really not sure what to do with freedom, Miss Lorelei--"

"No, way. Don't call me Miss! You're older than me" Lorelei said with a laugh, glad to see a smile appear on Ursula's mouth. "I can't wait to show you all around as much as I can."

When they were on the move again, Lorelei could feel the waters change to her body's favorite feeling. Her body knew she was nearing her home, and Lorelei was glad she would be near her family again.

Florence looked at Clara with a smile. "This is the most we've swam in almost twenty years, eh?"

Clara laughed and looked to Lorelei who now laughing at something Embry had said. Bethany smacked Embry's arm lightly, but she smiled nonetheless. "It's worth it. Neptune's giving us another chance. We messed up big time with Amatheia. I'll regret that until I die. Hopefully, when we see her again, she'll be less angry when she sees how well we take care of her daughter."

"I hate that she's not here to witness her daughter growing--being pregnant and all. I don't think that thought has hit Lorelei yet," Florence said with a frown. "Amatheia's here, though, just we can't see her."

Clara grabbed Florence's hand as they swam in the waters of Ottery St. Catchpole again. Lorelei briefed Embry, Uriah, and Ursula of her family and friends. They knew the basics of the Order and what they would be doing. Lorelei hated to do it, but Embry needed permission from his parents first. He would live with her until then, she thought, because she had grown to care for the boy a bit too much in the short time with him.

When Lorelei surfaced, it was dark. Knowing it would be next to impossible to get anyone's attention, she took out her wand and summoned her Patronus. Embry watched in wonder as a crab formed, Lorelei smiling watery and saying, "Hey, Briz. Tell George I'm home, okay?" The others watched in awe as well, not knowing what she did. They only saw the crab dance around her causing her to giggle before flying away in the direction of London.

"You can do a Patronus, too!?" Embry asked with wide eyes. "Is there anything you can't do?"

Lorelei ruffled his hair a bit before deciding they could rest in her cove home for the night. They would be spending a lot of time in the water until the full moon, but Lorelei wanted to wait and see if George showed up. Clara said she would take the group to the home. Lorelei saw Embry's pout, but she promised they would meet everyone soon when the sun was up. Until then, she didn't want an intruder to show and them have nothing to defend themselves with.

Sitting on the grass, Lorelei leaned back and stared at the stars. She knew George would come as soon as he could. Until then, she spoke to the brightest star about what to do about baby names.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now