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WHEN THEY ARRIVED BACK TO THE BURROW, MOLLY GRABBED FRED, GEORGE, AND LORELEI INTO A BONE-CRUSHING HUG WHILST CRYING. She had never felt more worry and anger at herself for letting those three leave without a proper goodbye. They could have been killed. George spluttered, "Ouch! Mum, you're strangling us!"

"I shouted at all three of you before you left!" she sobbed. "It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough O.W.L.s!? Oh, Fred...George...Lorelei! I'm sorry!"

Lorelei stayed up later that night in the kitchen. She hadn't really said much since she had gotten home. She was beating herself up for letting Harry get lost and almost killed when she had just made a promise to herself that she would look after him.

Dear Prongs,

I almost killed Harry.

Oh, of course, not really. But dear Neptune, it felt like it.

He was right there, and then he wasn't. I was so focused on getting to the forest with Harry and his friends that I wasn't paying enough attention to him! I felt like a right idiot. He was questioned by witches and wizards when the dark mark was conjured. I mean did they really think HARRY POTTER would conjure it? I'm sorry, but I think the wizards and witches in charge are blubbering idiots.

Moony agrees. I just sent him a letter explaining what the hell happened. He told me he visited Amatheia, and they spoke way into the night. It was rather nice to come back to the Burrow and see a smile on her face. Snuffles knows I'm back at the Burrow, but he has yet to send a letter. I hope he's all right. Because, well Prongs, your best mate can be something of an idiot at times.

I promised to watch out for Harry and almost failed already. I'm not letting that boy get into any trouble this year. There's something happening at Hogwarts. Charlie told me about it and the AGE RESTRICTION. If Harry manages to get involved, I will seriously throw him off the Astronomy Tower.

Hope all is well wherever you are tonight.

Love, Lorelei

The owl that she used was Pig, Ron's new owl. He was a tiny, aggressive thing. But he was all the sweetest, too. When she signed the letter and told the bird to drop it in a body of water, the bird nodded. When she turned her back, he flew upstairs and dropped the letter on Harry's lap.

Lorelei pulled her sweater around her and walked upstairs to go to the twin's room again not realizing the bird had woken Harry up. When Harry cursed out the little bird, he saw a similar letter to which he received at Privet Drive. Harry read the letter with a smile on his face. He knew he shouldn't read them. They are her private thoughts, but for some reason, they always ended up with him.

He saw Ron glancing at him curiously, the owl also having woken him up, but he put the letter in his trunk next to the other.

Lorelei smiled when she walked into the twins' bedroom. Both boys were snoring as they slept. Fred was tangled in his blanket while George was gripping his pillow.

She padded her way over to George's bed, being careful to not step on Charlie, and cautiously lifted the blankets that George wouldn't release at first. She saw him beginning to stir, so she quickly laid herself down next to George before he moved to cover the spot she was going to lay in. She felt him freeze his movements, but once he opened his eyes to see her, he gave a tired, lazy smile.

"Makin' this a habit, are we?" he drawled with a tired slur, smirking a bit. She faced him as they laid there. His arm rested lazily over her waist as he stared at her for a moment.

Lorelei smiled and ducked her head to hide the blush creeping up her neck. "I sleep better this way."

George hummed and placed a kiss on her forehead. She looked up at him and smiled softly as he shut his eyes again. With his eyes closed, he said, "Mum'll kill us if she finds you here."

"We haven't gotten caught yet, have we?" George snorted quietly and tightened his hold on her once more. She frowned as the words left her mouth, "Sometimes I don't want to return to Hogwarts."

"Really?" he whispered in a curious tone, one eye opening to look at her before shutting again.

"But I have to look out for Harry as much as I can. I promised Sir--" she stopped, knowing she couldn't say his name. She hated keeping this from them, but they couldn't know yet for Sirius's sake.

George opened his eyes and narrowed them questionably when she cut herself off. He frowned. His voice was a little heavier when he said, "You're keeping something from us. I hope you know after all this time you could trust us. Trust me."

"I trust you with my life, George. I'll tell you. I promise. J-Just not tonight, yeah?"

"If you two don't mind, I'd love to chit chat along with ya, but you see...it's almost two in the bloody morning!" Fred hissed in the dark making Lorelei stiffen and George chuckle. "Go to sleep, dammit!"

"Sorry, Fred," Lorelei whispered earning a grunt in reply.

George smiled at Lorelei and brought his hand up to touch her cheek in a soft manner. Lorelei closed her eyes at the touch. It was quiet for a few minutes as George watched Lorelei fall asleep right before his eyes. "G'night, Lorelei," he whispered.

When she didn't reply and he heard a soft snore come from her, he moved his head closer to her and placed his lips on hers. It was a gentle peck... something he's been longing to do, but he was a coward when it came to her. When he pulled away, he let his own eyes close and fall in a heavy sleep where he dreamed of the day he wouldn't be a coward and kiss her for real.


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