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WHEN THE ARRIVED AT HOGWARTS, LORELEI COULD NOT FIND RON OR HARRY ANYWHERE. She was worried, she had to admit. They had a late start getting to the train, to begin with. She hadn't actually seen them board the train. She was worried.

When the feast was drawing to a close, there was talk about two second-years flying a car into the Whomping Willow. When the twins and Lorelei heard flying car and two second-years, Lorelei groaned out, "You've got to be kidding me."

Fred and George were hoping Ron was alright, but they were miffed that Ron had the idea and didn't invite them. Lorelei looked at them exasperatedly.

"You think they did this voluntarily?" Lorelei questioned. Of course, they did. But she was just hoping there was a good reason.

Later that evening, Lorelei let out a relieved breath the moment Harry and Ron walked in the portrait hole with a miffed Hermione.

Lorelei walked over to them, eyes already darkening. People were cheering them on! She was about to lose it. She swatted her book she was reading on Ron's head first then Harry's. She glared at them and was glad Brizo was on her side and glaring at well.

"You complete idiots!"

"Yes, we know, Lor. Can we skip the lecture?" Ron moaned out. Harry nodded looking pitiful.

She pointed at them. "Straight to bed. Both of you."

And they listened.

Fred smirked from the couch by the fireplace. They had claimed this area first-year. He called out, "Mummy Lorelei! Calm your tail and join us!" The few people left in the Common Room laughed when she gave him the finger.

Lorelei walked over to see Alicia next to George. She frowned for a moment before sitting next to Lee. Lorelei normally sat next to George. It was not like it was a big deal, but the twitch in her arm said otherwise. She had always sat next to George. He always sat next to her. Strange.

"You two don't look after neither one of them. Someone has to," she said folding her arms over her chest directing her statement to the twins. She glared at Lee when he put the tarantula near Brizo. "Watch it, Lee."

She noticed how close Alicia was moving toward George. Lorelei felt angrier.

George exclaimed, "It's not like the two don't have someone. Granger keeps an eye on them."

"Yes. Let's allow the other second-year lookout for them. Whatever. I'm going to bed," Lorelei said abruptly when she saw Alicia move a bit closer to George. A burning sensation was felt in her chest, so she quickly removed herself from that situation. Fred frowned at Lorelei's sudden departure. He looked at Angelina who was also frowning at her friend's retreating figure.

Alicia started a conversation with George and Lee leaving Fred and Angelina thinking to themselves. Angelina patted Fred's arm that was wrapped around her in a friendly manner. "I'm going to check on her."

"She's fine," Alicia said with a wave of her hand, overhearing her words.

"Right," Angelina said but still went to check on Lorelei.

George was really trying to listen to Alicia, but even he was wondering if Lorelei was upset about something else. Ron and Harry were fine. She wouldn't be that upset over that, would she?

Lorelei sat Brizo down to do as he pleased. She sighed when he left the dormitory, but nonetheless, she changed and laid herself down. She had heard Angelina come and check on her, but she pretended to sleep.

She didn't understand why she felt so angry at George all of a sudden. Lorelei brought her hand up to her tooth where she had thought she felt it elongate. She had to be off her rocker because her teeth shouldn't be able to elongate, right?

The next morning, Lorelei was up early. She had no idea who Brizo decided to sleep with, so she quickly got dressed to go figure out her schedule.

McGonagall handed it to her as soon as she entered the Great Hall. She was one of the few first students. She sighed looking down at her schedule.

She had dropped Divination as she didn't see a need for it, and she took up Arthimancy instead. She had Arthinmancy first block then Herbology and Ancient Runes. Double Transfiguration in the afternoon after lunch, and Defense before dinner. This would be a heavy day. She was glad Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures were on the same day as Charms and Potions. Even though History of Magic was stuffed in there, she would make do. This would be the year she prepared for her OWL year and decide what courses she wanted to take next year for those examinations.

She felt her schedule ripped from her hands and sighed seeing Fred standing next to her with a grin.

"Hmm, you were smart to drop Divination, but Ancient Runes? You'll overwork yourself this year," he said with a mocking frown. She laughed when he was handed his schedule. "Well, we have Transfiguration and Defense together today. Oh, yay! Astronomy and Potions as well."

"Lovely," she muttered taking her schedule back with a smirk. "You're just happy the star expert is going to help you."

"Indeed," he plucked a piece of toast from her plate she was filling up.

Lorelei glared but said nothing about it. "Where's Brizo?"

"Hmm, I think Percy had him this morning. He dropped him off to Ron," Fred said after a moment of thinking. "Ah, here he comes now."

Ron was walking with Harry and Hermione. George was not too far behind with Alicia and Angelina. Alicia was talking George's ear off.

"I have to speak to Dumbledore before Arthimancy. See you, Fred," she said irritably before her friends made it to them. She grabbed Brizo from Ron's shoulder and quickly walked to the staff table. "Er...good morning, Professor Dumbledore. Might I have a word?"

Dumbledore smiled happily at the mermaid. He stood up and walked around to stand in front of the girl. She noticed it had gotten quiet in the Hall as everyone stared at her. "Outside, Miss Calypso?"


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