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ANGELINA HAD RUSHED INTO THE BATHROOM AFTER HEARING A LOUD THUD. She yelled out for the escort but the escort was already ten steps ahead of her. He rushed out to find Professor Dumbledore or McGonagall. Angelina pulled Lorelei's frozen body near the hallway when she heard the thudding of footsteps.

Professor Snape pushed the crying girl aside as he gently touched Lorelei's hands that looked as if she was holding herself up on the sink. She had a ghost of a smile on her lips, but her eyes were wide and full of fear.

Angelina couldn't stop crying even after Snape had yelled for her to calm down. Snape levitated her body with his wand and told Angelina to follow him. If the monster was nearby, there was no way he would leave another student alone.

Snape had met up with Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall on the way to the Hospital Wing. McGonagall gasped out loud at the mermaid.

"I thought it was only after Muggleborns, Headmaster," she whispered as she also noticed the fear in the mermaid's bright eyes.

"Salazar Slytherin wanted purebloods. Her blood is far from it, Minerva," Dumbledore sighed as they reached the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey gasped at another body being brought in. "We can't stay open for much longer. Hogwarts is no longer safe. Fetch the Weasleys, Severus, will you? Mr. Jordan and Potter as well." Dumbledore asked the potion's master after he delicately put Lorelei's body near Hermione's. "Miss Johnson, you may stay here for now."

Angelina was still sobbing in her hands unaware of the conversations happening.

Fred, Lee, and George were called out of Divination by Severus Snape.

Fred gulped. "Listen, Professor. Whatever it is you think we've done, I swear we didn't."

"Y-Yeah. Why the long face, Professor? We can fix it...whatever it is," George ended with a mumble.

"Shut up, will you. Follow me," Severus Snape hissed at the irritable teens. They had fetched Percy out of one of his NEWT classes making the boys pale further. Was Percy going to be there to watch their lecture to add his two Knuts? What if he owl'd their mum? The boys were panicking on the inside.

After getting Ron and Harry out of Herbology and Ginny from Defense, they all knew something was gravely wrong. All the boys (and girl) looked at each other in suspicion. Percy muttered under his breath, "If they did something, I want no part of it."

As they neared the Hospital Wing, Harry and Ron felt a wave of nausea hit them. "Er...Professor?" Harry tried. "Has someone been petrified that we know?" Snape did not answer.

All signs pointed toward Lorelei as she was the only one not present beside Angelina. Though, Ron and Percy were not close to Angelina, so Harry knew it before they even stepped in what they would see. His stomach lurched when the twins paled at the sight.

Lorelei Calypso laid there petrified.

Brizo was crying on the bed next to her. Angelina had held him for Lorelei, and she forgot all about the crab in her pocket until he withered himself out.

Percy and Ginny yelled out first, which surprised all of them. The twins and Lee only stood there shocked that their friend was lying there. She was just fine in the morning. She had laughed when Lee's tarantula slipped on water on the table and flew into Lee's breakfast. She had leaned her head on George's shoulder while reading his Potion's essay before he had to turn it in. Everything had been fine.

Harry watched Ron join Percy and Ginny. Ron had another friend petrified, and he was tired of this bloody heir of Slytherin. He and Harry would find out who was behind this tonight.

Harry mumbled out, "I knew this would happen."

Everyone looked at him in surprise. Snape sneered, "And how is that?"

Harry blushed under the gaze of everyone in the room. "I-I just mean, I told her a few weeks ago to be careful. I just knew from the Slytherins that taunt her every day that half-breeds weren't liked in the wizarding world by most purebloods. It only made s-sense," he finished with a stammer.

"Ah, yes, Harry," Dumbledore nodded. "You are correct."

Professor McGonagall stated they would need to go back to lessons as there was nothing any of them could do at this time. Dumbledore took Angelina and Lee to their lessons as Snape took Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Percy back to theirs. Fred and George hung back for a moment, declining not to go with Dumbledore with Lee. They needed a moment, and McGonagall gave them it.

George stroked her hair that was framing her face. He was glad it was only this and not death. He saw her smiling and Fred nudged him trying to make a joke, "She must've been thinking of our dashing good looks, huh? Look at that smile."

George snorted and grabbed her hand lightly rubbing circles on her knuckles. "Oh, bloody hell. Wake up, Lor. We need you to wake up," he mumbled trying not to allow the emotions to get the best of him.

"I apologize, Mr. and Mr. Weasley," McGonagall started. "Miss Johnson says she was in the bathroom trying to cool her itching skin. I should have made more of an effort to get her in the water. We could've had a plethora of teachers around her. She'll be all right once the Mandrakes are fully grown, don't you worry."

Fred and George nodded and thought of the pain she must've been feeling. She told them the burning of her skin not only hurts but it was rather irritating. Fred picked up Brizo who looked reluctant to leave Lorelei's side.

"Come on, Briz. We'll take care of you. Lor will be alright, you heard Professor McGonagall," Fred tried to calm the crab down.

George sighed and gave her hand a final squeeze. Not caring if McGonagall was watching, he leaned down to place a lasting kiss on her forehead. "I'll be back later, Lor."

George and Fred followed McGonagall back to their lesson where whispers had already broken out. No one was safe at Hogwarts this year.

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