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THAT NIGHT WAS RATHER QUIET IN THE BURROW. Lorelei wouldn't leave George's side, though neither had really spoken about their arguments nor have they officially made up yet. The family had left them alone after Molly had properly cleaned George's ear. Fred went to the shop to grab last-minute things since they would be staying around until Harry's birthday and the wedding.

George had been asleep for a few hours, but Lorelei was wide awake. Clara and Florence were at Remus's cottage with Ursula and Uriah since there wasn't a lot of space left. The Delacour's were coming soon, so the Burrow would be packed with people. Bethany was still staying with Lee, and Embry laid his head on Lorelei's legs as the mermaid allowed George to have his whole bed that night. Lorelei ran a hand through Embry's hair, laughing a bit when she heard a simultaneous snore from Fred and Embry.

George had woken at seven the next morning to see Lorelei still wide awake. He frowned before going to scratch his ear just to realize it wasn't there. He frowned further at that realization.

Lorelei, hearing the bedsheets moving, turned to smile tiredly at the man. She saw him wince when he sat up too fast, no doubt too much pressure on his earless side. He stood up, motioning for Lorelei to wake Embry to allow the boy to sleep in his bed. Embry groggily moved, snuggling into the pillow that was no doubt comfier than Lorelei's legs.

George helped Lorelei up even after she insisted she could do it. At the sound of George's voice demanding her to let him help, the baby kicked. Lorelei shook her head slightly while muttering, "Definitely a Daddy's girl." George grinned as he led her out of the room and down the stairs carefully.

She allowed him to lead her out to the pond, grinning when Lorelei immediately put her bare feet in the water. George held Lorelei's hand tighter before sighing quite loudly. "I-I know we've been a bit rocky lately, but you know I love you, right?"

Lorelei turned to see him trying to smile despite the awkward conversation. "I know," was all she said. Turning to look back at the pond, she sighed as well. "The day Dumbledore died, Draco Malfoy had begged me to leave the castle. I should've known then something was happening. He wanted to protect the baby. I-I couldn't let Ginny or Ron, or even Neville, Hermione, or Luna go and risk their lives against Death Eaters. Then, I saw Bellatrix, and I sort of snapped, you know? I saw red. I kn-know it was foolish. I should've worried about my baby and about you, but George, I couldn't let them go on their own."

"I know, I know," George cooed, pulling Lorelei into his chest as a tear fell from her eyes. "I guess I was more angry about the situation is all. I thought you'd be more than protected in the castle, but I suppose everywhere is dangerous now. You could've hid, but that's not you. The baby's fine, and you're fine... I should've just dropped it."

"And we didn't have a proper good bye before you went off and became Harry. Now, you've lost an ear and I--"

"Shh, Lor," George whispered. "I know it's a shitty situation, but we'll get through this. We've gotten this far, and our little peanut here is going to be the luckiest kid ever. Between Fred, Harry, Embry, and I, that little baby is going to spoiled."

Lorelei laughed, enjoying when George kissed her finally after it being so long. He kissed her sweetly, not too rough or too gentle. He wanted her to know how sorry he was for being such a prick. She wanted him to know how sorry she was for not seeing his perspective. The two were just scared of losing the only things that they hold dear. For George, it's Lorelei, the baby, and Fred that keep him up at night worried the most. For Lorelei, it's George, the baby, Fred, Harry, Embry, Remus... Lorelei cares too much, in her opinion.

So, as days passed, Bill and Fleur's wedding was the hot topic of discussion. Lorelei was exempt from helping with preparations, but she always stayed close to George, which meant Embry and Fred were always nearby, too. Embry's parents had written a letter saying they were coming to fight as well, which unnerved Embry, but he was excited to see his parents again. When Harry's birthday finally rolled around, Charlie had made it to the Burrow.

His reaction to Lorelei's bump was heartwarming. He sat there talking to her stomach for almost half an hour before Molly dragged him into a chair to cut his hair. He was happy for his brother, the news that Lorelei was engaged to George was not forgotten. The pair planned to wait until Voldemort was gone to have their wedding, but Lorelei did somedays write things down that she wanted to happen. Of course, Fred would be the best man, that was a given.

George was becoming more insecure about his ear being missing even though he and Fred made a plethora of jokes about it. He told Lorelei one night that she'd leave him for a man who was 'whole.' Lorelei hit his arm and said he was being a nutter and to shut his mouth before she hexed off his other ear. Smiling, he thought of their sixth year when that was a threat she used too often on the twins. When he informed Lorelei of this, the mermaid couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation.

During Harry's birthday dinner, Arthur sent a Patronus stating Rufus Scrimgeour was coming with him for some reason. Frowning, Remus glanced at Lorelei. "Lorelei... you might want to come with me." Lorelei frowned but obliged. She hadn't wanted to give the Ministry a reason to try and kill her or take her hostage. George stood to go with her, but Remus shook his head. Tonks quickly pulled Lorelei to the fence where she helped Lorelei over it. Remus, Tonks, and Lorelei disappeared from sight just as the Minister arrived.

Lorelei found out when she returned later that evening that Dumbledore had given things to Harry, Ron, and Hermione in his will.

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