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HER POTION'S ESSAY WAS LIKED BY SNAPE. He told her he could tell she wrote it after a Quidditch practice because some of her words sounded slurred, but nonetheless, he gave her a good score. It was better than George, Fred, and Lee who didn't bother to turn it in. Figures.

Lorelei found a way to balance Quidditch and school, though she found herself exhausted. She also had to tutor the twins who were falling behind. They were not doing well in balancing the two.

"It's not like it's hard. It's a simple spell. Veraverto."

"Why would I need to transform Scabbers into a water goblet?" Fred asked with a frown.

George scratched his head in confusion. "Transfiguration is useless."

Angelina snorted as she passed the group in the common room. "Don't let McGonagall hear that."

Lorelei frowned at the twin's lack of enthusiasm for the spell. She threw her hands up in frustration. "I give up."

Fred and George smirked. George replied, "Knew you'd crack eventually." They took off leaving Lorelei fuming at them. They found it funny.

The match against Ravenclaw was the opening match of the year. This was a cold November morning. Lorelei couldn't help but feel like her shivering wasn't from the cold, though. She couldn't stomach anything, and watching Fred and George eat as if their lives depended on it made her want to punch them. They didn't seem nervous at all.

Angelina sat wearily down next to Alicia across from Lorelei. "Eat something, Lor."

"Can't," Lorelei said grimacing at the thought of food.

George groaned. "You won't play right without something. Just eat." He pushed a few pieces of toast near her.

Lorelei glared at him, but she took the toast nonetheless.

Oliver Wood was pacing nervously as well. He knew his team was good, but he was worried about how the older Ravenclaw students would treat the second-years. He watched the twins bouncing in their step as they made their way toward him.

"Alright! First game. Don't be intimidated! We have a good team with a lot of skill. Mackle, find the Snitch, but only if we have a lead. Don't give Ravenclaws the win. Weasleys! Don't kill anyone, yeah? Johnson, Nester, and Calypso...er- Calypso? You alright?"

"Fine," Lorelei squeaked.

"Uh- alright. Just make as many points as you can. Let's win this!"

The crowd was deafening. There was a lot of cheering, but there was equal booing from the Slytherins.

"Ignore them. Rotten house," Oliver said with a grimace.

Jordan walked over to Lorelei. "You'll be alright. Play well."

Lorelei mounted her broom and flew around a bit before making her way in front of the Ravenclaw Chasers. Roger Davies smirked and gave her a wink.

"May the better team win, Lorelei," Roger yelled over the cheers.

"It'll be us, Davies!" Fred yelled from above with a smirk. George and Fred were bouncing their bats with equal smirks.

Oliver shook hands with the Ravenclaw captain before the game commenced. Angelina grabbed the Quaffle as soon as the whistle was blown.

It was a rough game for Lorelei's first. Angelina, Patricia, and Lorelei worked well together but so did the Ravenclaw Chasers. It only helped that Fred and George were getting rather good at hitting the Bludger directly at the Quaffle in the Ravenclaw Chaser's hand. It almost always was knocked to a Gryffindor Chaser. At times, Lorelei was pushed almost off her broom, but she managed to hang on.

Oliver was shouting praises every time Lorelei, Patricia, or Angelina would score making the second-years feel pretty good about themselves. Lorelei smirked at Lee's commentating.

"Davies passes it to Rodes, oh yes! Fred knocks it out of Rodes' hands into Calypso's! Yeah! Go, Lor! Go!"

Lorelei went flying down the field to make a goal. The Keeper barely missed it.

"One hundred twenty to Seventy. Gryffindor in the lead. Let's hope Mackle can find the--There he goes! Mackle is off to get the Snitch! Let's hope Kelso doesn't get it first! Johnson gets another goal! One hundred thirty now! Go, Gryffindor! Johnson flying better than anyone--Alright, Professor. Just complimenting! Mackle almost grabbing the Snitch! Wood is going nuts!"

Lorelei screeched when a Bludger passed her head. She looked at a Ravenclaw Beater who was definitely enjoying this. She glared and kept moving. She made another goal as she heard the crowd going crazy. She turned to see Jordan Mackle holding up the Snitch with Oliver screaming in happiness.

Flying lower, she found people hugging her and congratulating her that she didn't even know. She smiled politely until she made it to her team. Lee was already running toward his friends. She felt Oliver lift her up in a hug. When he put her down he did the same to Angelina.

"Best reward for a large risk ever! You lot play better than some seventh-years out there! Oh, I'm so happy!" He was grinning as he gave Patricia a hug.

George threw an arm around Lorelei with a lazy grin on his face. Lorelei smirked and said to him, "You stink, Weasley. Go shower."

"You're no better," Fred said with a teasing grin.

The party in the Common Room was bigger than the party held for Charlie last year. There were a lot more people as second-years were allowed. George and Fred snuck Firewhiskey from a seventh-year.

"Fred, George. You're both twelve, you do realize," Angelina said with a roll of her eyes.

"Never too early!" Lee slurred joining the group.

Brizo was enjoying the attention he was getting from Percy and his friends. Percy had congratulated his brothers and Lorelei; though, he didn't see the Firewhiskey. Thank Neptune for that. He would have a stroke.

Lorelei smiled as her friends spoke lively about new Quidditch tactics. George had sat next to her while Angelina sat on the other side. The two were arguing in slurs across Lorelei about facts about Quidditch making Lorelei have to push them both.

She received glares but Lorelei only laughed at the idiots.

She loved her friends.

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