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ANGELINA AND LEE GRINNED AS THEY SAT ON THE GRASS. It had been so long since they had seen Lorelei, nonetheless seen her tail. The pair had come with George and Fred, but the twins had business to take care of in the Muggle world and a shop to run. With a kiss on Lorelei's lips, George left for the shop. With a kiss on Lorelei's cheek, Fred left for the Muggle world. Florence and Clara were in awe of the twin's love for her.

"I can't believe you went through that," Angelina muttered. Lorelei had told George every single thing that happened to her in the waters except for being pregnant. He was livid and frustrated that he wasn't there, but Lorelei had silenced him with a kiss. She didn't want him to be angry, after all, she was alive and in his arms again. "It just seems a bit odd that Dumbledore would send you there blindly. And about Umbridge, that's so fucked up." George had taken that the worse, hand finding his marked skin and hers from the blood quills. Lorelei found herself touching it again as Angelina spoke. "I'm so glad you're home. How long until the full moon?"

"Like two weeks or so," Lorelei said, glancing at Lee who was staring at something in the water. "Did you want to meet them?"

Lee looked up and nodded. Lorelei called them if they wanted to meet two more of her friends, but only Bethany and Embry came up. Ursula and Uriah were not used to so many people, so they waited for now. Embry got along with Lee right away, bonding over their love of mischief like Embry had with the twins. Bethany was staring at Lee a little too much causing Lorelei to grin at her. Angelina and Lorelei were thinking the same thing; she was attracted to him.

Lorelei grabbed Embry's ear to pull him away from Lee, moving Bethany to introduce herself to the man. Angelina spoke to Lorelei and Embry for a while until Lee said he was going to go help George at the shop. Bethany smiled at him before saying goodbye. Angelina and Lorelei sniggered at how awkward they were when Lee Disapparated.

Embry looked at the pair of giggling witches. He whispered, "Was that as painful to watch for you as it was for me?"

Bethany glared at him before splashing him with her tail and diving back into the water after saying goodbye to Angelina.

Embry blew a kiss to Lorelei before also diving down. He enjoyed pestering Bethany, Lorelei noticed, as a younger brother would. Lorelei looked up at Angelina before asking her the time of the day.

When she was sure Tonks would be home, Lorelei sent her a Patronus to come to the Burrow.

Tonks was excited to see the mermaid again to tell her about the semi-progress she made with Remus. When she appeared at the Burrow, she found Angelina and Lorelei speaking by the pond. Lorelei hugged Tonks, apologizing for getting her shirt wet. Tonks grinned and began to ask Lorelei about how she was, the appropriate niceties.

Lorelei asked once more for one more person, having Tonks go grab Molly. Lorelei was sure George had told Molly what Lorelei went through because the woman was trying to take care of her more than usual, but Lorelei needed to tell someone. These were the three women she trusted most, so she knew she could tell them.

When the three women sat around Lorelei, Lorelei went into the story of South America again, this time adding the real reason she was able to escape. "Tyra was Reynolds wife. She had lost a child, so she was granted by Neptune to see pregnant women's children. Reynolds couldn't hurt me because... well, because Tyra told him something I wasn't even aware of--"

"Are you saying," Angelina started as Tonks and Molly still looked a bit lost, "don't lie to me, Lorelei!"

Lorelei grinned a bit at her best friend. "Tyra told me I was over a month pregnant; therefore, I couldn't be harmed by Reynolds. That's how we escaped--"

"AHHH! I'm so happy for you!" Angelina yelled as Tonks soon joined in, a bit weary at the fact that Lorelei was only eighteen. She knew Lorelei would be a fit mother with George having the shop and the large family that will love it, but there was a war. This worried Tonks immensely. "Have you thought about names?"

Molly stared at Lorelei wordlessly. Lorelei knew Molly could either be really happy or really mad, which is why she told Molly first. There was nothing worse than an unplanned pregnancy during a war, but Lorelei couldn't find herself to be angry about her little peanut. "I-I know you are probably furious I didn't do the spell afterward, but it was right before we left to come here, and we were so worried about my mission. With the holidays and everything, it slipped my mind... I know this is the worse time for this, but I don't regret it, Molly. I'm going to love him or her with everything-- OOF!"

Molly had jumped into the water to hug Lorelei.

"Amatheia would be so proud of you," Molly mumbled into her wet hair. "You're right. This isn't ideal, but it's a baby! It's a little blessing, and I'm glad you're so on board with it. Oh! A baby! I'm going to be a grandmother! Oh, Lorelei! This is so wonderful!" Molly shouted as she started to cry, holding Lorelei tighter. She quickly backed away. "That can't be good for the baby. Oh, a baby! This is going to be so wonderful! I can't wait to tell--"

"Mum? Why are you in the water?" Fred's amused voice asked. Lorelei saw he was alone as he sat next to Angelina hesitantly. They weren't together anymore, but they remained really good friends. "What's going on, Lor?"

"I'm pregnant," Lorelei said with a smile just as a crack was heard.

"You're what?"

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now