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"NOT AT ALL, ACTUALLY," Lorelei replied, "Being in the water brings my body temperature to a mermaid's degree

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"NOT AT ALL, ACTUALLY," Lorelei replied, "Being in the water brings my body temperature to a mermaid's degree. I'll be freezing when I get out, mark my words." She laughed a bit at her own statement.

The body behind her neared. She felt arms wrap around her waist, helping to keep her dress from falling into the freezing water that she was in.

"We'll both be sick tomorrow, you mark my words, Lor," George said teasingly. Lorelei only hummed in response. He tightened his arms around her, pulling her a bit out of the water to lean back on his chest. "Where's Harry?"

"Didn't like the ball scene. He went off to bed, though I expect it has something to do with Ron and Hermione fighting," she replied while closing her eyes when she felt George's heart rate increase.

George laughed. "You should be tired. All that dancing. Seems like you had every boy at your feet tonight."

"Jealous you weren't one of them?"

"Immensely, but I'm here now," George replied cheekily. "Seriously, though. Diggory and Pucey in one night? Standards, Lor, you need to get them."

Lorelei turned sharply at those words and narrowed her eyes. George was still holding her dress up, but Lorelei had let go to point aggressively at his chest. "I have standards. I took Cedric away from Cho so Harry could speak to her, and Pucey was only dancing with me so Montague didn't embarrass me tonight."

"Calm your tail, love. I was just curious," he said quickly.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you," she said with a small smirk. "Next time, ask me before someone else, and maybe don't go with someone you don't want to go with!" George chuckled a bit. "Speaking of her. Why was Alicia crying?"

"I told her I didn't want to kiss her, nor did I want to date her when she asked. Told her I was in love with someone else, but I was too thick to do anything about it," George said darkly making Lorelei's eyes widen.

George's arms tightened further around Lorelei's waist. "Told her it would never work because every time I shut my eyes, I see two sparkling blue ones staring back at me. It wouldn't work because my mind is on this girl every second of every day and it's driving me mental."

"R-Really?" Lorelei said with a gulp. She felt George forget about her dress as he brought his right hand up her body slowly before finding its destination on her cheek. He caressed it for a moment making Lorelei's eyes shut and lean into his touch. "W-Who is she, then?"

"Jealous?" he said boldly.

"Immensely," she replied mimicking his words from before.

George smiled at her. He took in the beauty that was Lorelei Calypso, and he realized he couldn't do it anymore. Pushing away what he thought was silly feelings that he was not supposed to have. He thought she would never like him back when this whole time, Angelina and Fred were right, they were dancing around each other for years now. He held her face firmly as he descended his face to hers.

With her eyes still closed, he lowered his lips until they were barely brushing hers. He tightened his hold on her waist with his left arm. Lorelei's lips parted as she anxiously awaited to feel George's on her own. She felt his bottom lip barely touching hers, and she couldn't wait much longer.

"L-Lor," he started, but she didn't let him say anything else as she pushed her lips to firmly press against George's.

The kiss started slow. George took a moment to respond before he pulled her body flush against his. The dress was completely forgotten as both hands were traveling up and down her body. Their lips moved in sync as they tried to memorize every curve and feel of their lips on each other. Lorelei felt her hands move to his hair to which she tugged on gently causing George to let out a low moan of approval. Lorelei grinned against his lips.

After a moment, the two needed to breathe, so George slowly moved his head back, but not before stealing two more quick pecks.

Lorelei was breathless. She felt everything and more in that first kiss. Her feelings for George were so full of love, and she knew there was nothing holding them back anymore. Lorelei thought of everything that had gotten in the way of them admitting their feelings, and most of those problems were their own faults. Lorelei felt herself grinning at the electricity still buzzing on her lips from the way George kissed her.

"Lorelei?" George called out still a bit out of breath as well. Lorelei hummed in response. She grinned when George smiled and kissed her again. And again. And again. The third one was long as he teasingly tugged on her bottom lip. He pulled away and said, "Be mine, yeah? I need to know you're mine."

Lorelei gripped onto the front of George's shirt and smiled at him. Jokingly, she replied, "And what about this girl you claim to be in love with?"

George scoffed and kissed Lorelei's forehead. "I think she better say yes before I throw her in the lake fully clothed."


"I try."

Lorelei sniggered before detaching herself from George to grab her heels. Shivering from the sudden cold, Lorelei cursed herself because she knew she was going to be sick tomorrow. Slipping her freezing heels back on, she looked back at George with a smile. "Want to walk me to my dorm, Georgie?"

George groaned. "Give me your consent to be my girlfriend, woman!"

Lorelei grinned further. "I guess I'll walk alone--"

"Sod off, let's go," he said while grabbing her hand and holding it firmly.

The two had similar silly grins on their faces as they walked back to Gryffindor Tower that night. Lorelei was smiling at the fact that they had finally kissed while George was smiling because he had kissed her while she was awake. That was a rather big accomplishment. Walking hand-in-hand, the two were both satisfied with how the night ended even if it didn't start as well as they had hoped.


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