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No one is answering me, and I'm getting worried. Please send word soon... I need to know you're all right.

Love, Harry


Dursleys are very frustrating when I don't have ANY of my friends replying to me. Send me something--anything! I'm getting worried... no, I'm passed worried.

Love, Harry


This is rubbish, you know. I keep saying to myself that you might be in the water, but no one else is answering either. I need to know what's going on. Just tell me you're okay! I'm going mental.

Love (but slightly miffed), Harry


When I see you next, I'm going to throttle you.


Lorelei ran a hand down her face in frustration as Remus glared at her with a stern expression. She sent the werewolf pleading, doe eyes that held innocence, but Remus saw right through it, of course. After screaming out in frustration when Remus didn't back down, she saw him smirk because he knew he won.

"Just one letter," she pleaded. "One! He's just threatened me!"

Remus crossed his arms over his chest as they sat in the Burrow's kitchen. He grinned at the thought of Harry threatening Lorelei because they both knew who would win in that fight.

After they had gone back to the Burrow from King's Cross Station, Molly told Lorelei she was not allowed back into the waters on Dumbledore's orders. Amatheia put up a fight, of course, but Dumbledore would not back down. Lorelei needed to stay where it was safe, and the waters were not safe right now. Remus has been at the Burrow stationed to protect the Weasleys and Lorelei while Molly and Arthur prepared her children to go to Grimmauld Place, Sirius's childhood home.

The Order of the Phoenix was the name of the secret group Dumbledore formed back when they first fought Voldemort; it was now reformed. The only difference is right now, they didn't have the Ministry to back them up with anything. Every mission was almost as if they were hiding from the Death Eaters and the Ministry Officials.

But, of course, there were plenty of Ministry workers in the Order that were keeping an eye out. Nymphadora Tonks worked under Mad-Eye Moody, and she was involved along with him. Kingsley Shacklebolt worked close to the Minister himself, but he was working solely on Dumbledore's orders. Obviously, Arthur was working on Dumbledore's order as well. There were many others, but those were the four she saw often.

All of the Professors were on Dumbledore's command as well, but Snape had his own mission. Also, Sirius and Remus were working often together to recruit the old members. Lorelei was refused to join by Molly and Remus, but she had plans to talk to Sirius privately about the matter. Amatheia already said, on land, Sirius is her guardian when he was able to be around.

Lorelei was already packed ready to go when she and Remus were having their staredown.


Lorelei let out another frustrated scream.

"You're impossible!"

"No, I'm Remus."

Lorelei glared further when the man grinned at her. He actually grinned! The twit, she thought. Getting up with Harry's letters in her hands, she went outside to the pond where Amatheia was waiting. Amatheia smiled brightly at her daughter, but Lorelei only managed a half-smile. Brizo was swimming happily in his own water again.

Amatheia pulled herself up on the grass allowing her hair to cover her chest in case a man was to come out. Amatheia pulled her daughter in for a hug. "What time do you leave?"

"An hour or so. Whenever the twins finish packing. They're trying to get everything together that we've invented this summer since we won't be returning to the Burrow. When we go to Hogwarts, they plan to sell everything they can," Lorelei said with a smile.

Amatheia grinned. "You and Clone Number One okay?"

Lorelei snorted a laugh and nodded. "It's been a bit awkward with Molly trying to set up rules and things, but we're both seventeen now. He's been awfully busy lately with Fred creating their products. I don't create, really, I just give ideas and help with promotions," Lorelei explained.

"Well, just be careful and safe and all that. He's always been a lovely boy," Amatheia said with a smile. "Remus is here?"

"Yeah, in the house. I can get him?" Lorelei offered but Amatheia shook her head.

"You can send him out after we're done talking," Amatheia said while watching Brizo climb her tail to get in her lap.

Lorelei nodded and sighed thinking of her godfather. "He is adamant I don't join the Order. I want to help."

"I think it's a great idea, but I don't like you involved; however, I know I can't stop you. Remus and Molly need to realize you'll do what you want in the end," Amatheia said with a teasing grin. "I've learned that after all these years."

They spoke until Molly called that it was time to go. Remus had come out, blushing a bit at Amatheia's nudity, but nonetheless smiled and bid her farewell. "I'll be back to check on you. Amatheia, I must request you to stay in the water unless we summon you. It's not safe."

"Back to this, I see. It feels just like last time. Well, you sound a bit like my mother, Remus, when she told me not to go up to meet Regulus. Yes, all right. I love you, Lorelei. Give Sirius my love as well, the git. Has yet to come to visit me," Amatheia said with a smirk.

Lorelei hugged her mother one last time before Amatheia disappeared in the water. Brizo settled happily on Lorelei's shoulder as Remus helped her stand. When she made it back into the Burrow, all of the Weasleys were holding their trunk ready to go.

It would be a long summer, Lorelei thought with a sigh.


Order of the Phoenix is my favorite, so get ready!

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now