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"SO, HOW'VE YOU BEEN?" Lorelei questioned as they sat in his room

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"SO, HOW'VE YOU BEEN?" Lorelei questioned as they sat in his room. Amatheia was glad to have a bathroom to rid of the soot on her body completely, but Lorelei was more worried about the raven-haired boy. "I heard about Sirius Black escaping. Mum and the Weasleys were going mad trying to keep me safe. Like he'd walk right in and take me or something," Lorelei spluttered with a nervous laugh.

"Well, why would he hurt you?" Harry questioned while petting Brizo.

Lorelei sighed. "They won't tell me. Says he knew me for the first two years of my life, but they won't tell me. If he was my father, I would like to know," she muttered with a grim expression.

"They won't tell you who your father is?" Harry questioned in surprise. He didn't understand why they wouldn't tell her. If it was Sirius, wouldn't she be safer knowing instead of curiously guessing?

"No," Lorelei said with a huff of frustration.

"Want to go walk around Diagon Alley? I've been looking for Ron or Hermione, but they haven't shown up," Harry said with a frown. Lorelei explained the Weasleys went on a trip to Egypt that they had won, but she didn't know about Hermione. "Well, anyway. They put out this new Firebolt broomstick. It's apparently the fastest in the world at the moment. Bloody expensive, though."

"Hmm," Lorelei hummed and then called for her mother. "Mum, want to go take a walk in Diagon Alley? I need to get my supplies."

Amatheia walked out of the bathroom looking fresh again. She frowned. "I'll feel terribly awkward."

"I think you'll fit right in, Amatheia," Harry said with a charming smile. Amatheia smiled at the boy and nodded. They grabbed their wands while Brizo perched on Lorelei's shoulder.

When walking, Lorelei and Harry pointed out buildings and explained to Amatheia what they were and where they needed to go. Harry enjoyed the presence of the two mermaids and single crab as they shopped for Lorelei's supplies. Lorelei groaned to Harry and Amatheia about the tough year she has ahead of her.

"Oh, Harry. I wish I only had to worry about third-year examinations. O.W.L.s are supposed to point me in the direction of my life. I have no idea what I want to do," she muttered as Harry grabbed some of her books from her hands. "Bloody hell. I need new robes. You grew, too, Harry. Neptune, where did the time go?"

Amatheia snorted as they made their way into Madam Malkin's shop. "You sound like an old grandma." Harry laughed at this as well.

"Hush. Here, Mum. Hold this while I get fitted. Thank you, Harry," she said with a grin. Once she had her new robes, they went back to the Leaky Cauldron to drop her things off in her trunk. Harry helped immensely while she organized her trunk the way she wanted it. "Okay! Let's go see that Firebolt. I'm excited."

Amatheia walked with them muttering things about the broomstick almost killing Lorelei a few days ago, but Lorelei shoved her a bit with a grin. She hadn't even come close to falling off.

"HARRY! LORELEI!" voices shouted as they exited the Leaky Cauldron. Harry grinned at the sight of his best friends. Lorelei rolled her eyes when Brizo hopped excitedly on her shoulder at the sight of Ron.

Lorelei and Amatheia both received hugs from Ron, but Hermione only stared at Amatheia wide-eyed. "Mum, this is Hermione Granger. The brightest witch of our age, as most like to say. I have to agree, personally," Lorelei said and watched Hermione blush a bit. Amatheia shook Hermione's hand.

They spoke for a moment before Lorelei was getting antsy. "Alright, enough chit chat. Where are they, Ron?" she asked with a mischievous smirk.

"Fred and George?" Ron asked to make sure. Lorelei nodded and felt Brizo hop even more excitedly. "Eh, they were with Lee last I saw, but I think they went to put their things in our room at the Leaky Cauldron. We're staying the night."

Lorelei grinned and grabbed her mother's hand. "You'll be all right, Harry?" Harry nodded and smiled at the girl. "Good. I'll see you three later. No funny business." The three third-years smirked and nodded their heads. Lorelei had always acted as a mother figure to them.

Amatheia was happy to see Molly and Arthur again, but she gave them a grim look. "Have they caught him, yet, Arthur?"

Arthur shook his head and glanced wearily over at Lorelei who was watching the scene with interest. "Why don't we talk over here. Lor, the twins are upstairs. Third door on the second floor. Percy made Head Boy, do congratulate him, will you?"

Lorelei smiled and nodded. Even though, on the inside, she was rather angry and frustrated. She wanted to know why they were so worried about Sirius when it came to her. She knew she wouldn't get answers, so she huffed and walked away.

"Come on, Briz. Let's find those imbeciles," she muttered.

On the way up, she saw Percy. Throwing herself on him, he shuffled back a bit before realizing who it was. He smiled warmly at her. "How are you, Lor?"

"Good! Wonderful! How are you, Head Boy," she nudged his shoulder with a wink.

Percy blushed and nudged her back. "Doing wonderful. I'm rather excited. Fred and George keep making fun of me, though."

"Oh, they're just jealous, you know," she said with a dismissive hand. Percy grinned at that and hugged her once more lovingly.

"Thanks, Lor. I must be heading down. Father wanted to speak about something," he said after pulling away. "The idiots are in the room. Ginny is up there, too."

"Thanks, Perce!"

She had to pull Brizo from Percy's shoulder as he was content there, but she knew he'd be excited to see the twins.

Hell, she was excited.

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