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ON THE TRAIN RIDE TO HOGWARTS, MANY PEOPLE STARED AT THE WEIRD GIRL WITH THE CRAB SITTING ON HER SHOULDER. Brizo was more like an owl at some points as George would say. He took Amatheia's words seriously about keeping the girl safe. 

George and Fred hoped Lorelei would make it into Gryffindor like they were sure they would like their brothers. They didn't know who Lorelei's father was who was a wizard. Charlie grinned from across the compartment when Brizo snapped at Fred who tried to pet him.

"He does not like you, Freddie," Charlie said with a teasing grin. Fred only scowled and moved to the other side of the compartment next to Charlie and Percy. George grinned at the extra space and put out his legs a bit.

Percy laughed a bit at the crab. "Doesn't seem to like anyone, does he?"

"He likes me, Perce," George said smugly when Brizo crawled over to him.

The other boys scowled at the crab making Lorelei laugh.

When getting sorted, Lorelei placed Brizo in her pocket in fear they would take him away for the time being. Lorelei felt her stomach drop at the thought of being in a different house than her only friends. She knew she would be fine if she was, but she would rather have the Weasleys by her side. Charlie and Percy wished the three good luck as they left for the carriages.

Fred and George tried to tip the boat making Lorelei yell at the boys because she didn't fancy getting wet that night. If she touched the water, there was no telling if she'd get out. And a look at the Hogwarts castle made the girl want nothing more than to visit every nook and cranny in there. It was beautiful; probably the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Another boy by the name of Lee Jordan came in the boat as well. Fred and George took an immediate liking to the boy and the three tormented Lorelei until the boat came to a stop in front of the castle.

Lorelei felt nervous beyond belief after the Sorting Hat had sung its song. The twins had said she wanted anything but Slytherin, which made her nervous. What if her father was a Slytherin? The twins said it is very hereditary where one gets sorted. She knew she would be placed before the Weasleys were, so she held her breath until Professor McGonagall, a lovely older witch, called out her name.

"Calypso, Lorelei."

She released her breath and felt Brizo snapping at her to get a move on. She whispered, "Stop it, Briz!"

George and Fred laughed at the girl while Lee looked confused. He asked the twins who Briz was.

When Lorelei felt the hat sit on her head, he gasped dramatically.

"I didn't think I'd ever see one of you again. Though, something here is fishy. Oh, yes, my dear. You aren't like your father at all, are you? Your mother's fiery personality runs through your veins. You are thinking about who your father is, and you hope to Neptune he was not in Slytherin. Funny because he was. You seem too adventurous and bold. Yes, yes. You shall do just like your uncle, then.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the Sorting Hat finished with a yell making Lorelei sigh in relief. So her father had been in Slytherin?

Lee Jordan and the Weasleys were not too far behind her with sitting at the Gryffindor table. She felt Brizo climbing out of her pocket to sit on her lap. She began to give him some food off of the large table full of it. She hadn't seen this much food. She though Molly cooked a lot!? That was nothing compared to this.

Dumbledore gave a speech about accepting those around them, and make a point to look at Lorelei, but no one noticed besides the Weasleys. He seemed rather excited about the year coming, so he wished everyone goodnight to allow morning to come faster.

Charlie grinned as he threw an arm around Lorelei's shoulders on the way to the Common Room. Brizo snapped a bit at the boy, but Charlie only grinned further. "I'll get you to like me, you silly crab."

Brizo crossed his arms over his shell.

Fred and George walked near the pair with Lee Jordan speaking about the havoc they would create in the school during their seven years. Charlie seemed almost sad that it was his last year, but he kept a smile on his face for the group.

Lorelei's first female encounter was a dark-skinned girl named Angelina Johnson who was talking avidly with a girl named Alicia Spinnet.

Lorelei was opening her trunk quietly when Angelina spoke. "Hello. You're Lorelei Calypso?"

Lorelei was nervous as ever. She didn't want them to be rude to her. She was so used to those in the water being rude. Lorelei hesitated in nodded.

"Don't be so nervous. I think we're all going to be great friends," Alicia said with a nod making Lorelei's face brighten.

Brizo decided he wanted to jump out into his little aquarium Dumbledore had set up for him.

"Oh! He's adorable! What's his name?" Angelina said running over to the aquarium.

"Brizo. He's touchy, so be careful," Lorelei spoke with a stern look toward Brizo. Brizo rolled his eyes and allowed Angelina to pet his shell carefully.

Alicia laid flat on her bed. "I can't wait for classes. I want to learn everything I can."

Angelina put Brizo back and nodded agreeing with the girl. Lorelei quickly changed, not bothered by the other females in the room. After, she got comfortable in her own bed. She wished Brizo and the girls goodnight and allowed herself to smile in the darkness.

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