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GEORGE GULPED AS HE STARED AT THE CLOUDS DARKENING. Would he be lying to say he wasn't worried? Yes. He was terrified. He was angered. Upset. Nervous. Everything felt like the world was slowly ending. Was this the end? Were the dark clouds that loomed slowly in his sights showing the end was near? Yes.

He felt someone grab his shoulder, turning to see his brother smiling grimly at him. "All right, Georgie?"

"Something's wrong," George whispered back, eyes focusing on the evermoving clouds. "I-It doesn't feel right."

Fred shivered unwillingly as he, too, watched the dark sky. Only a few hours after Lee Jordan's broadcast, no one really had been speaking. Everyone was in their own world. "Do you think--"

"LORELEI!" Ginny bellowed, causing George and Fred to run back into the home thinking the worse.

The twins stared at Ginny, Luna, Dean, and Lorelei, all holding a similar coin.

Luna grinned madly. "Neville's called for us. Harry's there, Lorelei, Ginny. He's there! They must be about to overthrow the Carrows--"

"What?" Lorelei asked distractedly, staring at the coin used for DA meetings. Ginny had found Lorelei's coin in Ophelia's bag of all places, telling the mermaid to keep it on hand. Lorelei didn't understand why until now. "What's going on?"

"We must get to the Hog's Head," Ginny said, ignoring the protests of Molly and Arthur. "This is it." George glanced at Fred then Lorelei then Ophelia. "Now! Harry's there!"

Dean, Luna, and Ginny stood, waiting for Fred, George, or Lorelei to make a move.

"O-Ophelia," was all Lorelei whimpered out.

Fred grimaced. "I'll take these three, you two... figure it out." Molly and Arthur shouted their protests again.

Ginny's hair seemed to flame as she stared at her parents. "Harry's there... this means the end. This means it will be over soon, don't you get it! I love him, Mum, and I'll be damned if I don't get to tell him that one more time before this fight." Molly and Arthur stood gaping at their daughter who seemed to grow up too soon. "Embry?"

Embry was holding Ophelia, also too stunned to move. He stuttered, "I-I'll be there." He was terrified.

Arthur grabbed Ginny's hand before kissing Molly's cheek. "We have to go." Molly nodded solemnly. Fred had a hand on Luna and Dean as he left the room with a crack, Arthur nodding at Molly as he and Ginny left. Molly turned to stare at the three remaining wizards and witch. She saw a tear rolling down Lorelei's cheek.

The mermaid stood, wiping the tear with frustration. She took Ophelia from Embry's hands. She held her close. "Mummy loves you, so so much." Would she see her again? "Be good, my love--"

"You're staying," George gritted out, eyeing the mother of his child. "You're staying with Lia and Embry. All three of you will stay safe and out of harm's way--"

"Absolutely not," Lorelei bit back. "I'm all for Embry staying with Lia, but he's going to come because that's his character. Just like I'm coming."

"I won't have my daughter not have both her parents!" George shouted. "If something--"

"Don't even finish that sentence," Embry snarled, walking up to George. "We're all going to fight, we're going to end that son of a bitch, and we're going to live a long happy life together. I will not sit here twiddling my thumbs, and neither will Lorelei."

George, Lorelei, Molly, and Aunt Muriel stared at the wizard dumbstruck. Embry had never spoken that way before. George pulled the boy in for a hug when he caught a tear leaving the young boy's eye. He looked up to meet Lorelei's eye next. "You won't--You won't leave my side."

Lorelei gulped and nodded, knowing nothing was certain. He let go of Embry, grabbing Ophelia from her. "Dada loves you, all right, Peanut? Aunt Muriel's old, so you gotta be good--"

"Watch it," Muriel muttered, but even she was frowning at the scene.

"--Mummy and Daddy will be back before you wake up. Uncle Fred and Harry will be right there with us, all right? I love you," he said as if she would answer. Gulping again, he handed the sleepy baby to Aunt Muriel who stared at the parents with determination.

"She'll be fine."

"We know," Lorelei said quietly, moving to grab George's hand. Embry grabbed Molly's as the four disappeared from the living room of Aunt Muriel's home--disappeared from Ophelia.

Lorelei felt herself land roughly, but she had no time to compose herself. A body flew at her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. She breathed out, "Lee." He backed away, doing the same to George and Embry. Fred glanced at his brother and Lorelei. Lorelei gave a tight smile at the crowded room. "Lia is with Muriel... she'll be fine."

"So will we," Fred promised, grabbing her hand to squeeze it once. Lorelei hugged Bethany, obviously not leaving Lee behind.

A man who looked strikingly like Dumbledore gruffed out that they needed to go through the secret passageway a few at a time. No Order members seemed to be there yet, but Cho Chang, Lee, Fred, George, Lorelei, Ginny, Bethany, and Embry took up a lot of space. Arthur and Molly had left to go alert Order members. Dean, Luna, and Ginny ran through first.

Fred hopped up, hand grabbing Embry to help him up. Lee climbed up, then George. George extended his hand to Lorelei, smiling when she blushed as she used to when they were kids. Oh, how things had changed. Cho followed behind them.

Lorelei could see this tunnel had gone on for ages, but the light at the end signified that they were heading to the right place. She could see Dean and Luna already made it to the end, obviously excited to see their friends again. She could hear cheering and talking. Soon, Ginny climbed out of the portrait as silence fell again.

When Fred, Lee, and George jumped out, George turned to help Lorelei, cries of greeting seemed to be the only thing Lorelei could hear.


I'm so nervous :(

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now