- 7 9 - BUMMER

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LORELEI WAS NOT A FAN OF GEORGE AND FRED'S AGING POTION. The twins had begged her to help them--pleaded day in and day out until she agreed. Knowing Dumbledore wouldn't let them compete underaged, she finally agreed.

She told them she would help find the potion recipe and the ingredients, but the brewing was up to them.

They were sitting in the Common Room late the next night, all three over a piece of parchment. Lorelei's eyes were dark when looking at the words written in her handwriting. She was furious with the conniving man. Ludo Bagman had taken all of Fred and George's money and even some of her own! How dare the ugly brute?

"No, Fred. That's a bit mean," Lorelei whispered with a bit of reluctance. "Even though I would love to write it."

Fred grinned at her and waved her off. Lorelei sighed and scratched out another thing in the letter before adding something else. George sighed as well. "She's right. It sounds like we're accusing him. Got to be careful..." he trailed off making Lorelei look up to see why he suddenly paused. She saw George meet Harry's eyes across the Common Room. No one could know they had lost that money.

Harry smiled at the trio, but he looked down hastily. George muttered finally, looking back at the mermaid, "Just ask him, Lor. Be plain and upfront. The bloody thief better be glad we don't send Mum after him."

Lorelei snorted and wrote something out and allowed the boys to read it. "Plain and upfront, as George said."

"Brilliant. We'll send it in the morning. I'm off to bed," Fred stated.

Lorelei sighed when the twin left making George glance at her questionably. "What's wrong?"

"Nightmares last night of Moody. Silly, isn't it?" she rested her head on her hands and stared at the boy next to her. He smiled softly when she said, "Wish we were still at the Burrow. Could've snuck in yours by now."

George didn't even think twice when he said, "Well, come on." Lorelei's eyes widened ,and she began to snigger when his face became red at what he said. He scratched the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "If you want, er... maybe not?"

Lorelei snorted and put her head in her hands to hide the blush creeping up her neck as well. She looked up with a new twinkle in her eye. "I suppose one night wouldn't hurt."

George smiled and stood up. He extended his hand, glad she was already in somewhat of sleepwear. She wore a jacket over her cropped shirt. The jacket was over her shorts, but he knew they were there. Lorelei took it and glanced around the room. Only Harry and few others were in there. No one would know.

Nodding, she quickly followed George into the boy's dorm. Fred smirked when he saw the girl enter. Lee was already asleep.

"Midnight rendevous? All right, just keep the noise down," Fred teased with a smirk. He sat down on his bed and stripped off his shirt. Lorelei laughed at his words when George became even redder than his hair. "If you get bored, I'm always here, Lor."

"Oh, hush, Freddie. Had a bad dream last night. It's no different from the Burrow," Lorelei stressed that it was not different, not wanting to make George more uncomfortable.

"Sure. Night, lovebirds."

George gestured to his bed, and Lorelei smiled at his awkwardness. Taking off her sweater, she laid it on his trunk and got in the bed. She turned over and snuggled deep in the manly scent of George. She heard him moving about, as she reckoned he needed to change into sleeping shorts. She felt when he laid down next to her and threw an arm around her like any other time at the Burrow. She smiled to herself as she fell into a deep slumber.

The week of the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang was among them. It was late October, as the two schools would be arriving that day on the thirtieth of October. Lorelei was happy that she didn't have to deal with two hours of Snape that day. It wasn't as if he was a bad teacher, it was quite the contrary actually. Snape taught the things she had never learned before, and he even complimented her practicals quite often.

That morning, Lorelei linked arms with Fred and George as she skipped down to the Great Hall for breakfast. The two boys were aggravated because Bagman had ignored each letter Lorelei had written to him. Each letter had become slightly more aggressive, but Lorelei knew she had to stop at some point. The man was avoiding them because he knew he had done wrong.

When they sat down, Lorelei saw Harry and his friends joining a few moments later.

Fred sighed and said, "I guess the letter idea wasn't working. Ruddy man."

"It's a bummer, all right," George said leaning down on his hands. He didn't even feel like eating. "But if he won't talk to us in person, we'll have to keep sending letters. Or we'll stuff it into his hand. He can't avoid us forever."

"Imagine when I get my hands on him," Lorelei threatened already feeling her eyes turning black.

"Who's avoiding you?" Ron asked when he sat down fairly close to Lorelei. When he saw her eyes, he scooted over a bit more toward Harry.

"Wish you would," Fred said looking at his brother with an irritated expression.

"What's a bummer?" Ron now asked George seeing as Fred wouldn't answer.

"Having a nosy git like you for a brother," George replied picking up a slice of toast.

"What do you want to get your hands on?" Ron asked Lorelei.

"Your neck in a second," Lorelei grumbled out while leaning on Fred to try and calm down.

"You three got any ideas on the Triwizard Tournament, yet?" Harry asked to change the topic seeing as all three were in a horrid mood. "Thought any more about trying to enter?"

"I asked McGonagall how the champions are chosen, but she wasn't telling," George said bitterly giving his half-eaten toast to Lorelei who took it gratefully. "She just told me to shut up and get on with transfiguring my raccoon." Lorelei snorted when remembering that day.

Soon, Hermione came over with all this nonsense about house-elf rights, and Lorelei felt like her head was about to burst. The three of them had refused to buy Hermione's S.P.E.W badge, and she was rather angry at them.

Lorelei leaned over to Hermione. "Listen, have you ever been down to the kitchen, Hermione?"

"No, of course not," Hermione said with an angry gleam to her eye. "I hardly think students are supposed to--"

"Well, we have," said George, indicating Fred and Lorelei, "loads of times, to nick food. And we've met them, and they're happy. They think they've got the best job in the world--"

"Here we go," Lorelei muttered when Hermione started to rant.

"That's because they're uneducated and brainwashed!" Hermione began hotly, but they were interrupted by the post owls. Lorelei smirked at the witch.

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