That moment when literally every other class gets to leave school earlier except for your class
Even the other group in my class left 30 - 40 minutes before us
^ this makes my blood boil
Because this has been happening ALL YEAR LONG, we're the one class that never gets to end earlier and I'm so mad about this =3= I just started packing up my things and putting my jacket on and luckily everyone else followed me lmfao
The teacher was like "tHere'S sTill 7 minUteS lEft"
Honestly I'm just mad about having to go back to school at all when all our grades are set and we have no more school work
I'm legit debating to stay home from Tuesday to Thursday and just show up on Friday (I'll go tomorrow because I have a short day and my English teacher wants us to watch another class play volleyball and eat ice cream lolol but I have no interest in going on Wednesday and Thursday :<)
There's nothing more infuriating then having to do something meaningless >:( This is time I could've spent working on and earning money from my art, I have three drawings I need to work on and I have a commission I haven't even started on and alajalaalslla
I'm so upset about this!! T_T At least I only have 4 more days :') AND THEN FREEDOM!!!
I was so cold today T_T
I can't really be seen with a big scarf in June lol plus I didn't wear any fuzzy socks because it would look weird with my converse, and I was so cold ;-;
But you guys should be proud of me!! XD No scarf or fuzzy socks, and I was actually wearing jeans instead of my tights lol
At some point I walked past Amalie, R and H and I didn't have time to stop and talk with them because I had PE, but as I passed I heard R say "hey! Kaitlin's actually wearing jeans!" XD
I saw them I bit during lunch break and they kept making such a big deal out of it lmao, and they kept complimenting me just to make me embarrassed and point out how red I got T_T Amalie and R always gang up to tease me lol, screw you guys!! XD
It was so nice to see them though, especially after I had spent all day with people that don't really like me and that I don't really like
It's sad how everyone just follows Mal around like lost puppies >_> Especially since I know some of them don't even like her, but the moment she's around they get all fake and go out of their way to get close to her and talk with her
Honestly those are the worst people imo
I can't stand people who talk shit behind people's back, and then act like they're best friends when that person is around
Like, you don't have to be an ass but you don't need to go out of your way to pretend to like someone either. I think that's a lot crueler than being honest or saying nothing at all - I'd much rather have someone be upfront about their feelings about me, rather than feed me lies then talk shit behind my back
Anywho, I was a loner again today lol
I feel like I look so sad because Mal, JT, B, Mark and so on always stand in a circle and I just end up standing behind them because I have nowhere else to go XD Luckily I won't have to suffer through them for much longer
I also absolutely hate being seen with them because I don't want to be associated with them, and I don't want other people to see me hanging out with them and think that I'm anything like them T_T
It was actually torture to have to listen to all the drama going on in their love lives
My real friends and I always joke about how nothing ever happens in our lives and I'm actually so grateful for that lmao, I'm so sick of hearing drama 😩 (and I'm even more sick of being involved in drama)
The worst part is that it's such stupid drama that could easily be avoided, but they're all desperate so they try to keep those people in their lives even though they're obviously toxic af and doing nothing good for them
Like, of course you're gonna get hurt lmfao WHAT DO YOU EXPECT
It's like none of them have the courage to walk away from something that's obviously not good for them and it's so hard to listen to because I pity them so much T_T
I'm just glad that I managed to go today without any drama lmao
I took my first nap in months today XD
I used to nap pretty much every day but it fucked with my sleeping schedule too bad and I always feel 10 times worse after napping so I stopped, but I was so unbelievably exhausted after school today ;w;
So I pretty much went straight to my room, nearly fell asleep while playing Animal Crossing, and then took a nap with Baby lmao
The problem with napping for me is that I always end up sleeping for several hours - and I would've slept more if it wasn't for my mom forcing me up lol
I just wanna go back to sleeeeep
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^ a perk of speaking Norwegian is that it's very similar to Swedish so we understand each other 👌
Which means that every time Felix speaks Swedish in his videos, ya girl understands just about everything and that's a big flex 😎😎😎 lol
Though other Norwegians understand Swedish a lot better than I do lmao, I'll never forget when we had a Swedish lady substitute a class in 10th grade and she asked if JT and I could see the whiteboard (because we were sitting in the back of the classroom) and I had no idea what she said, so I thought we were in trouble lmfao
I just sat there silently, being a good student and paying attention and she just suddenly looks at JT and I and I was so confused and scared XDD
Danish is a million times worse than Swedish, and don't even get me started on Icelandic or Finnish
I'd rather rip out my own eyeballs than learn Finnish
Also, did you guys know about the rivalry between Sweden and Norway? XD It's kinda funny to watch Pewdidpie videos because he'll occasionally bash on Norway
Our dumb blonde jokes are replaced by Swedish people jokes lol
I don't understand this rivalry lmfao though if someone were to confuse Norway for Sweden I'll probably flip out and be like "SwEdEn?! ThAt sHitHole?!?!"
Ok sorry for rambling, I hope you guys have a great day/night :3