I'm so sorry for all the nonsense I wrote last night, I'm back to planet earth now which means it's time to spill the tea 😂
I'm not the emotional drinker or the aggressive drinker and I'm not the one who vomits all the time, so I'm really grateful for that XD
I'm small af so... it didn't take much before I started to feel the alcohol lol. T and I arrived to Amalie's house first and I quickly changed my clothes and got ready before everyone else arrived
A lot of them came a lot later than planed so we just slowly started drinking before them lol. I think we were about 13 or 14 people all together (all my friends + H), but only 6 of us really drank and only 3 of us got really drunk XD
I split drinks with Amalie since she was the one who got the alcohol and I just split the pay with her so I'm not really sure how much I drank or what I drank lol. We just started off with the lighter stuff that kinda tasted like burning soda XD Plus we took shots of some harder alcohol and it took an embarrassedly small amount before I really felt it >_<
I got really warm and dizzy almost immediately lmfao, and after three shots I couldn't stand or walk straight anymore lol. I wasn't too drunk yet and I was gonna fill up my cup with water because I knew I was getting a little tipsy and I didn't want to be the first one drunk lol, but I nearly fell on top of Amalie the moment I stood up lmaooo. I'm pretty sure T had to come with me to make sure I actually made it to the sink XD So yeah, at this point I was already super dizzy and couldn't really walk straight but I was still "here"
I started to really feel it when T started getting drunk as well and we just got really giggly together lol. At this point my friends were making fun of me because it started to get very obvious that I had been drinking, and I hadn't even drank that much XD
Apparently I'm the kind of person that just repeats "I'm not drunk" and "I'm fine" over and over again XDDD I even (tried to) write it here a few times lmao
I remember walking around telling people that they're more drunk than me lol. And then when I was talking with T, I kept rotating between "we shouldn't drink any more" to "we're not drunk, we need more alcohol" XD
I don't really know anything about drinking and alcohol and stuff so I don't know how drunk I really was last night, but at least I remember most of the night XD Like, most of the time I was aware of what I was doing, I just didn't have any control over it lol. Plus I'm definitely a little hungover now XD
I remember at some point, R jumped up to touch the ceiling so Amalie thought it was a good idea to help me jump up and try to reach the ceiling as well lmao
I may or may not have lost my balance and fallen on the floor XD Or, well, it wasn't like I fell, it was more that I just lost my balance and sat down to try to make the room stop spinning, but that was definitely a mistake lmao. Everything started spinning even more and I couldn't get back up lmfao, I just sat there laughing and saying that I'm stuck and can't get up 😂
I eventually got help and just kinda stumbled around, I almost knocked over a few chairs too lololol
I was also oddly concerned while I was drunk XDD I remember whenever any of the drunk people were out of my view, I had to ask around and look for them and I was just so concerned for them and tried to help them lmao. Especially by the end of the night when R was throwing up, but I'll get to that later lolol
I think H definitely got a kick out of seeing that side of me lmao, at least the other girls have probably seen me at least somewhat talkative or weird at some point but H had definitely never seen me like that XD So he kept coming up to me and I would just tell him how cute he and R are together, and I kept telling him that they need to get married and have a beautiful daughter and a goat together lmao