Chapter one- The Sorting

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Uncle Lucius was wrong, finding a seat on the Hogwarts Express is not easy. Especially for a first year. He told me to march right into the Slytherin car and tell everyone who I am, announce my blood status or whatever he goes on about, but I hate that. Absolutely despise the way my uncle and the rest of my family think. That's probably why I'm walking aimlessly down each of the cars of this train looking for an empty compartment.

"oi! You need a place to sit?" a boy's voice calls from behind me. Turning around I see a red-headed boy's head sticking out of one of the compartments.

"Do you mind?" I say, walking tentatively towards him. I wouldn't be surprised if he could sense that my family was who they were and he says that he's joking.

"Nah not at all come on in!" he opens the door more so that I can walk into the compartment and sit beside him. There are two boys opposite him. One of them is the exact replica of the boy beside me while the other one looks nothing like either of them.

"I'm Fred Weasley, that's my brother George." the boy, Fred says from beside me jutting his chin out towards the other red-headed boy, "and that is Lee... it is Lee right?"

The other one, Lee, laughs a bit and nods, "Yeah right on, Lee Jordan. We are all first years so we are just getting acquainted. I'm guessing you're a first-year too?"

I nod and laugh a bit, "please tell me you three are just as nervous as I am." I begin to play with a strand of my long black hair, not really looking at any of the boys.

"Oh not at all. George and I have three older brothers. One of 'em, Bill, has left Hogwarts, Charlie's on his final year, and the other one, Percy, is two years ahead of us." Fred says, "However Bill did tell us once that we have to duel against the other first-years to be sorted into our houses."

"I don't believe that for a second!" Lee chimes in, "My dad told me that we have to wear an old hat that whispers in our ear and reads our minds!"

The three boys all look at me. "What do you think... sorry, we forgot to ask your name," George says after a second.

"oh, my names Violet. Violet LeStrange. My uncle told me its nothing to worry about. The sorting hat does all the work for us."

Fred mumbles something about killing Bill for getting him all worried, Lee laughs in relief. George on the other hand shifts in his seat a bit. "You said your last name is LeStrange? Like he-who-shall-not-be-named right-hand wizard LeStrange?"

Fred and Lee stop almost mid-sentence and look over at me with both disgust and concern. "I uh..." I clear my throat a bit, "um I should probably find somewhere else to sit. Sorry to bother you all. Pleasure meeting you." I grab my bag from beside me and stand up. I reach for the door handle but Fred grabs my hand before I can wrap my fingers around it.

"Don't go. My brother was just being judgmental. It's fine really, we aren't our parents." Fred tugs on my hand a bit and I make eye contact with him. He smiles slightly and nods, I smile back and sit back down beside George.

"Sorry if he made you uncomfortable. Just never met a nice person that was related to the Malfoys you know?" Fred says after I sit down and get comfortable again.

"Oh, it's alright. I'm used to it honestly." I shrug my shoulders a bit. The conversation moves onto what houses the boys expect to be sorted into and what classes they are most excited for. Lee assures me that just because my whole family is Slytherin doesn't mean that I will be sorted into the same house but I seriously doubt it.

Hours later, the four of us are all changed into our robes and slowly making our way off the train. "Is that the castle?" Lee whispers to us once we step onto the platform.

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