Part 4, Chapter 16- The Goblet of Fire

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Violet!? Where the fuck have you been!" Emma shouts when she sees Draco and I walk into the great hall. Draco goes to sit with his friends.

I sit down beside Walter and he hits my shoulder with his, "Oh thank god you're here." He says. I smile and scrunch up my nose.

"Violet pay attention! I spent the entire day with Elliott and I didn't like feel anything! I was too busy thinking of someone else!" Emma wails, "And Elliott is perfect like he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my entire life and I was like in love in love with him a few summers ago and now he's here for an entire year and I feel nothing!"

Walter rolls his eyes and passes her a platter full of buns. Emma looks at him like he's just slapped her grandmother, "I can't eat in a time like this! I'm in mortal peril!"

I take the platter from Walter instead and grab a bun so I can dip it in my stew. "Alright then, who were you thinking of?"

Emma looks at us both, "You'll make fun of me." She says.

Walter puts his spoon down and gives Emma his full attention, "When have I ever made fun of you?" He says seriously.

"Not you, Violet. She's got a mean streak."

I scoff and roll my eyes, "Only kidding Violet you know I love you." Emma says. She grabs my head and kisses my cheek.

"Alright so are you going to tell us who you were thinking of while you were with Frenchie?" I ask.

"I was thinking of Fred. Which doesn't make a lick of sense because I don't feel anything towards him either. At least I don't think I do. Not like he feels anything for me, all he does is talk about Angelina. 'oh she's such a fantastic flyer' or 'she's got a good bum, have you noticed?" Emma does her best impression of Fred which sends Walter and I into a fit of laughter.

"It's not funny! I'm stuck in a love triangle!" She wails. A few boys from Durmstrang look over at us.

"Fred's been talking about Angelina since the day I met him." Walter says, he fills his bowl with a second helping of stew which confuses me because I can't figure out how he ate so fast. Teenage boys I guess. "Elliott seems like a great guy. Maybe you should just spend more time with him."

"But at the same time, Elliott is only here for a year so it might not be worth the effort." I dip my bun into my stew, "Buuut, he's also only here for a year so you matter make the most of it." I say. Walter points his spoon at me and nods in agreement.

"You two are no help at all." Emma groans.

Walter's eyes light up, "You know what you need? Amortentia."

"I know you're joking but that might actually help a lot."

Filch stumbles through the door heaving the goblet of fire through the gaps between the tables, its then that I remember that they still have to pull the names for the champions.

"I heard Angelina added her name earlier today. Cassius entered his name as well." Walter says.

"Cedric entered his as well, dunno if anyone from Ravenclaw entered." Emma says peering over at the table on the other side of the room.

"Course no one from Ravenclaw entered, that house is full of the smartest people at Hogwarts. You really think that they are going to compete in something like this?"

"So the competitors are not smart?" Someone with a very thick Bulgarian accents asks from my left. I wince and turn to see Viktor Krum who is now sitting beside me, "I think the competitors are very smart and brave. Unlike your boyfriend and his brother... they turned themselves into old men earlier today no?"

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