Part 3, Chapter 12- What's a dude girl?

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I take Emma's advice and wash and brush my hair before I meet up with George in the library. I opt out of getting a total makeover from Emma, makeup has never really been my thing.

"Have fun!" Emma sings after me when I leave the common room with my books and things. I don't waste much time getting to the library. I find a secluded spot in a dark corner, pull out all my things and start working.

"Hey!" George calls from behind me. He comes up and ruffles my hair and sits to my right.

As soon as I see his face my heart starts beating faster. The way his freckles pepper his nose, how his hair falls to his eyes and he keeps brushing it away but it doesn't do anything. The way his whole body fills with every breath he takes. "Vi? You good over there?" His voice cuts through my thoughts.

I lean towards him and kiss his lips, "I'm fantastic. Just looking at my boyfriend." I mumble into his lips.

George laughs and ruffles my hair again, which I've learned is how the Weasleys show love and affection. "How about we just skip writing this composition and find something else to do?"

I hum softly, "We have to do this composition. The faster we get it done the more time we have to do whatever we want."

George groans but he opens his textbook and pulls out a crumpled roll of parchment from his bag. "You've got to be kidding me. That's how your composition looks?" I watch as George rolls open a very crumpled, flattened, and wrinkled parchment.

"Its Professor Sprout, she doesn't care!" He says proudly of himself.

I roll my eyes, which bothers George because 'it feels like I spend more time looking at the whites of your eyes than your actual eyes'. "She cares, she just loves you and Fred so she doesn't say anything." I open my textbook to Mandrakes.

"I don't even get why we have to study Mandrakes again. Especially after last year. Like we get it, they can de-petrify people." George says looking at his textbook.

"Because they are going to be a big part of our OWLs and we have to make sure we know every aspect of them." I say matter of factly.

"No one likes a smart ass Violet." George jokes.

"I beg to differ, I think you love a smart ass."

By five o'clock, George has ink smudge all over his face, and I have fully completed my first draft of my composition. George looks like he just ran three laps around the castle. "How did you manage to get ink virtually everywhere." I use the sleeve of my jumper to wipe at the ink smudges on George's cheek.

"Haven't you noticed? I'm a child." George scrunches up his nose and leans away from me a little, "And you're acting like my mum."

We pack up our things and head down to the dining hall hand in hand. "Sorry if you thought that spending the day with me was boring." I say to George as we walk down the stairs. "I just really need to stay on top of all my work this year. I can't have anything that Uncle Lucius could use against me in an argument you know?"

George swings our interlocked hands up to his mouth and kisses the top of my hand gently, "I don't care what we do Violet, as long as you and I are together."

"Next week is the first Hogsmeade trip. We'll have the entire day to do whatever we want. No studying, no school work. I promise." I say to him when we reach the ground floor.

George spins me around so I'm facing him, "I love you." He says smiling from ear to ear. He kisses me hard. "I gotta go meet Fred and Lee. I'll see you in class tomorrow." He kisses me again and dashes off to the great hall.

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