Part 3, Chapter 4- The Birds, The Bees and Emma Fay

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The next morning I'm buried deep under my blankets when George comes into my room and throws himself on top of me. "Get dressed please, the faster we leave this morning the faster I have you all to myself." He mumbles into my blankets.

I pull the blankets off of my face and lie there looking at him, "School means classes and OWLs and friends and quidditch. I bet you twenty galleons that we won't see each other till Christmas."

George laughs and kisses my forehead, "We'll find time love, we always do." He rolls off of me and lies beside me. "Now please get dressed."

I throw my blankets off of me and pad over to my trunk, George sits up and crawls to the end of my bed to watch me. "If you're staying here, you better not peek," I say. George flops backwards on the bed and I quickly change out of my pyjamas and pull on an above the knee black and grey plaid skirt and a tight black tank top, I top the look off with a grey cardigan and black doc martens.

"You look perfect," George says.

I shut my trunk and buckle it up, "How do you know?"

George sits up and flashes me a crooked smile, "I didn't. But I wasn't wrong.". Someone knocks on the door so I get up to answer it.

"Hullo Miss LeStrange. Let me take your bags and things down to the lobby." He pushes through the door and grabs my two trunks and sloppily walks out the door.

George scrambles off the bed and kisses me on the lips. "Come on." He takes my hand and gently pulls me to the door.

"Hold on." I take my purse from the side table and take out two sickles as a tip for Tom. I pick up the cat cage that I managed to get Fergus in and head downstairs.

George goes off with Fred when we get down into the bar and I go over to sit with Hermione, Ginny, and Molly. "There was this one time when I was in school... I had a huge crush on a boy three years above me. My friends and I stole a book from the restricted section and late at night we brewed a love potion for him." Molly tells Hermione and Ginny.

"Mrs. Weasley!" Hermione shrieks, Ginny and her burst into giggles. I sit down at a chair beside Molly.

"Course Violet didn't need any help from a potion to get George to fall head over heels for her." Ginny says to me.

Molly takes my hand in hers and pats it gently. "I hope all my boys manage to find someone as perfect as sweet Violet here."

We talk about boys and things all breakfast, Molly being completely invested in everything that we say. Especially when I bring up things that George has done for me in the past.

At about ten o'clock Draco comes down the stairs and makes his way over to me laughing with everyone. "Violet the cars here." He says to me, leaving an awkward space between him and Molly Weasley.

Molly looks at the clock on the wall, "Blimey! We have to go too. Come on Weasleys and friends! You're going to miss the train... again." She says the last part to Ron and Harry. Draco takes my hand and leads me out to the car the was sent for us. I wave to the Weasleys knowing that I'll see them in a little bit and hop in the car with Draco.

"Don't tell anyone that I actually associated with those people." Draco says to me as the driver pulls away from the leaky cauldron.

"Oh course not. We can't have people thinking that you are actually a sweet little boy." I go to ruffle his hair but he pulls away from me quickly.

"I'm thirteen now Violet. I don't want you treating me like a child."

I roll my eyes and turn in my seat so I can look at him better. "I don't really care how old you are Draco. You're my baby cousin. I'm going to embarrass you whenever I feel like it."

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