Part 5, Chapter 17- Umbridge and McGonagall

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It's a long while before I show back up in the Slytherin common room. As soon as I get in there's a round of applause from everyone.

"That was the strongest stunning charm I've ever seen!" Some third-year shouts.

Emma and Walter come up to me, looking a lot less smiley than the rest of the house. "Violet, what the fuck?" Walter says.

Emma lifts a bit of my hair from my next exposing about five different bruises, "I guess George wasn't too mad about it." Emma says with her eyes wide.

I take their hands and bring them back out of the common room into the dungeons so we are away from everyone else. "What the hell happened?" Walter asks.

I tell them about what happened on the pitch, the twenty points I lost Slytherin, the extent of Draco's injuries, me and George's fight... me and George's make up...

"Merlin's beard you two." Walter laughs.

Emma smiles, "As long as you two don't do it in the Slytherin common room then I'm fine. I don't think our friendship would survive me having to listen to your sex noises."

We all laugh, "It was intense, like seriously intense."

"Well yeah, I would think. Never saw you with one hickey let alone what? Eight?"

My face goes bright red, "Eight that you can see."

Emma and Walter hoot and holler which causes Snape to pop his head out of his office that's down the hall, "Miss LeStrange... I would have thought that losing twenty points today would have taught you something..." Snape says viciously.

Emma, Wally, and I run out of the dungeons sniggering and walk in a different direction. "You've got to teach me how you managed to get your spell to be so intense," Emma says.

"I dunno dude, it just happened. All my spells come out that way."

Walter clicks his tongue, "Powerful magic runs in the family, in the noble house of Black." He says the last part in a very posh accent which makes us all laugh.

Monday after lunch, Emma, Lee, and I walk to transfiguration class. "Did the boys tell you two?" Lee asks us.

"Tell us what?" Emma asks him.

Lee sighs, "They've been banned from playing quidditch... for life apparently."

"WHAT?" Emma and I shout at the same time.

Lee nods grimly, "Harry, Fred, and George. Umbridge banned them. Apparently she's got some new rule from the ministry or what have you that says she can punish people however she likes. Needless to say, they're fucking pissed."

"Well, now I feel like shit," I grumble.

Lee looks at me, "Why? What did Snape give you for throwing George around like a ragdoll? Weeks detention?"

"Took away twenty points," I say under my breath.

Lee stops walking, "You're lying."

I wince at his tone and turn around slowly, "No...? Trust me it confused me as well I was sure I was going to get detentions."

Lee opens and closes his mouth a few times, "No offence because I love you and you're a great friend to me, but fuck you! We lost three of our best quidditch players for life and you lost twenty points!"

Emma laughs awkwardly and I look between Lee and Emma, "I haven't told the boys yet."

"Fred's right pissed off at you right now, with what you did to George and everything." Lee says, "Now might not be the right time to tell him."

"George's over it, why isn't Fred?" Emma asks Lee. We walk into McGonagall's class and take our seats in the middle row.

"George is over it?" Lee asks me with his eyebrows raised.

I laugh, "He appears to be, guess you weren't in the common room when we were up in his dorm then."

Lee shivers, "I still have nightmares from the last time you two were in our dorm room."

McGonagall comes into the room from her office and looks at everyone filing into the room. "Hurry up now, we've got much to-"

"hem hem."

McGonagall rolls her eyes and we all turn around to see what she's looking at. Little, pink, and very ugly Professor, no sorry, High Inquisitor Umbridge is standing in the back of the class.

"May we help you, Dolores?" McGonagall says in a very annoyed sounding voice.

Umbridge walks through the desks slowly, her short kitten heels clicking on the stone floor, "Simply here to observe Minerva. Please, as you were." Her high pitch voices pisses me off more in this class than her Dark Arts class I have on Fridays.

"This year we will be focusing most of our time and energy on human transfiguration. This involves working with a partner for the majority of the year. Choose them wisely."

"hem hem."

The entire class stops moving. McGonagall turns hew whole body towards Umbridge, "Got something stuck in your throat have you?" McGonagall says. I snort trying to keep in my laughter.

"Well, I think that it would make much more sense if you paired the students together, that way they will be able to... bond and make friends." Umbridge stands from her little stool that she was sitting on, "You, state your name and house." She taps her wand on Amanda's desk.

"Amanda Ball, Ravenclaw." She says softly.

Umbridge then goes over to Cassius' desk. "You, state your name and house please?"

"Uhh, Cassius Warrington. Slytherin." He says awkwardly.

Umbridge claps her hands together, "Perfect! Miss Ball and Mister Warrington will be working together for the rest of the year."

Amanda looks like she's about to throw up. McGonagall steps forward, "The students will choose their own partners Dolores. I want them to feel comfortable in their classroom."

Umbridge puts on a face that makes it look like she's just smelt something awful, "Oh!" She says in a high pitched voice. She pulls her quill out and scribbles something on her clipboard, "I'm sure that Cornelius, sorry, the Minister will love to hear about this one."

McGonagall rolls her eyes again, her thin lips pressed together tightly. "We will need one group of three, however."

"And why is that?" Umbridge says with her nose high in the air.

Holly and Alex, the two Hufflepuffs in the class get uncomfortable, we all get uncomfortable in fact. "Because we lost a student last year and the class size is no longer even," McGonagall says sharply.

Umbridge doesn't clue in, "Lost a student? Was your teaching sub-par and they dropped the class?"

If McGonagall doesn't punch her I'm sure everyone in this room will take a swing. "The student we lost was Cedric Diggory." McGonagall sort of stalks towards Umbridge and towers over her which is not very hard at all, "I request you leave my classroom, you are disrupting my lesson."

Umbridge opens and closes her mouth a few times like a fish out of water and marches out of the classroom without another word. McGonagall looks very pleased with herself.

"As I was saying, one group of three, the rest of you partner off. It's going to be a long year."

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