Part 2, Chapter 24- That Was Sort of Anti-Climatic

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Later in the day, when everyone was in their classes, McGonagall's voice comes blaring through the corridors. "ALL STUDENTS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOUSE DORMITORIES AT ONCE. ALL TEACHERS RETURN TO THE STAFF ROOM. IMMEDIATELY PLEASE"

Without waiting for instruction everyone in my Ancient Ruins class jumps to their feet and start running for the door. I push through everyone and sprint down to the dungeons and flow into the common room along with everyone else.

"Draco! Draco! Are you here!" I call through the common room, searching wildly for my cousin. Draco flings his arms around me and holds on as tight as he can.

"Violet, what's happening? I'm scared." He says to me. Slytherin students are running in every which way trying to find their friends.

"I dunno. But stay here. Please for the love of god stay here and don't you dare put a foot out of line." I hold onto Draco's shoulders and look at him in the eyes. He nods a bunch and I give him one more hug before sending him off to his friends.

"Violet! Where have you been? What's going on?" Emma grabs a hold of my arm and pulls me down the hallway to our dorm room. Walter is already inside. She slams the door behind us and locks it so no one else can get in.

"I dunno, just got here. Why does everyone think that I'll know what's happening?" I sit down on my bed and look between Emma and Walter.

"You- You haven't heard?" Walter stammers.

"Heard what?"

Walter and Emma share a look before speaking, "It's Ginny- Ginny Weasley. Whoever it was took her down to the chamber..."

I laugh and shake my head, "No that's not.... No, she's a pureblood."

Almost as if he heard me say something writing appears on my arm. THEY HAVE GINNY. I'M WITH MY BROTHERS IN THE COMMON ROOM. VIOLET I'M SCARED.

I look up at my friends, tears in my eyes. "Emma pass me my quill," I whisper, she grabs it from my side table and brings it over to me. I read what I'm writing out loud, TELL ME HOW TO GET TO YOU. I WANT TO BE WITH YOU.

"Violet are you mad? You're really going to try and sneak out of the common room with everyone around like this?" Walter sits beside me and rubs my knee.


"Closing Hogwarts? You've got to be mad! They can't possibly close down the school!" Emma shrieks.

KEEP ME UPDATED. PLEASE STAY SAFE. DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID. I wipe a tear from my eye and sigh deeply.

I LOVE YOU. I read my arm a hundred times over, till it fades away and I look at Emma and Walter. "Well? Go on and reply." Emma says sitting on the other side of me.

I take a deep breath before responding. I LOVE YOU TOO.

The rest of the night was awful. Eventually, we had to unlock the door and leave our dorm so that Clarissa, Miriam, and Henrietta could get ready for bed. Not like anyone was getting much sleep though. Everyone decided to bring our mattresses and things out to the common room so we could all stay together, better in numbers as our Prefect put it. We did the same as we did last year, moving all the furniture to the side and making room for all of our things.

STILL NOTHING. ARE YOU OKAY? Appears on my arm. I write back quickly that we are all fine and put my quill under my pillow. There's a quiet murmur that can be heard throughout the entire room as people talk amongst themselves trying to piece together what happened and why the heir of Slytherin took a pureblood when the entire thing was keeping purebloods pure.

At three in the morning, my arm fills with ink. THEY FOUND HER! HARRY AND RON FOUND HER! SHE'S ALIVE. SHE'S SAFE!

I let out a shaky breath and tell Emma and Walter. But it's not long till Snape comes into the common room, speaks quickly to a prefect and closes the door again. The few students who managed to fall asleep are shaken awake by their friends.

"I've just been informed that ahem. Can I please for the love of Merlin have all of your attention? I mean your whole lives could be in danger." The Prefect says staring down a group of first years. They all shut up and one of them mutters an apology. The prefect rolls her eyes. "Anyways, I've just been informed that Ginny Weasley is alive and safe. Slytherins monster has been slain and the chamber has been closed. Everyone get up, there's a feast happening in the great hall."

"Who in their right mind made Theodora a prefect?" Emma grumbles.

"Anyone's better than Merula. You remember when she was Prefect last year?" Walter shivers at the memory.

Nevertheless, we all get up and walk out into the corridor, the first time in months that we aren't being watched by a teacher. George comes running up to me, lifts me off my feet, and spins me around as soon as he sees me.

"You love me!" He whispers into my ear when he puts me back down on the ground. He doesn't let me answer before he kisses me hard on the lips.

"How's your sister?"

George's smile falters a little, "She's good. Mum and Dad wanted to take her home but she'd much rather stay here for the rest of the term."

The feast was like none other we've ever had. Everyone was in their pyjamas, completely exhausted. Even Dumbledore was strutting around in his pyjamas, carrying a teddy bear under his left arm.

When he stepped to the podium the room went quiet, "Another year past! Your brains are more full than ever! How exciting knowledge is! Now, I would greatly appreciate that none of you tell your parents what happened here this past year."

The whole room is confused. "Only joking! Never lie to your parents. That's not a very good thing to do." He clears his throat and places his teddy bear on the top of the podium so it looks out at us all. "Anyways! I must inform you all that Professor Lockhart will no longer be teaching at Hogwarts, for uhm, medical reasons. But enough of bad news, we have to award the house cup! Now with the events of tonight that I'm sure you've all heard about because gossip is a beautiful thing, I have to award some last-minute points! For Ron Weasley, for being exceptionally brave and risking his life for his sister, I award Gryffindor two-hundred points!" The whole school erupts into cheers along with many of the Slytherins who are so relieved that we are finally done with the heir of Slytherin nonsense. "And for Harry Potter! Who looked death in the face quite literally, and showed true loyalty to those he cares about, I award Gryffindor two-hundred points!"

The room erupts again. I can see Fred rub Harrys head. "That means! Hufflepuff comes in fourth place with 387 points! Slytherin and Ravenclaw tie for second, with 452 points! And Gryffindor comes in first! With an astonishing 881 points!"

The room nearly blows up with the excitement from the Gryffindor table. "Yes yes! Congratulations Gryffindor!" Dumbledore says. "I have a few last words before Professor McGonagall comes to the stand to make an announcement. And those words are, hullaballoo, ragamuffin, and, kerfuffle!" Dumbledore bows deeply before snatching his bear off the stand and sitting back in the headmaster's chair.

McGonagall stands from her spot beside Dumbledore and goes to the podium.

"What'd 'a think she's going to say? Exams start tomorrow I hope you're ready?" Walter jokes.

McGonagall clears her throat. "These past few months have been hard for us all. And with some of our students being petrified for the majority of that time, I feel that it's only fair to cancel this year's exams!" 

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