Part 3, Chapter 8- Fifth Year isn't a joke

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Memories of last night flood my brain when I wake up for breakfast. After our... well, ya know. George and I ate the food we took from the kitchen and started talking about crazy life theories and what we would do with a million Galleons. He then snuck me back to the Slytherin common room and he made his way back to his dorms.

"So? How was your night?" Emma says, nudging me with her shoulder as we walk out of our dorm and into the common room.

"You were right. It is really fun." I say to her, hoping she can figure out what I'm trying to say.

It definitely takes her a moment but when she gets it she practically screams and slaps my arm really hard. "Where did you...? I mean you couldn't have possibly went to either of your dorms. You definitely didn't come to ours!"

"Happened in the astronomy tower." I say to her with a big smile on my face.

"What happened in the astronomy tower?" Walter asks coming over to us. The three of us walk out of the common room and into the corridor.

"Violet and George! It happened in the astronomy tower last night!" Emma shrieks.

Walter looks at me wide eyed with a smirk plastered on his face. "Damn Violet. That didn't take long at all." He winks at me and throws his arm over my shoulder.

My face heats up and Emma coos, "Do you think he's told anyone?"

We run into George, Fred, and Lee as they come down the stairs. Fred and Lee look at me, look at George, back to me, and start laughing.

"I think that answers your question Em." I say smiling at George.

Fred pats his brother on the back hard. "I'm going to go eat something. Unlike some people standing here, I didn't have a late night snack." He pats George on the back again and him and Lee head off into the great hall.

'Come on Wally, I want to get some toast while it's still warm enough to melt the butter." She grabs Walters forearm and drags him off which is really amusing given Emma is about a foot and a half shorter than Walter.

George and I stand sort of awkwardly in front of each other. "I only told them because they noticed I was gone in the middle of the night. I'm sorry I should have asked if it was okay-" George starts.

I peck his lips so he stops talking. "It's alright, truly. I told Emma and Walter when I should have asked you if it's okay. I'm sorry."

George takes my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine, "It's okay Vi honest. Not like they weren't going to find out about it." George and I walk into the great hall, and with a quick kiss goodbye we go over to our house tables.

"Hey Potter!" Draco's friend Pansy calls from the Slytherin table as I pass by. I look over to the entrance of the great hall and see Ron, Harry, and Hermione walk in together. "Potter! The Dementors are coming! Potter! Wooooooo!" The group of third year Slytherins break into laughter, even I crack a smile at their joke.

"Time table." Emma says giving me a sheet of parchment with all my classes on it.

Emma, Wally, and I spend the rest of breakfast comparing classes and break times. Thankfully, we heave nearly all the same classes, except for ancient ruins.

"We have a spare this morning before charms. Does that mean I can go back to bed?" Walter says after breakfast. We link arms and walk back to the common room to waste time before Flitwick's class.

Emma opens the common room door and we all head inside, "You don't need a nap, you just woke up from a long night rest. If anyone needs a nap its Violet." Emma says.

We sit down by the fireplace and Fergus comes trotting into the room and sits on my lap. "Yeah Vi, what exactly happened last night? Set the scene, fill us in." Walter says wiggling his eyebrows.

I tell them pretty much exactly what happened last night, finding Dobby in the kitchen, going to the astronomy tower. I don't say very much about the actual deed, letting their imaginations run wild. By the time I'm done telling them what happened it's time to go to Flitwick's class. I run into my dorm, pack up some ink, parchment, and the textbook into my shoulder bag and we all head out together.

"As you all know, your OWL exams will take place at the end of the year." Flitwick says once we are all settled into our desks. Fred yawns loudly causing a few snickers throughout the room. Ignoring him, Flitwick continues with his speech, "This year your classes are going to be harder, with more homework, harder spells, but it's one of the most important years. Getting good OWLs means you can take NEWT level classes, meaning you can get a better job in the wizarding world. To take my class next year you must achieve and Exceeds Expectations on your OWL. So study hard, pay attention, do your homework, and make sure you ask questions."

"Well fuck." Emma whispers.

Flitwick hands out a slip of parchment to each of us, explaining exactly what charms we are going to be studying this year.

"Sir? There's twenty-one charms on this list. You don't really expect us to master all of these before the exams do you?" Lee says with his arm waving in the air to get Flitwick's attention.

"Of course I do. You're all bright students. I expect the most." Flitwick says. Lee slumps back into his chair dumbfounded.

And for the next three hours, Flitwick revised the banishing charm, and for once, the twins didn't bother to make a single joke or comment. The entire room was silent except for the scratching of quills on parchment and the gentle clanging of quills in ink pots. By the end of the class my hand is cramped around my quill.

"Okay! For next class I need three feet of parchment on the pros and cons of using the banishing charm and when it should and should not be used. And be prepared for a skills test next class. You must have the banishing charm perfected by then. Class is dismissed." Flitwick says. The room starts to pack up.

"Dunno how I'm going to balance all of my class work with quidditch this year honestly. Three feet of parchment on the first class of the year?" George says to all of us as we walk out of the classroom.

"I did tell you all that fifth year was going to be impossible did I not?" I say jokingly. George ruffles my hair and gently pushes my head away.

"I'm thinking of skipping lunch and heading to the library to get a head start on this composition. Who knows what Professor Lupin is going to give us in his class." Walter says, he shrugs his bookbag higher up on his shoulder.

We all decide that it would be best to start working on the composition as soon as possible, and agree that we will help each other stay on track and on top of things all year long.

By the time our lunch hour is up, I've got a foot and a half of parchment completed where as Fred and George have maybe four words written down between the two of them.

"How about we all just drop out and go live in the mountains somewhere?" Emma says looking between her notes from todays class and the old textbook we found in the library. "I mean who really needs to learn the banishing charm?"

"Well we aren't even really learning the charm, just when and when not to use it." Fred points out.

"Guys this is all revision, we learned the charm last year. We just have to have it perfected. It's honestly not that hard." I blow on my parchment gently, making sure the ink is dry before packing it away.

I stop and everyone is looking at me, "its not that hard honestly." Lee mimics.

I look up at the clock by the library's entrance, "Fuck, Defense starts in like five minutes, we have to go."

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