Part 4, Chapter 20- Charlie Weasley

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When we get back to Hogwarts after our Hogsmeade trip I tell Emma what Fred has been doing to get her attention.

"So he's been doing the same thing with Angelina that I've been doing with Elliott? That bastard!" She shrieks. Walter is passed out in an armchair in front of the common room fire so Emma isn't too worried about him overhearing anything.

"Yes! So can you just tell Elliott it's over and stop whatever the hell is going on between you two?"


I stare at her for a solid thirty seconds, no blinking, "What do you mean 'nah' what is wrong with you two."

Emma closes her book and puts her hands in her lap. She straightens her posture and looks at me, "Violet, I do not back down from a fight no matter how big or how small. If Fred wants to fight dirty and try to make me jealous then I'm going to fight the exact same way."

"Oh my god, the two of you are going to kill me."

Emma laughs and pats my knee, "I don't plan on giving him the satisfaction of making me crawl to him and beg for a relationship. He's gotta come to me."

I throw my hands in the air and sink deeper into the couch, "I'm not apart of this anymore." I laugh.

"There's something on your arm Vi." Emma says.

I look at my arm and sure enough there's big black letters appearing down it,


I read it out loud and Emma squeals, "That's so cool that you two have that. Go get changed. Look cute."

I take her advice and go get changed out of my pyjamas and into something more presentable, I don't wear heels though, I put on a pair of comfortable sneakers instead.

"Cover for me if you need to yeah?" I pull one of Molly's sweaters over my head and Emma nods. I put a blanket on top of Walter and wave goodbye to Emma before I head out of the common room and sneak out of the dungeons and into the main hall. I hide behind a big statue of some famous witch or something before I make the dash to the painting.

The lavender field painting is massive canvas that's nearly as tall as me and I'm about 5'11. I pull on the right side of the canvas and it swings off the wall. I slip into the darkness and pull the frame back to its origional place.

"There you are, what took you so long." George hisses in the darkness.

I damn well near jump out of my skin, I pull out my wand and cast Lumos so I can actually see him. "I got changed into something that wasn't my pyjamas."

George looks at me head to toe and breathes out of his nose sharply, "God you're so hot." He steps closer to me in this already very small passage way and pins me against the wall.

"Well are you going to kiss me or are you just going to stare at me?" I whisper.

George moves so his nose brushes against mine. We stand like that for a while breathing each other in. "Fuck it." I whisper. I drop my wand to the ground and grab a hold of George. I put my injured hand on the back of his neck and loop my fingers through his belt loop with the other one. I pull him into me and kiss him. I kiss him to the point where I'm out of breath and I can't think straight.

George pulls away panting slightly, he looks right into my eyes and smiles, "Thank you Bill." He whispers. He bends down and picks my wand up from the floor.

"What do you mean thank you Bill?" I ask taking my wand back from him.

George smiles, "He's the one that told me,. If you ever really want to kiss a girl and they want to kiss you, stall. He said it's a lot hotter that way."

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