Part 7, Chapter 10- Fred Weasley

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Everyone starts running, running towards my favourite place on earth. Emma and I stay close together. There's no way I'm leaving her side tonight. Not in the middle of a war.

The entire Hogwarts grounds light up with spells, screams, shouting, fires. It's the riots all over again but I refuse to let my mind go there. Emma and I slow our pace a bit which allows for the other Death Eaters to clear a path into Hogwarts for us. I've only got one thing on my mind, to protect my family.

It doesn't talk long before Emma and I are in the castle. We get out of the way of the charging Death Eaters and flatten ourselves against a wall, "Where to first?" Emma pants.

Someone comes running down the stairs that are close to us, "STUPEFY!" I shout. The woman goes soaring backwards but she doesn't die, it was only a stunning charm. I will not kill anyone tonight unless they are trying to kill me or someone I love. I refuse.

"The Dark Lord made Draco go and find something he's hidden in the castle. Where would that be?" I say. A blue flash of light makes Emma and I duck to the floor. Screams, explosions, dust everywhere, the castle in ruins already.

"Room of Requirement," Emma shouts over the noise of another explosion.

We look at each other and nod, before getting up off the floor and racing towards the great staircase that's in the front foyer. "DOWN!" Emma shouts at me, she spins on her heels and sends some sort of jinx towards someone behind us. The man goes soaring backwards and knocks into a few people behind him. I look at Emma with wide eyes and she smiles, "Don't mention it."

We continue running through the halls, dodging weaving through pieces of brick and hexes that are being sent around in all directions. There. Walter, and Lee, fighting back to back against four Death Eaters.

"OI!" I shout. One of the Death Eaters turns to look at me, and without hesitation, I point my wand at him and scream, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Fifty-one kills.

The Death Eaters are confused now, they stare at me and Emma for a moment who are stalking towards them like hungry dragons, then they look back at Walter and Lee. Walter's got a nasty cut on his forehead already and I make a mental note to ask him if he's got that because he walked into a wall.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Emma screams, her charm hits another Death Eater and he instantly falls to the ground. Walter stuns another one and Lee literally punches the last one in the face before using the same charm that Emma just used.

"Missed you, boys!" I call looking at them with the biggest smile on my face.

Walter and Lee come running up to Emma and me and we hug each other in turn, "Some reunion huh?" Lee says, the wall beside us blows up and we all scream and duck to the floor. A bit of rock hits me in the face and splits open my cheek.

"We've got to go to the Room of Requirement... Draco's there." I shout.

Walter nods, "Stay safe, we'll go get a pint after this or something. Merlin knows we're going to need it."

We all laugh before hugging onto each other again. Lee and Walter dash off in the opposite direction. I look at Emma and nod before we start running towards the great staircase again. We skip the first three steps in one big jump to avoid the trick stairs and Emma and I shove through the people around us, casting hexes as we move.

"Course it's got to be the seventh fucking floor!" Emma shouts as we finally get to the top of the staircase, both of us are out of breath but we don't have time to catch it right this minute.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" I point my wand at another Death Eater, he's attacking a Hufflepuff kid, still in her robes. The Death Eater falls limp and the poor girl catches him as he falls.

Fifty-two kills.

The girl looks at us with fear in her face. I nod and smile at her before Emma grabs onto my arm and pulls me down the corridor that the Room of Requirement is down. As soon as we turn the corner, a door opens and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, and Goyle fall out of it. Draco's singed but as far as I can tell he's alright. Goyle is unconscious. Harry, Ron, and Hermione look like a mess.

"Draco!" I shout. I slip past a hex that someone threw my way and fall to the ground beside my cousin. He's in shock, terrified.

"C – Crabbe..." He mutters.

"He's dead." Ron practically spits at him. I help Draco to his feet. Emma hands him a wand that she's nicked off of a dead body somewhere.

"Thank you," I say to Ron.

He nods, "You've done your fair share of saving my family. It's only right."

The three of them break into small talk and hurry down the hallway. I take Draco's face in both my hands and look at him, "You're alright?" I say.

"You're bleeding." He points out.

I shake my head, "Doesn't matter, You're alright?"

"Yeah..." He looks at the door that they've just stumbled out of, "Crabbe... one of my best friends..." He whispers.

"Hey." I say bringing his attention back to me, "Hey, you've got to go, hide yourself, do something. Take Goyle, go somewhere safe. Go to the common room. You'll be alright there."

Draco nods a couple of times, he sends a bright light at Goyle and he instantly sits up taking a deep breath as he does so. Draco helps him to his feet and they hobble down the corridor.


A massive explosion shakes the entire floor, coming from the direction that Harry, Ron, and Hermione went. Emma and I look at each other for a second before sprinting to the cause of the sound.

Harry and Hermione are getting up from the ground. Two red-haired... no, three red-haired people are on the ground not too far from them. My heart sinks, I feel like I'm going to vomit.

Percy looks up, his eyes full of tears, he's crying, screaming his brother's name. Fred's name.

Emma screams like someone just cut off her leg.

We run over to him and throw ourselves down on the floor. Ron's screaming, Percy is screaming. I look down at Fred, my best friend. My brother. I cry, loud, ugly sobs. But it's Emma who's crying the loudest.

"Freddie? Freddie, please wake up!" She sobs. She shuffles over to be closer to his head, "Freddie, please. It's Emma. Freddie wake up. Wake up please Freddie. I love you. I love you." She runs a shaky hand through his hair, she bends over and places a kiss on his lips. "Please Freddie." She whispers, "Please god wake up."

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