Part 3, Chapter 32- So I officially hate Dumbledore

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The next day rumours were flying throughout the entire school about everything. Apparently Ron, Hermione, and Harry managed to find Sirius Black and set him free. And it turns out that Sirius was friends with Professor Lupin who according to Professor Snape is actually a werewolf.

"Why is it always those three whenever something bad happens around here?" Emma says on our way to the final dinner of the year.

"Harry is the chosen one. It makes sense that trouble follows him wherever he goes doesn't it?" Walter says. We walk into the very noisy, very happy great hall.

As soon as we step in the door a smile spreads across my face. We find a spot at the Slytherin table that we can all fit on. Dumbledore stands and moves to the podium and the room falls quiet. "Well, well, well! Look at all of us here, happy, sunburnt, excited for the summer months!" Dumbledore says proudly. The room erupts into cheers. "This year has been difficult for many! And I thank each and every one of you for making it run as smoothly as it could have gone!"

Another round of applause comes from the students. "With no help from you!" Shouts a Slytherin further down the table.

"And now! For the house cup! In fourth place is Hufflepuff, with 348 points!" Polite applause, "In third place, Ravenclaw, with 502 points!" another polite wave of applause.

"I swear to god if we don't win this year..." Walter grumbles.

Dumbledore raises his hand for silence. "In second place..." We grab each others hands in anticipation. "Gryffindor, with 522 points!" The Slytherin table erupts into cheers so loud the whole room shakes.

"We fucking did it!" Emma screams.

Dumbledore raises his hand again and the Slytherins slowly stop making noise. "Which leaves Slytherin in first with 570 points!" Dumbledore doesn't let us get loud again, "However!" he shouts.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Walter says, his smile dropping a little.

"I hate this ratty old bastard." I grumble.

Dumbledore looks at the Gryffindor table and winks causing an uproar in the Slytherins. "Because of their wonderful win of the Quidditch cup, I am awarding Gryffindor house with fifty points." Cue the annoying sound of the Gryffindor table cheering like their life depends on it. My eyes roll so far back in my head that I think they might get stuck there. "Meaning! Gryffindor is now in first place with a total of 572 points!"

"I hate this school and everyone in it." Emma yells which I can barley hear over the roar of the Gryffindor students.

"A fantastic year for the Gryffindor students! Congratulations to you all! Now, let the feast begin!" Dumbledore claps his hands together and heaps of food appears on the tables.

"Fuck that guy." Walter says loading his plate with food.

"Honestly." Emma says in agreement.

Besides the complete and total favouritism from Dumbledore the night was pretty fantastic. When the tables were cleared off and dessert was being passed around Snape sends out our final grades for our classes. When my envelope falls in front of me I look at my friends with fear in my eyes. "What if I didn't..."

Emma's envelope comes soaring through the air and lands in front of her, "You passed, don't worry your pretty little head about that."

When Walter gets his envelope we all look at each other before tearing into it. I skim the piece of parchment quickly... all O's.

"Violet look! You're top of the class!" Emma shrieks. She points at the top of the parchment where it has 'top of the class' written on it. On the line beside it my name is carefully printed beside it.

"Way to go Violet!" Walter reaches over and pats my back with his hand.

Relief floods through my body and I instantly lose all the tension that's built up in my shoulders this year. "What did you all get?"

Emma got eight O's and four E's and shes very proud. Walters got ten O's and two E's and he's over the moon excited. When we are all dismissed from dinner I wait for George by the staircase while Emma and Walter head off to start packing up their things.

"Did you pass?" I ask when George comes up to me.

George waves the parchment with the grades on it in the air, "Seven O's three E's and two A's baby!" He cheers. He comes over to me and hugs me close.

"That's great Georgie, I'm proud of you." I peck his lips and smile really big.

"That's great? Says the top of the class!" George picks me up and spins me around a few times laughing. "Told you that you could do it!"

He puts me back down and kisses me hard. "I can't believe I got perfect OWLs. I mean who even does that."

"Percy did." George says casually.

I laugh, "Gross."

We kiss again and then part ways, each of us having loads of packing to do before tomorrow morning. On the way back to my common room I run into Draco and his friends. "How'd you do?" I ask my little cousin.

"Nearly perfect. How about you?" Draco asks, he hands me his parchment and I hand him mine. "Bloody hell Violet, all twelve OWLs?"

His friends all look at me star struck and I smile really big, "Yessir! These are great Dray, your mother and father are going to be really proud of you."

Draco rolls his eyes, "Yeah till they see your grades." He hands my parchment back to me and I give him his back. "Now they're going to expect me to get twelve OWLs my year too."

"I'll keep my notes for you don't worry." I ruffle his hair and he moves his head out of my reach. His friends all laugh at him. "I'll see you tomorrow on the train. Don't be late." I dash off to the common room entrance and follow after a few other students.

"Vi thank god you're here. Have you seen my favourite pair of shoes? The brown ones with the gold buckle on the side?" Emma says as soon as I step into the dorm.

"Congratulations on top of the class Violet." Henrietta says from her side of the room.

It was the first thing she said to me in years, "Thanks! How did you do?"

"Honestly? I nearly failed this year so my parents are pulling me out. They don't think its worth it for me to take my NEWT years."

Emma stops searching for her shoes and looks over at her. "I'm sorry... We're going to miss you next year."

Henrietta nods slowly, "Thanks guys... I'll see you all when you get your dark mark I guess..." She goes back to packing and doesn't look at us again.

Emma shakes her shoulders a bit, like she's trying to shake that conversation off of her, "Violet, my shoes. Help me look."

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