Part 3, Chapter 23- Percy and Penelope

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It doesn't take long till we all get to Hogsmeade. Emma, Walter, and Lee go off to find ink, Fred heads to the Three Broomsticks to hang out with Angelina and the others. Leaving George and I by ourselves.

"Come to Tomes and Scrolls with me. I want to get a new journal." I pull on George's arm a little and he pulls me back towards him.

"We have the whole day to ourselves and you want to buy a new journal?" George says

I put my hand oh his chest and pat him gently, "Only for a little bit. Then we can do whatever you want to do."

George raises his eyebrows and drags me off to Tomes and Scrolls. As I said, it doesn't take long for me to find a journal and buy it. Especially with the help of an anxious George.

As soon as the witch behind the counter hands me my journal and the parchment with the purchase information on it George pulls me out of the store laughing. "Alright okay god! What do you want to do now hmm?"

George spins around, cupping my face in his hands and brushing his nose up against mine. "This." He kisses my lips, slowly, deeply, passionate. We haven't kissed like this in what feels like months and my heart swells. I put one hand on the back of his neck and the other one in his hair pulling him closer towards me.

"Excuse me!" Percy calls from a ways away.

George pulls away from me, "Fuck." He whispers. "Hey Perce. Penelope. How are we?"

George's older brother comes pushing through the crowd, with is girlfriend Penelope Clearwater following close behind. "How are you both today? Violet you look good, not as good as my dearest here of course." Percy brings Penelope's hand up to his mouth and kisses is very gently.

"We are just about to head over to the tea shop for a bite to eat. Let's make it a double date." Penelope says. Her voice is very high pitch and she pronounces literally every single letter when she talks. Apparently George hasn't heard her speak before either and we both stifle a laugh.

"We would love to, but we already have plans with our friends at the Three Broomsticks." I say, George winces so I know I've said the wrong thing.

Percy looks at me, then at his brother, "George Weasley. You cannot be serious, you're spending the pocket money mother and father gave you on butterbeer?"

The eye roll that George gives his brother is Malfoy level sass, "And your spending your pocket money on little sandwiches with the crust cut off. Mind your business please and thank you." He says a lot more calmly than I thought it would have been.

Penelope and I look at each other, not really knowing what to do. Percy scoffs, "At least my girlfriend is civil enough to sit at a tea table."

George stiffens up, I don't have to see his face to know that the vein in his forehead is popping out right now. "Percy. You're a gem. But you and I both know that I was raised by the Malfoys. I'm as proper as they come. But tea is fucking boring." I say to Percy with a smirk on my face. George instantly relaxes and laughs. Even Penelope cracks a smile.

"I meant no offense Violet, truly. I just-" Percy starts.

I shake my head a little, "I know what you meant. That I'm quote, uncivil, because I spend time with your brothers that you don't particularly like. It's alright. But please, if you're going to tell me that I'm too uncivil for tea, at least do it with good posture." I say. Percy goes red in the face, George snorts, Penelope, bless her soul, is very confused. I pat George's bicep, "Better be off then, what do you think Georgie? Don't want to keep these lovely people from their lunch plans."

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