Part 4, Chapter 14- Viktor Krum

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We all go into the great hall and take our seats for the feast. The students from Beauxbaton have taken up at the Ravenclaw table whereas the students from Durmstrang have decided to sit at the Slytherin table.

Draco flags me down and I take my friends hands in my own and walk over to him. Draco shoves Crabbe and Goyle out of the way and I sit beside my cousin. My friends beside me, Viktor Krum in front of me.

"Viktor, this is my cousin Violet LeStrange," Draco says introducing us to one another.

Viktor takes my hand and kisses my knuckles gently, "A pleasure." He says. His voice is a lot deeper than I would have thought it would be, his accent is thick.

"These are my friends, Emma Fay, and Walter Clarence. We are excited to have you here this year." I say. Viktor takes Emma's hand and kisses it the same way he did to me, he shakes Walter's hand firmly.

"These are my friends, Naiden Bekirski, Varban Granov, and Ivan Tanchovski," Viktor says pointing down the line. Each of them are very buff, very handsome. Naiden has a dark complexion with a very strong jaw and short curly hair, Varban is the smallest of the three but still bigger than any Hogwarts boy I've seen. He has a large nose and small eyes, his hair is dark brown and shaved nearly all the way off. Ivan is the palest of the lot. He's got ice-blue eyes with hair nearly as pale as Draco's.

"Are you zree entering in ze competition?" Viktor asks us. Food appears across the table and we start to eat.

"I'm still sixteen, my birthday is at the end of May." I say. I dish out some small roasted potatoes onto my plate and pass the dish to Draco.

"If Violet did compete then she would win without a doubt. Last month she nearly took off one of our professors heads." Walter says. Emma slaps him but Walter doesn't seem phased.

Viktor and his friends all look at me, "You raised your vand at a Professor?" Ivan asks me, his accent just as thick as Viktor's.

"She did it because the crazy old bastard transfigured me into a ferret and threw me in the air." Draco says matter of factly.

"Language Draco." I say sternly. The top of Draco's ears turn red and he is suddenly interested in the ham that is floating along.

"Maybe I am lucky that you are not of age yet." Viktor says. He winks as he says it which makes Emma giggle even though he didn't do it to her.

"So will you be in our classes with us?" Emma says, she look carefully at each boy in front of us, clearly trying to figure out which one she's most attracted to.

"Only our Headmaster came with us, ze rest of our Professors are still at Durmstrang. We will have to sit in on your classes." Naiden says. He looks at Emma and smirks, "Will that be a problem?"

Emma chokes on her pumpkin juice, "Not at all." She says sweetly.

"I have to say, your castle is vonderful. So large! Durmstrang is only four floors tall. But the grounds are very big and beautiful." Varban says. He keeps looking up at the ceiling that is mimicking the sky outside.

"You must have many secret places where you have parties no?" Viktor asks.

"Course we do! We have parties all the time in our-" Draco starts

I roll my eyes and the Durmstrang boys laugh cutting Draco's sentence off, "We have our fun. Might just have to plan something now that we have guests." I say.

When the food vanishes off the tables we all look at the stage to see Dumbledore stand up at the podium and raise his hand for silence. The room takes a minute but sure enough everyone quiets down. There's an exciting tension that's running through the hall. Everyone on the edge of their seats waiting to hear what Dumbledore is going to say about the Triwizard tournament now that dinner is over.

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