Part 3, Chapter 19- Quidditch but with a Firebolt

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I don't speak to either Aunt Narcissa or Uncle Lucius the whole car ride back to Kings Cross Station after the holidays are over. I find my own trolly, pack up my own trunk, and walk ahead of them all till I get to the train. I don't even bother making it look like I'll be sitting in the back of the train, I load all my things right into the car that I've sat in for the past three years and don't even consider looking out the window to wave goodbye to them.

"Hey! How was your holiday?" Lee says cheerily, coming into the booth.

"I love you Lee, but I really don't want to talk about it," I say to a now confused and concerned Lee.

Emma and Walter come into the booth. Wally pats me on the head before sitting down beside Lee and pecking his lips, "Missed you." Walter whispers to Lee.

Finally, the twins get onto the train and come into the booth. George can instantly tell something is wrong but when he asks me about it I kiss him and tell him everything is fine.

"Oh Violet, Mum was nervous to send this to you over the holidays so she sent it with us instead," George says after a moment. He stands up and pulls a package from his trunk that's in the luggage carrier and gives it to me.

I tear it open, an emerald green sweater with a big snake woven into the front is inside. Along with a big box of homemade gingersnap cookies and a little note. "Oh cookies!" Emma says peering over. I had her the box and she opens it and passes it around to everyone, I'm more focused on the note than anything.

Dear Violet.

It's so strange, you've known my boys for nearly five years and I have only formally met you once. While I know that its family related, I really do wish that you will spend some time at the Burrow over summer holidays. It would make me so happy. I hope you are doing well, George has told me in less than a hundred words how you feel about your cousin escaping Azkaban. Feel free to write to me any time, as sort of a second pair of ears, I'll always be here for you no matter what happens with you and George. I remember telling you that last summer but I just want to make sure you don't forget. Stay healthy, stay strong, and hopefully I'll see you soon.

With love, Molly.

"You're mums the sweetest woman I've ever met." I say reading the note over again.

George puts his arm around me and kisses my temple, "Looks like all the Weasleys are a fan of yours." He says.

A sinking feeling forms in the pit of my stomach, like I feel guilty to be this happy now when I know that I will have to break it off when I leave school in two years. I know what George would say though, 'two years is a long ways away. Things will change, just focus on the here and now. Focus on us. Focus on me.'

When we get to the school, the sun has already set, the moonlight gently reflecting off of the freshly fallen snow. "George and I are going to take a separate carriage. We'll meet up with you at the castle." I call to our friends.

"We are?" George says looking at me.

My stomach lurches, "Yeah, I have to talk to you about something." I say to him. He doesn't fight it, he just helps me load my things into a carriage.

"Is everything alright?" He says quietly, the carriage lurches forwards and we slowly make our way down the path.

I take a shaky breath and tell him what happened over my Christmas holidays. When I'm done he just looks at me. "At some point in the near future, I'm going to become a Death Eater. I won't have a choice if I want to protect Draco. And I know that it's only rumors right now but Uncle Lucius has been acting very strange recently, which leads me to believe that the Dark Lord... He Who Shall Not Be Named... is coming back."

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