Part 3, Chapter 14- Another cousin I have to worry about

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I didn't wake up till noon on Sunday, neither did any other fifth year Slytherin for that matter. When Walter and I got back to the common room Emma was already asleep in her four poster.

The day flies past in a blur of headaches and half baked stories of last night. When Wally and I ask Emma where she went off to last night she just breaks down into tears and moans about Miles making out with Amanda Ball a Ravenclaw girl that apparently he fancies.

When it's time for dinner Wally, Emma, and I walk barefoot and still in our pyjamas to the great hall. "Violet, are you really going to walk around the castle looking like that?" Draco says coming up behind me with his friends following close behind.

I look at him with my eyes squinted, "Your friends should see you without your hair brushed on a morning." His friends snicker and Draco huffs. I ruffle his hair with my hand and his friends laugh harder.

"I wish father sent me to Durmstrang, that way I wouldn't have to deal with you." He grumbles picking up his walking pace. His friends push past us and chase after him.

"Who elected him to be the leader of the third years." I say to my friends watching Draco and his group enter the great hall.

"Dunno Violet. But he's sort of cute." Emma says.

Walter makes sort of a coughing noise, "I'll see you two in the hall." He dashes off before either of us have time to react.

"Don't. Do not talk about my baby cousin like one of your boy toys. Please." I say to Emma.

Emma laughs, "Oh Violet don't worry! There's not a chance in the world that I would even consider that."

I squint my eyes slightly and look at her carefully, still not fully trusting a word she says, "Because if you do... I'll have to kill you. No ifs ands or buts about it."

Emma playfully punches my arm, "Course I know dummy. I'm serious, don't worry about me. I won't do anything.

Dinner was boring, not like I want an eventful dinner though. After dinner is when things start to get interesting. Snape comes bursting into the common room almost as soon as we all get back into it. "Everyone follow me. You're spending the night in the great hall." He says.

"Bloody hell." Walter grumbles. We all follow Snape back out to the corridor and right back into the great hall that we were sitting in not five minutes before. All of the Gryffindors are standing there with their mouths wide open. The Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs stream into the great hall after us.

"What the hell did you lot pull now." I say to George. Walter goes over to Lee and gives him a rather protective hug.

George puts his hands in the air as a type of surrender, "Don't look at me, we didn't do anything. It's your cousin that did something."

"No no, that doesn't make sense. Draco was in the common room with us." Emma says looking at George.

"Not Draco. Sirius Black." Lee says.

Our group goes quiet. Everyone sort of looking at me like they are waiting for an explanation of some sort. But I have nothing. I feel completely useless in this situation. It feels like the world is going a mile a minute and everyone is yelling at me to go faster, to keep up with everyone else but my feet are stuck to the ground. My feet are stuck to the ground and I'm melting.

"Oi, don't look at her like that. She doesn't have a clue what's happening just like the rest of us." George says finally. He takes my hand squeezes it tightly.

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