Part 4, Chapter 28- The Yule Ball

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George and I run into the great hall laughing

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George and I run into the great hall laughing. We find our seats at the same table as Walter, Lee, Fred, and Angelina. Emma is sitting with a few other Beauxbaton students.

"Look, George, Percy's sitting all high and mighty up by the adults." Fred whispers. George and I look over at the big table set up at the front of the room and sure enough small Percy Weasley is sitting with all of the ministry people and headmasters.

"He looks like he's going to shit himself. Why is he pulling that face?" I whisper. Fred and George burst into laughter that can be heard throughout the whole room.

Percy glares at us. George waves at him. But he does that wave that involves just the fingers which makes us all laugh harder than before.

Finally, McGonagall comes into the room, followed by the four champions and their dates. Everyone in the room claps, a few girls have sour looks on their faces as Viktor walks past them hand in hand with Hermione Granger.

"She's beautiful," Angelina whispers, staring at Hermione walking past our table.

"Yeah, she really is." Fred whispers. I look at him but he's not looking at Hermione. He's staring across the room at Emma. She glances over at us but when she locks eyes with Fred she turns back around.

"Bet you a galleon that Fred's going to be leaving this ball with someone other than Angelina." I whisper into George's ear.

"Why? You've got plans to ditch me for my brother or something?" George whispers back.

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