Part 3, Chapter 9- I mean honestly Draco its the first day of classes.

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"Excuse me Professor Lupin. Can I please borrow Miss LeStrange for a moment?" Snape says, coming into our Defense Against the Dark Arts class halfway through the period.

"Oh yes uhm of course." Professor Lupin says. He gestures at me and I slowly get up from my seat and walk to the back of the class. Snape opens the door again and ushers me out.

"It appears... that your cousin Mister Malfoy... has found a way to injure himself during his Care of Magical Creatures class." Snape says in his slow and drawn out way.

"He...? Is he alright? Where is he?" The worst thoughts flood my brain, he could just have a scratch and is just being his dramatic self, or he could have lost a leg to some creature that oaf Hagrid brought to class.

"He's in the hospital wing now. I'm sure that... Professor Lupin... would let you go see him." Snape says, before leaving me in the corridor alone. My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty.

I pull the classroom door open again and step inside. The class turns to look at me. George's face is a mixture of confusion and worry. "Sir, may I speak to you?" I half-whisper to Professor Lupin.

"Everyone read the chapter on Hex Deflection." Professor Lupin says to the class, he gestures for me to come to his desk at the front of the room.

I walk shakily to the front, I can feel the classes eyes on me as I walk through the desks. "Uhm, my cousin was just admitted to the hospital wing. He- uhm- he got hurt in his Care of Magical Creatures class? I just- I- may I be excused? Emma- she can take notes for me- and well- she can give me-the uhm"

Professor Lupin puts his hands on my shoulders and looks at me, "Calm down. Of course you can leave. Grab your things. I'm sure your classmates can fill you in on what we cover today." He smiles and squeezes my shoulders slightly.

I rush over to my desk and quickly pack up all my things, George grabs my forearm to get my attention, "You okay? What's going on?" He whispers.

I shake my head no and pull my arm away from his grip. I very calmly go the door again, wringing the strap of my bag in my hands. As soon as the classroom door closes behind me I break out into a dead sprint and run towards the hospital tower and up to the fourth floor.

I stop in front of the hospital door and just look at it. My brain is running a mile a minute with the possibilities of what could be behind that door. How much of Draco is left lying on the bed. I breath in through my nose trying to calm my nerves and knock on the door.

Immediately the door is yanked open, Madam Pomfrey staring at me, "Yes?"

My voice gets caught in my throat and I choke out my words, "My cousin... Draco Malfoy? He was hurt during his cla-"

Madam Pomfrey opens the door more, "Best you come in. He's been moaning and groaning for a good long while now. He's going to be just fine."

I gingerly step into the hospital wing and I hear Draco before I see him. A loud groan comes from a bed to the left of the room. I rush over to his bedside and when he sees me he just groans louder. "Violet! He almost killed me! That damned idiot nearly killed me!"

I put my hand on Draco's unbandaged shoulder, "What happened? Who nearly killed you?"

Draco groans and thrashes in his bed a little, "Hagrid! He brought a Hippogriff to show the class and it attacked me! Tore my arm nearly right off my body!"

From the other side of the room Madam Pomfrey snorts and shakes her head. I think back to my third year Care of Magical Creatures class, trying to remember if Hippogriffs are violent by nature or not. "Did they write to Uncle Lucius about this?"

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