Part 5, Chapter 23- Bellatrix LeStrange

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Tuesday morning at breakfast, my owl Otis flies into the great hall and lands in front of me. He's got a copy of the Daily Prophet in his beak and a letter from my aunt attached to his leg. I take the things from him and give him a slice of toast before he's off.

I read the Daily Prophet first. In big black letters on the front page says it all




Underneath it, is my mother. Her long black hair curly and wild around her face. Her eyes hooded and fixed in front of her. She's laughing, holding her prisoner number in front of her.

I notice the rooms gone quiet, I look up from the paper and notice that nearly everyone is looking at me, a few of them have got the paper in their hands. I grab my bag, the letter, and my copy of the Daily Prophet and run out of the hall. "Violet wait!" I can hear George call after me.

I run through the castle and out of the back doors into the snowy January morning. I don't stop running till I get to the edge of the Forbidden forest. I throw my bag to the ground and scream, loud and long. My mother. My father. Out of Azkaban.

I can hear snow crunching, coming closer to me, I look over. George is standing a few feet away from me. "Don't stop just because I'm here. Let it out." He says.

"I don't even know what I'm doing. I... I dunno." I look at George defeated. The Daily Prophet still clutched in my hand.

"You're mums stunning. Like terrifyingly beautiful." George says coming over to me. I hit him with paper and he pretends to be hurt.

"Is that really what you want to say to me right now?" I say with my eyes wide.

George shrugs his shoulders, "Now I know where you get it from. You look just like her. So beautiful it's scary."

I go to hit him with the paper again but he grabs a hold of it before it hits his arm. "Did you read the article?"

"Do I need to? It's just full of lies, I know what actually happened." I grumble.

George sucks his teeth. "Course you do. I'm sorry." He looks down at my other hand, the letter that my aunt sent me is grasped firmly in my fist. "What's that?"

I look down at the letter, "My aunt sent it along with the paper. I guess I should read it."

"I'll go if you want some space or something," George says.

I look at him, "Are you mad? I want you right here beside me." I say to him.

He smiles and comes beside me. I flip the letter round and look at the front. It doesn't look like my aunt's handwriting. This is loopier, messier. "I think it's from my mother..." I whisper.

George puts his hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to read it if you don't want..."

I rip the envelope open which makes George stop talking. I take a deep breath and pull out the parchment. It's long. Her handwriting looks a lot like my own.


Cissy has told me so much about your time with her. About the strong, powerful young witch that you have become in my time away. I've seen the portraits of you and young Draco all over the Manor. At first, I thought it was me. I can't believe that it has been fifteen years since I've seen you last.

Cissy tells me that you've been sorted into Slytherin, I wonder if you are staying in my old dorm room. I burned my initials into one of the bed frames when I was a student at Hogwarts, look for it.

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