Part 7, Chapter 13- Mischief Managed

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It's been a week since the battle of Hogwarts, the Dark Lord... Voldemort is dead.

Right now, I'm standing at the back of a funeral, Fred Weasley's funeral. Draco is beside me, wearing the same cloak he did when we were at Dumbledore's funeral.

Emma, Walter, and Lee are sitting up with the rest of the Weasley family. Emma told me to come sit with them but I don't want to cause a scene. I don't want George to yell at me. He's been through enough.

I've got all my things packed in a small car that my uncle managed to get for me. I've bewitched it, so it can drive itself. I'll learn how to drive once I've gotten settled into my new flat. Me and Draco's new flat. Because my mother died I got all of her money and riches, about fifty-thousand galleons to be exact. I converted about half of it into muggle money and found a flat for cheap that's deep in muggle London. Me being here is saying goodbye to the wizarding world. Saying goodbye to Fred Weasley.

Once the service is over, the crowd has migrated back into the small church. Draco and I walk towards the freshly covered grave.

"I always liked the twins." Draco says with tears falling down his face, "I'm sorry I was such an asshole." He whispers.

I place my hand on the gravestone and sigh, "Fucking hell Freddie." I whisper, "You're a god damn bitch you know that? Leaving us here without a goodbye?"

Draco looks at me, "Little harsh don't you think?" he's trying to make me smile.

"Mischief managed," I whisper. I kiss my fingertips and put them back on the gravestone. I throw my arm over Draco's shoulders and pull him into me. "Ready to head out?" I whisper.

Draco nods, "Suppose so."

We turn around and start to walk through the small graveyard. I hear a choking noise almost and look up from under my hood. George is standing there with his hands over his mouth watching Draco and I. Neither of us say anything to each other. I look away and back down at my feet but I can feel his eyes following me.

Draco and I get into the car and we pile ourselves in. I tap the dashboard a few times with my wand and it starts up and starts to move through the parking lot. I look out the window and I can still see George, watching me leave, tears running down his face.

I lean back in my seat and sigh deeply, "You sure you have everything?" I ask Draco.

He nods a couple of times. Fergus meows from the back seat, he doesn't like being stuck in his cage. The car pulls out of the driveway and starts down the street. I put my hands on the steering wheel to make it look like I'm the one driving.

I've never really been into the muggle world. Neither has Draco. But we both thought it would be best for now. The ministry is looking for people who helped Voldemort, sending them to Azkaban for the rest of their lives. Aunt Narcissa managed to lie the whole family out of a life sentence in Azkaban but she said it wasn't safe for us to stay at the Manor, at least not for now.

I've got to get a job, get my driver's permit or whatever I need to be able to drive the car without magic. I've got to learn what it's like to live in a muggle world, to be someone without magic.

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