Part 3, Chapter 20- Draco's first kiss

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"If you could be anything in the world. Human, ghoul, animal, anything at all. What would you be?" George asks me. His fingers are intertwined with mine, our arms sway together in beat with our footsteps as we walk through the castle corridors after the quidditch game.

"Unicorn. All they do is roam forests looking beautiful and elegant."

George squeezes my hand, "You don't have to be a unicorn to do that. Just stand in a forest and roam and you've got it covered."

I take my hand from his and wrap my arm around his arm so I'm touching more of him, "What would you be?"

George hums softly, "I'd be an owl. So I could fly across the world and see everything there is to see."

We start to walk slowly down the grand staircase from the fifth floor, making our way to the dungeons. "It would be so cool to go to America for a bit. They do everything so different over there. Aunt Narcissa and Uncle Lucius went when they first got married, before Draco and I were a thing. She told us so many stories of her time there growing up. You know they call Muggles No-Maj over there? I mean its sort of obvious but I guess it gets the main message across."

"That is by far the most boring bit of information you have ever told me in the past five years." George jokes, bumping his shoulder against mine slightly.

"Oh fuck off Weasley." I say back bumping my shoulder into his a little harder.

"I say we sneak out tonight. Go spin around under the stars till we fall over from dizziness." George suggests. We reach the bottom of the stairs and turn away from the great hall and towards the dungeons.

"That sounds absolutely perfect but you know we can't. The Dementors are everywhere. Besides I have to..."

"Study yes I know." George says cutting me off. "I just miss our adventures. Sneaking around the grounds narrowly missing rogue teachers springing off into the forest and things."

I stop moving and pull on Georges arm so he spins around to look at me, "I'll see if I'll be able to sneak off for a week or so this summer. Then we can spin under the stars, dance with no music, swim in rivers, and run from Percy."

George laughs and pulls me into my chest. I instinctively wrap mu arms around him and he wraps his arms around my neck, "I would love that. But you and I both know your aunt and uncle wouldn't allow that." He kisses the top of my head which makes me melt into him more than I already was, "It's a splendid idea though love."

George drops me off in front of my common room door. I can hear faint music coming from behind the wall, which tells me that I've missed the beginning of the party. "I'll see you tomorrow. We can study in the library or something." I say to George before kissing his lips and opening the common room enterance.

"Violet! There you are! We've been looking all over for you!" Emma squeals when she sees me in the common room.

"I mean we haven't been looking that hard." Walter says, slurring his words slightly.

I take the gold cup from his hand and down whatever alcohol was in it, music from Lorcan D'Eath is blasting from a few speakers around the room, "Nice to know I'm important to you both." I say jokingly.

Emma takes my joke seriously though, "Well we knew you were with Georgie Porgie so we thought we better leave you two alone for some fun of your own." Emma throws her head back and finishes off her drink. She takes the now empty glass from me and goes over to the middle of the room to fill up the cups again.

I see Draco and his friends standing isolated in a corner so I do what all older cousins should do, and go over to him. "Better not be drinking Draco Malfoy." I say nodding towards the cup in his hands.

"I won't tell if you don't tell." Draco says looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"What are you lot doing anyways? This looks very anti social for a party."

They all look at each other carefully, "Well we were waiting for an empty bottle so all of us third years could sneak into the boys dorms and play spin the bottle." Pansy blurts out. The rest of the group rolls their eyes dramatically.

"You sure you're ready for your first kiss there Draco?" I say with a huge smile on his face.

Draco goes a deep shade of red and Blaise laughs to himself, "Goodbye Violet." Draco says pushing me away a little.

"Stay safe! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I call out before I turn back towards my friends. Third year student Theodore Knott pushes past me clutching an empty bottle to his chest. I watch as he and the other third years rush into the boys dorms.

"What was that all about?" Emma says passing me a cup full of red liquid.

I take a sip of my drink and shrug, "They're off to play spin the bottle. Looks like little Draco is going to have his first kiss tonight."

Emma and Walter both howl really loudly, making most of the room turn to look at us. "Bet you Pansy is going to force herself in front of that bottle when Draco spins it." Emma says.

"I dunno honestly, the two just seem like they have the same bond that we do with Walter. Really good friends." I say.

"Two galleons says that Pansy isn't straight." Walter says into his cup.

"Hows about we not bet on other peoples sexualities?" Emma says, raising her eyebrows towards Wally.

"I'm gay. I'm allowed to." Is all Walter says before taking a deep drink from his cup.

I laugh and shake my head, "That is definitely not how that works."

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