Part 5, Chapter 24- So Gryffindor isn't my biggest fan right now

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"Did you really punch a kid in the face?" Emma asks me as she comes into the dorm room after lunch. I didn't bother going to lunch when the bell rang, Emma noticed and apparently stole a few sandwiches and wrapped them in parchment because she tosses me a bunch of them.

"I'm not in the mood to discuss it right now Emma." I sit up in my bed and unwrap the sandwich from the parchment.

"Well, George told me that you're not really talking to him so what? Do you want me to go get Walter? Or Lee? Or Fred? Violet, you have to talk to someone." Emma says. She sits on the trunk that's at the end of my bed.

"I dunno what to talk about." I say quietly, "Like. I don't even know if I feel anything. I'm just numb to it all." I take a bit of the sandwich and chew on it slowly.

"People who are numb to it all don't punch people in the corridors," Emma grumbles under her breath.

"People punch people if they call you a stray dog." I snap.

Emma looks up at me, "You're joking."

"Like I could make something like that up."

Emma crawls up on my bed and sits in front of me, "Then he deserved a solid punch in the face."

I laugh and lean forward, our foreheads touching, "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure out my emotions." I say to her.

"I don't think that I'm the person you should apologize to Vi, but I'll take it."

I sigh and get up off my bed, I put my slippers on and shuffle to the door.

"Gryffindors password is Mimbulus Mimbletonia by the way," Emma calls. I turn around and look at her. Emma smiles, "George told me after class. We both figured you would come to your senses eventually."

"I hate you both." I laugh before heading out of the dungeons. I love George but the walk all the way up to the seventh floor is a mission, especially with the stairs acting worse than usual recently.

When I get up to the Fat Lady's portrait. She looks me up and down, "You're not a Gryffindor." She says snarkily.

"Yeah? How do I know the password then?" I say back in the same tone that she was using with me.

The Fat Lady raises her eyebrows, "Let's hear it then."

"Mimbulus Mimbletonia," I say with a small smirk on my face.

The Fat Lady looks at me suspiciously, "You're still not a Gryffindor."

"You can't prove that."

The Fat Lady mutters something under her breath but she swings her portrait off the wall and exposes the hole that leads to the Gryffindor common room.

I walk in slowly, Harry, Ron, and Hermione seem to be the only ones that notice that I'm inside. "George is up in his dorm Vi." Fred says coming up beside me, "Dunno what you did to him but you better go up and fix him, we've got to test our nosebleed nougat."

I head up the stairs into the boy's dorms and knock on George's door. He opens it almost as soon as I knocked, he smiles. "Figured it was you, the entire common room suddenly got very quiet."

He moves out of the doorway so I can step inside it. "Sorry I went off on you earlier," I say.

George looks at me, "It's alright."

"It's not alright. When I get confused and I don't know how to feel or if I feel at all then I lash out at people."

George smiles a bit. "I know. That's why I'm not stressed about it. I know that you didn't mean it the way it came off."

I go over to him and snake my arms around his torso, "You're not mad at me?"

George wraps his arms around my neck and holds me against him, "Mad at you that you didn't let me get a punch in yeah." I laugh but George doesn't laugh with me, "I've never been more serious in my life Violet. Next person that talks like that to you I'll kill them."

"Don't say that."

"I mean it."

"You're a good person George, you won't kill someone. Not for me, not for anyone. And I never want you to say that to me ever again." George opens his mouth to speak but I clap my hand over his mouth, "End of discussion."

George nods a couple of times and I take my hand away, "Fred wants you downstairs, something about your nosebleed nougat. Walk me out?"

"What if I want you up here?" George says. He looks at me as if he can see through my clothes.

I smile, butterflies start-up in my stomach, "George... go downstairs, help your brother."

George kisses me and mumbles 'fuck Fred' against my lips but he walks me out of the dorm and down into the common room anyways.

"Why's she in here? Her mother a Death Eater and I wouldn't be surprised if she's one too." Some kid shouts.

"How about I kick your ass?" Angelina shouts, "Mind your business Creevey."

I mouth the words 'thank you' to Angelina and she nods and smiles at me.

"If anyone's got a problem with Violet then you've got a problem with us and I don't think you want a problem with us," Fred says loud enough for the whole room to hear. He moves so he's standing beside me and George.

"Yeah me too." Ginny stands from her friends and comes over to where her brother and I are standing, "Few of you already know what it feels like to be at the other end of hexes."

"Guys really I better just go. They're right, I'm not supposed to be in your common room." I whisper.

George looks like he's ready to fight someone till I put my hand on his arm. "Yeah, let's go." He gestures to the door and I head out of it. He looks around the room once more before he follows me outside as well.

"We should probably just keep our relationship outside of your common room," I say as we walk down the stairs.

"It feels like we're going backwards. Remember when we had to hide that we were seeing each other when we first started?" George says.

"It's not like that..." George looks at me, "Alright maybe it is like that."

"I don't want to hide the fact that I love you," George says. We turn down the next flight of stairs, we step over the third stair from the bottom so we don't end up getting stuck in the trick stair.

"This is harder than we thought huh?" I say to him.

George huffs, "I guess it is... But we're, we're alright... right?"

"Course we are. I'm not letting something as stupid as your housemates being scared of my mother break us up." Pause. "This isn't you breaking up with me right?"

George looks at me and I can tell that he's genuinely offended, "Course not. There's not a chance in hell that I'll be breaking up with you anytime soon."

"Say you love me," I say to him once we've hit the bottom of the stairs.

George looks at me, "You know I love you."

"Doesn't matter. Say you love me."

George smiles a bit, "I love you, you fucking dumbass."

"Thanks. Love you too"

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