Chapter 6- Troll in the Dungeons

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The last time I properly saw George was the first week of school. Now its nearly Halloween. I follow the Slytherins into the great hall for breakfast and before I can even sit down Draco is running over to me, the look on his face says it all. The boys upset about Harry Potter again.

"Violet! Harry and Weasley, and and.." he takes a deep breath, "and Hermione Granger are still at school!" Draco is panting, his face is red hot. Both from running all the way from the common room and also with anger.

"Of course they're still at school Draco don't be daft," I respond quite snarkily. Clarissa laughs from behind me and takes a seat.

"No, you don't understand! They- they were in the halls past curfew! I saw them!"

Now it's my turn to be angry. "You saw them! What did you casually forget the Hogwarts rules all of a sudden. I swear to Merlin I'm going to have your head."

Draco goes redder than before. "Well see. I told Harry that I was going to duel him. It was nothing really. Anyways I told him to meet me, you know what? Doesn't matter where I said I was going to meet him. Anyways I told Filch that I overheard Harry and his awful friends say that they were going to sneak out of their dorm last night so that they will get in trouble and get kicked out of school. Brilliant plan wasn't it?" Draco half smiles but when he sees that I'm not smiling with him it quickly fades away.

"Such a brilliant plan that Potter and his friends are sitting over at the Gryffindor table right now! Seriously Draco mind your business!" I huff and sit down beside Clarissa who is still giggling at the whole conversation.

Draco squeezes in between Clarissa and me so he can keep talking to me. "Well, it was supposed to work! But no. McGonagall favours him. She does you know." Draco says matter of factly.

"Of course she favours him! She's the head f Gryffindor house. Just like Snape favours us!" I roll my eyes and reach for some toast that's passing by on a hovering tray.

Owls begin to fly in from the windows with the morning post. Our family owl, Nutmeg, lands in front of Draco and I. I reach out and take the letters from her mouth. I break off a piece of my toast and give it to her. She brushes against my hand and flies off back to the owlery.

Draco snatches the letter for him out of my hand and tears it open. Ignoring the letter, he pulls out the galleon that was in the envelope and stashes it in his pocket.

"Bloody hell!" Walter says, still looking at the open window. About six owls are flying in with a rather large package. They drop it onto the Gryffindor table and fly out. Walter turns back around to face us and the four of us start talking about the upcoming test in herbology about puffapods. I assume Draco gets bored because he hugs me with one arm before dashing away.

"Herbology is a stupid course in my opinion. I mean seriously. Who in their life is ever going to need to know how to properly handle a puffapod so it doesn't bloom as soon as you touch it." Emma says. She's pouring over her notes from herbology in a last-ditch effort to study.

"Trolls are allergic to them. Might come in handy if you ever see a troll I guess." I respond, reaching over for the jug of orange juice.

"Ugh!" Emma groans and slams her herbology book closed, the parchment with her notes in it sticks out from all sides. "How do you remember everything! I swear Violet you're the smartest witch in Slytherin."

"Violet's dumber than a door handle. No offence love." Clarissa pats me on the arm. " She just pays attention in class unlike you. Looking at your reflection in the spade instead of actually using it." Clarissa says. Emma swats her arm and we all laugh.

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