Part 4, Chapter 43- So the Joke Shop is Definitely Happening

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"Violet! Violet hey!" George comes through the crowd of Slytherins and stands in front of me looking panicked. I tell Draco to go back to the dorms and I take George's hand and we walk away from the other students.

"This is it I guess," I say to him.

George's eyes dart around my face before landing on my eyes, "You had to do it didn't you? You had to jinx it." George says it with a smile on his face and I know that he's joking but it still stings.

"I won't be able to stay with you this summer..." I say softly. I brush the back of my hand against George's cheek and he leans into my touch. "Draco needs me... and my family wouldn't even think about letting me go anywhere with all this happening."

George holds my hand against his face and smiles sadly at me, "I know beautiful." He pauses, "You're not breaking up with me are you?"

My heart aches seeing him this broken, this scared. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him against me, he buries his face in my neck, "Course I'm not breaking up with you dummy. You're the only thing that's keeping me grounded at this point."

George laughs, "I could say the same thing about you." He moves so that we are looking at each other in the face again, "Don't forget though. Sirius said you can stay with him if you need."

On the train, Fred, George, Lee, Walter, Emma, and I sit in our usual compartment. I can see Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle pass by.

"This can't be good." I mutter under by breath. Fred, Lee, and George go to investigate. Not long after a big bang and loads of different coloured lights can be seen from the hallway.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I cry. Emma and Walter follow me out of the compartment and out into the hall.

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle are lying on the floor unconscious. "George Weasley! What on earth did you just do!"

George spins around and looks at me sheepishly, "I didn't do it!"

"Yes you did." Fred says, not helping his brother case at all.

"They were talking ill of Cedric. They deserved each and every hex that we've hit them with." Hermione says. She's standing with her hands on her hips, very assure of herself.

I roll my eyes and look down at Draco who has boils all over his face. "You!" I point down the hall at a few second year Slytherins. "bring these three idiots back to the Slytherin car and have them fixed up before we get to Kings Cross." They fumble over each other and do as I say almost immediately.

George looks at me and smiles, "You're not mad?"

I laugh, "Honestly if I heard him saying the shit he just said I would have cursed him too."

We all pile into the compartment that Hermione, Ron, and Harry are sitting in. Which is very squishy. I end up sitting on George's lap so that there's room.

"Who have you two been bullying all year?" Ron asks the twins.

Fred and George look at each other and begin the long winded story of how Ludo Bagman paid them in leprechaun gold which disappears after a few hours and they've beentrying to get their money back from him all year.

Ron laughs, "Leave it to you two to bully a damned ministry member."

George kisses my neck a little, "Violet and the rest of these beautiful people saved up a bunch of their money and gave it to us for Christmas. We're still going to need loads more to get our joke shop up and running."

"You two are really going to do that?" Hermione asks them.

Fred looks like he's just been punched. "Course we are! We have been dreaming and working on this crap for years. It's going to be big."

"Bigger than Zonko's." George adds.

"Better than Zonko's in every way of the word." George says. He kisses my earlobe and I smile and turn a light shade of red.

When the train comes to a stop, Walter, Lee, Emma, Ron, and Hermione all head out and start getting their things together.

"Fred, George, wait a moment." Harry says. George holds onto my hand so I stay with them.

Harry pulls his trunk down and pops it open. He shuffles things around for a moment and then pulls out a massive sack of money. "Take this."

Fred and George are silent, for one of the first times in their lives. "What?" Fred stutters.

"You're mental." George says staring at the bag of gold in Harrys hands.

"No, I'm not. You take it. Use it to get inventing, build your joke shop, please." Harry jams his hand out further, holding the gold out in front of him.

"He is mental." Fred says, he laughs a bit but Harry doesn't laugh with him.

Harry rolls his eyes, "Listen. If you don't take it I'm throwing it down the drain. I don't want it and I don't need it. But I could do with a few laughs. We all could go with a few laughs and you two are the funniest people I know."

George gulps. He takes the bag from Harry carefully and weighs it in his hands, "There's got to be a thousand galleons in here."

Harry smiles brightly, "Yeah. Think of all the canary creams you could make with that."

The twins stare at him. George passes the bag of gold to Fred and Fred weighs it in his hands as well, as if they can't believe what's happening. "Just don't tell your mum where you've gotten it... although she might not be so keen for you to join the ministry anymore come to think of it..."

"Harry..." Fred starts.

Harry pulls out his wand and waves it between the two twins, "Look. Take it, or I'll hex you. You've just seen that I know far more than I did last year." George smiles, "Just promise me one thing okay? Buy Rom some different dress robes, and say they're from you."

Harry puts his wand away and lugs his trunk out of the compartment. Fred follows after him. I go to follow too but George holds me back. "Stay safe this summer yeah?" He whispers to me.

"Yeah you too." I whisper back to him.

We stand there in silence for a while, "Harry just gave us a thousand fucking galleons." George says. His face breaks out into a really big smile and his eyes start to water.

I nod a bunch smiling like a complete idiot, "He really did."

George kisses me hard and quick, "I'm going to own a joke shop."

"You're going to own a joke shop."

George kisses me hard again. We both head out onto the platform. Draco is standing beside a driver with our names on a sign. George looks over at him then looks at me. "I love you."

"I love you too Weasley." I kiss him once more before I head over to Draco. The driver maneuvers both of our trollies through the platforms entrance and we walk over to the car that uncle Lucius and Aunt Narcissa sent for us.

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