Part 5, Chapter 38- One of the saddest parties I've been to

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After dinner, all of the seventh years went up into the north tower with and up into the teapot-shaped room that used to be used for Divination classes.

"Hey! You made it!" Roger says to me and Emma when he sees us. He's already pretty loaded by the looks of things. "Everyone's got some sort of booze and we're all sharing. And a few of the Hufflepuffs brought some weed so it's going to be a great night."

Emma looks at me with wide eyes, "Hufflepuffs eh? Guess they're a lot less goody two shoes than I thought they would be."

Emma, Walter, Lee, and I all sit in a circle on the floor passing around a joint and a big bottle of elf wine. Someone brought a radio so there's music blasting, people dancing, celebrating.

"If you were in a room with fifty house-elves... do you think you would win in a fight?" Lee asks taking a swig of the wine.

Emma bursts into giggles, "Why would I be in a room with fifty house-elves?"

We all start laughing, "It's just a scenario. Like if some super-rich old, crusty wizard had sent fifty house elves to kill you, do you think you'd survive?" Lee asks, he leans back, putting his hand on the floor behind him looking at all of us.

"Can we use magic or is it just like hands-on fighting?" Walter asks.

Clarissa, Miriam, Miles, Cassius, and Adrian all come over to us and squeeze themselves into our circle, "What are we talking about?" Miles asks.

"Well Lee here, asked us if we think we could fight fifty house elves to the death." Walter says with a little hiccup, "Lee's my boyfriend by the way."

Adrian laughs, "Yeah dude we know. Uhm, are the house-elves allowed to use magic?"

The next two hours or so are spent debating with each other if we actually could win in a fight against fifty house elves, and the drunker we got the funnier it gets. Miriam and Cassius were to busy snogging for us to really get an answer out of them but everyone else is really invested.

Lee giggles, "I never thought this would get so in-depth or whatever, when I asked in my common room everyone just said 'yeah course' and moved on."

"Cause Gryffindors are stupid. All talk no bite." Clarissa says. She points at Lee with a joint in between her fingers, "Course I don't think you are... alright maybe a bit."

Everyone starts giggling again. There's a loud crash behind us and we all turn around. Hufflepuff student, Holly, is now standing on Trelawney's old desk, a half-full bottle of Beetle Berry Whiskey in her hand.

"I have something to say!" She says loudly. Someone turns the music down a bit so we can all hear her.

"Go on then!" Adrian shouts.

Holly sways a little, "I just want to say... that I miss CEDRIC!" She shouts Cedric's name.

Everyone nods, I see the rest of the Hufflepuff house take a really deep drink from their goblets.

"Hufflepuff has been trying to get Dumbledore to give him a portrait in the common room! But given Umbridge..." A chorus of boos comes from everyone in the room cutting her off. She waits for the room to get quiet again, "is now Headmistress! She said no! She said that Cedric did nothing to deserve it!"

"I'll paint him one!" Fiona from Ravenclaw shouts, "I paint a hundred Cedric portraits and put them all over the castle!"

Everyone starts laughing, like a sympathy laugh almost. Holly clears her throat to get everyone's attention. "Cedric should be here right now! Talking and laughing with us! Cause he deserved it! This one is for you Ceddy! I fucking love you, dude!" Everyone cheers again, Holly takes a big swig from her bottle and nearly falls off the desk, thankfully her friends Jennifer and Patricia were there to help her down. Someone turns the music back up and we all go back to our conversations.

"It's pretty fucked you know. A student died and the only thing that Dumbledore did was tell us how he died. He never brought in those... what do you call those people?" Miriam asks.

"Therapists? Like those nurses at Saint Mungo's that help you with your feelings and shit?" Emma asks.

Miriam snaps her fingers and points at Emma a couple of times, "Yes! Those guys. Why didn't Dumbledore bring those guys in so that we can talk about our shit?"

"Cause the only person that Dumbledore cares about is Harry fucking Potter." I say, "If Harry asked for a therapist thing then I'm sure that he would have gotten one."

"FUCK HARRY POTTER!" Everyone in our little circle shouts. Everyone besides Lee.

"I'm gonna miss you, idiots." Miles says looking at us all, "We grew up together, we're family."

The mood shifts, well at least in our small circle. Lee looks sort of awkward but all of us Slytherins just smile at each other.

Clarissa jumps up from the floor and screams, "Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy, Hoggy, Hogwarts!"

We all jump up too, "Teach us something please!" we all scream. Soon everyone in the room is singing the school song,

Whether we be old and bald

Or young with scabby knees!

Our heads could do with filling

With some interesting stuff

For now they're bare and full of fluff

So teach us stuff worth knowing

Bring back what we forgot

Just do your best, we'll do the rest

And learn till our brains all rot!

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