Part 2, Chapter 12- Marauders Map

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By the time we got back to Hogwarts, it was far past curfew, which terrified Emma, who's never broken a single rule at school before.

Before we open the one-eyed witch, Fred opens up the map to check who's around. "No one's in this corridor we'll be fine. Follow my lead."

"Wait, how are we going to get all the way to the dungeons without being caught?" Emma hisses. "We don't have a map."

Fred stops and turns to face her. "Well, we aren't just going to throw you into the shark tank. We'll get you back to your common room in one piece. Just promise to do what we say without hesitation."

Fred opens the passage and pops his head out, then he slowly climbs out and gestures for all of us to follow him. It takes some time to do it quietly but we all manage to get out without being seen.

"Fuck." Fred whispers, "its Filch, he's coming this way." George goes over to Fred and they start whispering aggressively, jamming their fingers into the map.

"This way guys hurry," George whispers. He takes my hand and pulls me in the direction of a small broom closet. Everyone else follows, trying to move fast but not make noise. George opens the door and we all squeeze in, he closes the door carefully and through the crack on the door, we can all see Filch turn the corner.

"We have to go up to the fifth floor, there's a classroom that has a staircase that goes right into the dungeons. Getting there is going to be difficult though." George explains in a very hushed tone. He flicks his wand and the tip lights up so we can all see the map in the darkness.

"We are here see?" Fred points his finger at the cluster of names that we make up. "We have to go eight doors down, past the crying man's portrait to the loose brick in the wall. When you push the brick into the wall it opens a hole. We climb into that hole, go up the stairs and we get to the fifth floor. You following me?" He traces his finger along the path he is describing and looks up at all of us.

"This map is bloody brilliant," Walter says in awe. Even in the darkness, I can see Emma trembling with nerves but she shakes her head agreeing with Wally.

"See that though? Professor Babbling is right next to where we are headed. Which means we either have to wait here and hope no one needs a broom or we cause a distraction till they're gone."

"She's my ancient ruins teacher, trust me she's not moving anytime soon," I whisper.

"Leave it to LeStrange to take ancient ruins. What even is that."

George thumps Lee on the head, "Now is not the time to be discussing who takes what course Jordan." He looks at his brother, "We do have the decoy still."

Fred looks like he's been punched in the face. "Are you mad? We haven't even tested it yet!"

George shrugs his shoulders, "What better time than now? Worst thing that can happen is we lose house points and get detention. Best thing? We know if the decoy detonator works."

"That's what you two have named that contraption thing you were working on all summer? I'm disappointed."

Emma and Walter are very confused at this point, "what in the world are you three talking about?" Walter whispers.

"Never mind that. Look it's in our dorm room, we don't even have it with us!" Fred looks at George.

"Well, we could..."

"We haven't tested what it does when magic is used on it though!"

"Again, there's no harm in finding out."

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