Part 3, Chapter 24- Tutoring

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The next time I really see George is Easter holiday. Unlike last year though, nearly everyone stays at the school, because without any real threat to our safety there's no real point going anywhere. Well I say no real threat like no one is turning up paralyzed. Sirius Black and Dementors are still a very real thing.

"I give up. Like truly. I'm not studying anymore." Fred cries. He pushes his textbooks halfway across the desk the six of us are sitting at.

"Oi, be careful! I can't afford to spill another pot of ink this year." Walter says grabbing his inkpot to take it away from Freds side of the desk.

Emma looks up from the star map she's working on, "Fred it's not that hard. Just turn the map around so the horizon for the direction you're facing is right side up. The center of the map represents the part of the sky that is directly overhead."

Fred scoffs, "Em that's not-"

Emma just continues talking, "So a star that's plotted halfway from the edge to the center can be found about halfway up the sky. Halfway from horizontal to overhead."

I look up from my Divination textbook and look from a very tired Emma to a very confused Fred. "Em that's lovely, but I'm studying Transfiguration right now." Fred laughs.

Lee, Walter, George, and I all look around the table before bursting into laughter, laughter so loud we can barley hear Emma when she says "I'm tired okay!"

"Excuse me? This is a library not a common room. Three points from every student at this table. Don't make me take more." Madam Pince says coming up behind George and I's side of the table.

"Course ma'am sorry to disturb." Lee says. He stands up from his chair and waves his hand in the air, "Sorry everyone! Just a couple of fifth years struggling to study for our OWLs nothing to see here!" He shouts through the library. Walter grabs Lee's arm and pulls him back down into his chair.

Ron and his friends who are sitting a few desks away turn and look at us all. Ron and Madam Pince have the same look on their faces. Annoyance with a little dash of amusement. "Ten points from Gryffindor Mister Jordan." Madam Pince says before turning around and going back into the bookshelves.

We all go back to pouring over our notes and books and things, "Vi, looks like you have an admirer." George whispers to me. He nods his head towards Ron and his friends. I look over at them and they all turn their heads back to their work. All except a kid I've never really noticed before.

"Who is that one?" I say looking at the boy for a second more before looking over to George.

"Dean Thomas. Same year as Ronald. He's coming over here." George says to me. He picks up his quill and continues to work on his composition for flying class.

Sure enough in a matter of seconds I can feel a presence standing beside me. I place my quill down on the desk beside my textbook and turn to look at him. "Yes?"

The Gryffindor boy, Dean Thomas apparently, shifts his weight from one foot to the other. Holding his Herbology book on his hand so awkwardly it looks like he's never held a book before in his life. "Uhm, well, uhm... I was... My name is Dean Thomas..."

Walter snorts and Emma swats him with a roll of parchment. I look at my friends for a moment and roll my eyes back to focus on Dean, "Yes Dean. I know your name. Why are you here?"

Walter is now full on laughing to himself, which makes Dean far more uncomfortable than he was before. "Well... I'm friends with Ron, Ron Weasley. And you're friends with his brothers, well more than friends with one of his brothers. And well, Ron told me that you help Draco with his studies... that's why he's doing really good this year... and well, I have a question... well more of something that I don't understand... and no one can help me... not eve Hermione which is really surprising...."

I put on my most unimpressed face and suck my teeth, "Do you know how to form a full sentence?"

Emma coughs to try and cover her laugh. I look at Dean with my eyes wide and my eyebrows raised. "Yes ma'am." Dean says quietly.

"Okay so let's hear one. Tell me why you're distracting me from my studies."

Dean takes a deep breath, "Could you possibly explain to me how exactly puffapod seeds flower? If it doesn't take to much time."

I gesture for him to come over, "Go get a chair and come sit down." I say. Dean looks relieved. He runs back over to his friends, picks up the chair hr was sitting on and comes rushing back over, knocking into someone else's desk on the way over.

In about fifteen minutes Dean fully understands the properties of a puffapod and is thanking me profusely. "Thank you so much Violet, or um LeStrange? Violet? I'm not sure, uhm thank you."

I nod once and brush him off with my hand. Finally turning back to my own work.

"You should charge honestly." George says once Dean is back with his friends.

I nudge him with my elbow, "Poor kid was scared to even ask me the question in the first place. I can't ask for money after that."

Walter clears his throat, "You might have to start charging, they're all coming over now." He says looking at the small group of third year Gryffindors coming over to us.

"Violet! Do you mind helping me with Astronomy? I could really use the help and you know that Fred and George are absolutely useless and Percy won't bother trying." Ron says putting his textbook on the desk. "And Harry needs help with Divination, and Seamus could use help with charms, Neville with potions..."

I sigh really deeply and close my eyes. "Fine, yeah. Pull up some chairs. We all have our strengths so we will all help you the best we can." I look at all my friends who are suddenly really interested in their own studies. "Right guys?"

Emma drops her head to the desk with a loud thud, "Hurry up and sit down then." Emma grumbles.

The rest of the day is spent tutoring basically the entire third year of the Gryffindor house. Which sounds a lot worse than it was. They all had their reservations towards me at first, "It's probably because of your cousin Violet. I mean he's sort of awful." Ron says trying to make me feel better. By the time the dinner bell rings we are all so exhausted that Lee doesn't realize that he forgot his bookbag in the library till we are at the great staircase and he has to run back and get it.

"Come find me after dinner. We can sneak off to have dessert." George whispers into my ear. He's so close to me his lips brush my ear when he speaks. Making my stomach lurch and butterflies fill my entire body.

"Georgie... we can't sneak out of the castle. We're under lockdown remember? Sirius Black almost killed your little brother." I hum.

George pulls me out of the way of a few students trying to get into the hall for dinner, "You leave the sneaking out and sneaking back in to me okay? Don't worry your cute little head about that part. Just find me after dinner."

"So you're telling me to trust that you won't get me in trouble?" I say with a with a smirk. I lick my lips for an added effect.

George rolls his head so he's looking up at the ceiling and he chuckles to himself before looking back at me, "When have I ever gotten you in trouble?"

"When we all snuck out to Honeydukes last year and I was caught by Snape?"

George scoffs and looks away from me for a moment, "Okay, I got you in trouble once."

I take George's chin in my hand and turn his face towards my own, "I'll see you after dinner. Dessert better be worth it."

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