Part 4, Chapter 1- The Triwizard Tournament

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It's August now, August the twenty-fourth. And it's been the worst summer of my life. Uncle Lucius has taught me everything there is to know about Death Eaters and the Dark Lord. How the Dark Lord has plans to return this year, how he needs me, needs my family, to support him in doing that.

After I wrote the letter to George I ran up to my room and cried for days. Draco came and lied beside me in bed as I cried. Not fully knowing or understanding what happened, what's about to happen, but supporting me either way. That's the thing, I can't tell him any of this. Aunt Narcissa made me promise that I wouldn't. He's too young, only going into fourth year.

George and I have been communicating though, with that stupid quill that he made for me. He told me that he never got a letter from my uncle which pisses me off. I asked Aunt Narcissa about it and she told me that it was a test to prove my loyalty to the family or some crazy messed up thing that my Uncle did to me.

I've been talking to Emma all summer, her parents cancelled her Italy trip and she had the same conversation with her parents that I've had with my aunt and uncle so at least I know that I'm not alone in this.

Someone knocks on my door and I close the book I'm reading. "Come in."

The door handle twists and Draco comes in the room slowly. "You ready for tomorrow? I can't believe father got us seats in the ministry box!" He comes and sits down on my bed cross legged.

See the thing is, Draco only knows about the game. What he doesn't know is that right after the game, the Death Eaters have planned an attack on the muggles and the wizarding folk that will be camping out around the stadium. Even though I can't participate in the raid, because I'm underage and everything, Uncle Lucius still wants me there to see exactly what it is that he expects from me in the future.

"Bet you three sickles that Ireland is going to win. Bulgaria doesn't stand a chance." I say finally. Draco looks at me excitedly.

"Bulgaria's got Viktor Krum. Ireland doesn't stand a chance!" He says excitedly. "Three sickles. You sure you're ready to lose all your money?" Draco sticks out his hand.

I take his hand a shake it a few times, "You're on."

Just then Aunt Narcissa comes into my room and smiles at the sight of Draco and I getting along. "Your Hogwarts letters have come in the mail. I'll be sending Norby to the shops tomorrow to get all your things while we are at the world cup."

She walks over to my closet and pulls open the doors, my cat Fergus comes racing out and jumping onto my bed, "Auntie? I was wondering if it was possible for me to get an owl this year? I mean I did get top of my class and with everything that has happened recently..."

Aunt Narcissa pulls out my school robes from last year and drapes them over her arm, "Oh yes, I think we can make that happen. You're an adult now and it makes sense for a young, responsible witch to have her own owl for her personal use." She comes over to my bed and pinches my cheek a little, "What kind would you like darling?"

"A great horned one if it's not too expensive. They're fantastic looking creatures."

Aunt Narcissa hums and taps my face with her hand a few times, "Nothings too expensive dear. I'll make note of it and there will be one waiting for you once we've returned." She looks at Draco and smiles softly, "Any special requests for you?"

"A Firebolt! Please oh please! It's the only way that I will be able to compete with Potter during quidditch this year!" Draco says looking at his mother with as much love that he can muster.

"There won't be any quidditch this year I don't think. Along with your letters, we've got notice that the Triwizard tournament will be happening this year at Hogwarts."

I look at my Aunt with my brows furrowed, "The Triwizard tournament?"

Aunt Narcissa sits on my bed and Draco and I make room for her, "Oh it's a fantastic tournament. Three wizarding schools come together and compete for the Triwizard cup. This year it's being hosted at Hogwarts! One student from each school will be chosen to compete. They will take part in three different tasks throughout the year, each more dangerous than the last. Who ever is still standing, or still alive for that matter wins the cup and what I can only assume is a large sum of money."

Draco looks like he did when we were younger and it was Christmas, "Oh I want to compete! Please mother tell me I can compete!"

Aunt Narcissa pats her sons leg, "When the tournament first started, anyone could participate. But it was shut down because so many young witches and wizards died a very violent death. It's the first year the ministry is letting it happen again. I'm not sure if they will set an age restriction."

"So two other schools will be at Hogwarts? Sitting in on our classes and such?" I ask my Aunt.

She nods a few times, "Yes! The Beauxbatons from France and Durmstrang from the far north."

"Wait, Durmstrang? Viktor Krum goes there! Do you think that he could be in our school this year? Sitting at our desks?" Draco asks very excitedly.

Aunt Narcissa and I both laugh, "You might want to invest in an autograph book Dray." I joke. Draco sticks his tongue out at me and Auntie laughs again.

"Oh! I nearly forgot! The Triwizard tournament comes with a fantastic Christmas party! Violet you'll need a very fancy dress and Draco, you'll need brand new dressing robes." Aunt Narcissa stands from the bed very suddenly. "Which means, you two are coming shopping with me today. Right now in fact, grab your things." She takes my school robes with her. I assume that she will be taking them to the shops with her tomorrow to make sure that my new robes have the same measurements.

"Ha! You have to wear a dress! A fancy dress!" Draco says laughing at me. I swat him with my book and he dashes out of the door, "Come on!"

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