Part 2, Chapter 13- Morning Wood

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"What would your uncle say if he could see you right now Miss LeStrange?" I turn around to face Snape, the look on his face tells me that he is thoroughly enjoying catching me out of the common room. "Running around with the Weasley boy late at night, your family must be so proud."

I clear my throat and take a deep breath, "I don't know what you're talking about professor. I was just returning from the owlery. I wrote to my aunt asking for help with the head cold I've had for the past week because madam Pomfrey appears to be useless."

Snape doesn't say anything for a beat, "And why, did your letter have to be sent tonight, after curfew?"

I don't hesitate with my answer. "When I left I wasn't breaking curfew at all. But I got held up my Peeves. Every time I tried to enter the castle again Peeves would do something to stop me from getting back inside!"

One of the worst lies I've ever told but it looks like Snape believes it. "I hope your aunt's response helps you with your head cold LeStrange. Now get to bed. Don't let me catch you out of the common room after curfew again or there will be serious consequences."

"Of course professor, I'm sorry I wasted your time tonight." I turn back around and open the common room door. "Have a good night sir," I say before stepping inside and letting the door close behind me.

"Where have you been?" Draco is sitting on a couch in the middle of the common room. His pyjamas are wrinkled and his hair is messy. He's holding my kitten Fergus in his lap.

"None of your business where I've been. You want a cauldron cake?" I walk over to him and pull a cake out of my pocket.

He looks at it skeptically before taking it out of my hand and unwrapping it. "Did you lose us any house points?" He says his mouth full of dessert. Crumbs drop from his lips and fall onto my cat.

I take Fergus out of Draco's lap and brush the crumbs off his head. "Course I didn't who do you think I am?"

"Someone who sneaks out after curfew and comes back with cauldron cakes." Draco crumples up the wrapper and tosses it into the fireplace. "Can I have another?"

I shift Fergus from my right hand to my left and I dig into my pocket to find another cake for Draco. "I'll give it to you as long as you don't say anything to Aunt and Uncle. Deal?" I hold it away from him.

"Yeah, course not. Isn't that what family is for." He snatches the cake out of my hand and kisses my cheek gently. "Your cat likes me better than you." Is the only other thing he says before he goes back into the boy's hallway and into his dorm.

I hold Fergus out in front of me and look into his eyes, "You like me don't you?" Fergus licks my wrist in response so I'm taking that as an 'of course I like you' instead of an 'I'm a cat and I can't understand a single thing you're saying to me.'

I bring Fergus back close to my body and walk down the girl's hall and into my dorm. I creak the door open slowly but thankfully everyone but Emma is fast asleep. I put Fergus down and he scampers off and jumps onto my bed.

"What took you so long?" Emma hisses at me. "Wally and I stayed in the common room for a while but we heard someone come out of their dorm so we ran."

I open my trunk as quietly as I can and pull out my all black silk pyjama set. "Snape caught me before I could open the common room door, lied my arse off and surprisingly he believed me. Speaking of, I have to write a letter to my aunt asking for tips to get rid of a head cold." I pull out some spare parchment and my ink and quill and sit on the floor by my bed to write a very quick letter.

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