Part 3, Chapter 10- Cedric Diggory

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A week has passed since Draco was hurt by the Hippogriff and today he was finally able to return to classes, though I'm pretty sure he could have returned to classes the day after the incident but if there's one thing that you should know about my cousin is that he's a bit dramatic.

As far as classes and things go, it's been awful. Every single one of my professors has given me a composition that we have to write, and they get longer with every class. George and Fred have been busy with quidditch so I barely see either of them anymore. Not like George and I could sneak out and go on late night adventures with the Dementors roaming around.

Oh yeah, the Dementors. They haven't actually done anything yet. They just float around looking scary. The worst times though is when we are going to or coming back from either Herbology or Flying class. Then we have to pass them, but we can't look to scared or else it will trigger something inside them or something crazy like that.

"Hey beautiful." George hums in my ear before potions class.

I spin around on my stool so I can see my boyfriends face. "Hey love. I've missed you." He steps close to me, meaning he's standing in between my legs. He takes my face in both of his hands and kisses my lips.

"mm I've missed you too. I don't have anything to do after dinner today if you want to bum around or something." George says, still holding my face in his hands.

I lean into his hold and sigh, "We have a transfiguration skills test tomorrow that we both should be practicing for."

George groans and sort of flops his head onto my shoulder, "How about we ditch transfiguration. Just stop going. Then we wont be able to take it next year and we'll have so much more free time on our hands." He grumbles into my shoulder.

I laugh and put my hands in his hair and pet his head slowly, "Right because ditching the class taught by your head of house will be so good for you." I say to him. Emma and Walter walk into the room and sit beside me at the table we normally sit at.

George moves so he's standing up right and looking at me, "Alright. I'll see you after dinner. Meet me.... I dunno, the first year transfiguration class on the sixth floor?"

I take his hands in mine and gently rub my thumbs on the top of them, "Or we could all just get together in the dining hall after dinner and find a place to practice together."

George groans again, "All of us...?"

"All of us. We all have to study. It'll be fun."

Cedric Diggory appears out of nowhere behind George. "Are you lot practicing for the transfiguration skills test tonight? A load of us are meeting up after dinner to practice. Easier to study in numbers right?"

George rolls his eyes so only I can see which makes me smile, "Uh yeah totally. We'll see you then." I say making George look at me as if I just slapped Ginny across the face in front of him.

Cedric clears his throat, "Okay cool. Uhm we are going to meet in classroom 6B, on the uh, sixth floor."

I tell him alright and he goes to sit down with the other Hufflepuffs. "Now look what you've done." George grumbles.

"Oh hush. It's nice to spend time with other people in our year. Now go sit down or else Snape is going to take points away from you." George mumbles an okay and kisses me again before going to sit down with Fred and Lee.

"I can't believe that Cedric Diggory invited you to study with everyone! I don't think he's even spoken to a Slytherin student before!" Emma squeals.

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