Part 3, Chapter 1- The Leaky Cauldron

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Don't you just love when a crazed second cousin who has been removed from the family tree breaks out of Azkaban? No? Just me? Well then.

"You don't have to worry about a thing. Azkaban has sent dementors to Hogwarts this year so you'll stay safe." Uncle Lucius explains at dinner two days before we have to leave for Hogwarts. "Sirius Black is a dangerous wizard but I don't want you to worry about a thing. We are taking you to the leaky cauldron tomorrow morning, your mother and I have some things we have to take care of that I'd rather not you two be a part of."

Draco huffs. "I'm old enough! I don't want to be stuck at the leak cauldron!"

Uncle Lucius is clearly stressed because he stabs his steak knife into the table, "I don't give a damn what you want or don't want. This is what I'm telling you to do and you will listen to me!" He roars. Draco shrinks down into his chair.

"How about you two go pack your things. Make sure you pack everything you need for Hogwarts. I'll wake you both up at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning." Aunt Narcissa says trying to diffuse the tension. I take the napkin off of my lap and place it beside my half-empty plate before getting up, pushing my chair in, and walking upstairs to my room, Draco following quietly behind.

I open my bedroom door and pull Draco inside before closing it quietly. "Why do you do that? Why do you always go and try to force yourself into situations that they clearly don't want you to be apart of?"

Draco sits on the chair I have set up by my bookshelf. "Aren't you interested though? Sirius Black is mothers cousin, who was sorted into Gryffindor, and then locked up in Azkaban?"

I take a few of my things off the top of my dresser and put them in the trunk at the base of my bed. "It is interesting I'll give you that but if he's as dangerous as they say..."

"But that's the thing!" Draco exclaims too loudly. I put a finger to my mouth to signal him to be more quiet and he lowers his voice. "Our entire family are dangerous wizards. Your mother tortured two people into insanity! What's so different about Sirius?"

I open the drawer to my dresser and pull out my jeans and things so I can pack them. He's got a point, normally our family praises evil and insanity. What makes Sirius so different? "It'll be fun, staying at the leaky cauldron together. Auntie and Uncle are giving us a bunch of money so we can get all our school things and have some fun while we are there. The ministry is going to be sending a car to come get us so we can go to Kings Cross Station on the first. We'll have our own driver!"

Draco get excited about that fact for sure, "Do you think Potter will see that? He was acting all high and mighty when he found out father got kicked off the school board thing. Maybe seeing us with our own personal driver will change his mind!" He gets up from the chair and leaves my room off to go pack. Good timing too because ink appears on my arm.


I smile for one of the first times since school. George and I have been talking on and off all summer using the bewitched quills he's made for us but it's been difficult. If my uncle found out about the quill I have he'd snap it in half without a second thought. I go over to my desk and pull the quill George gave me out from the little cup I keep my writing things in and pull out a jar of ink.

AUNTIE AND UNCLE ARE TAKING ME AND DRACO THERE TOMORROW. STAYING THE NIGHT. SEE YOU THEN. I start packing my things up faster, the thought of seeing my boyfriend gives me butterflies. It's hard, not being able to see him or talk to him for two months of the year, and the fact that we, well I, have to keep things quiet and relatively secret around my aunt and uncle.

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